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User and permissions management FAQs

Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019

Learn the answers to the following frequently asked questions (FAQs) about user and permissions management in Azure DevOps. We grouped the FAQs by the following subjects.

General permissions

Q: What happens if I forget my password?

A: You can recover your Microsoft account password or recover your work or school account password if your organization turned on this feature. Otherwise, contact your Microsoft Entra administrator to recover your work or school account.

Q: Why can't I manage users?

A: Be a member of the Project Collection Administrators group or organization Owner to manage users at the organization level. To get added, see Change permissions at the organization or collection-level.

Q: How do I find the organization owner?

A: If you have at least Basic access, you can find the current owner in your organization settings.

  1. Go to your Organization settings.

    Screenshot showing highlighted Organization settings button.

  2. Find the current owner.

    Find the current owner in organization information

Q: How do I find a Project Collection Administrator?

A: If you have at least Basic access, you can find a member of the Project Collection Administrators group in your organization's or collection's settings.

For more information, see Look up a project collection administrator.

Why can't users access some features?

Q: They might need a different access level assigned, in addition to permissions granted through security groups. For example, Stakeholder access access level provides partial support to select features, allowing users to view and modify work items, but not to use all features.

I accidentally removed my permissions and am unable to grant them again. What should I do?

A: The only way to resolve this scenario is to Request an increase in permission levels.

Visual Studio subscriptions

Q: When do I select "Visual Studio/MSDN Subscriber"?

A: Assign this access level to users who have active, valid Visual Studio subscriptions. Azure DevOps automatically recognizes and validates Visual Studio subscribers who have Azure DevOps as a benefit. You need the email address associated with the subscription.

If the user doesn't have a valid, active Visual Studio subscription, they can work only as a Stakeholder.

Q: Which Visual Studio subscriptions can I use with Azure DevOps?

Q: Why doesn't my Visual Studio subscription validate?

Q: Why do Visual Studio subscriber access levels change after a subscriber signs in?

A: Azure DevOps recognizes Visual Studio subscribers. Users automatically have access, based on their subscription, not on the current access level assigned to the user.

Q: What happens if a user's subscription expires?

A: If no other access levels are available, users can work as Stakeholders. To restore access, a user must renew their subscription.

GitHub Enterprise

Q: Which GitHub Enterprise customers are eligible for Azure DevOps access?

A: GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers who access GitHub and Azure DevOps with the same Entra tenant. Users must sign in using the same identity in GitHub and Azure DevOps.

Screenshot shows GitHub Enterprise listed as user's access level in Organization settings, Users page.

Q: Are users using GitHub Enterprise Server detected as having GitHub Enterprise?

A: Users of GitHub Enterprise Server are detected if they also have a matching license in the cloud. For more information, see Syncing license usage between GitHub Enterprise Server and GitHub Enterprise Cloud.

Q: What kind of access do GitHub Enterprise users get in Azure DevOps?

A: Basic access, which includes all features except Test Plans. For more information, see Pricing for Azure DevOps

Q: How are GitHub Enterprise users detected?

A: Azure DevOps automatically checks if a user has GitHub Enterprise when the user signs in. It can take up to 24 hours for their access level to change to GitHub Enterprise. There are no charges for a user with the GitHub Enterprise access level.

Q: What access level should I select if a user has a GitHub Enterprise license?

A: If you know a user has a GitHub Enterprise license, the best option to choose is Stakeholder, to avoid any charges for Basic before the user signs in for the first time

Q: What if a GitHub Enterprise user needs access to Test Plans?

A: GitHub Enterprise users who need access to Test Plans can be assigned the Basic + Test Plans access level.

Q: What if a GitHub Enterprise user also has a Visual Studio subscription?

A: If a user accessing Azure DevOps has both a GitHub Enterprise and Visual Studio subscription, they get detected as a Visual Studio subscriber. A Visual Studio subscription always gives them the same Basic access, and might provide access to Test Plans, depending on the subscription level.

User access

Q: What does "Last Access" mean in the All Users view?

A: The value in Last Access is the last date a user accessed any resources or services. Accessing Azure DevOps includes using OrganizationName.visualstudio.com directly and using resources or services indirectly. For example, you might use the Azure Artifacts extension, or you can push code to Azure DevOps from a Git command line or IDE.

Q: Can a user who paid for Basic access join other organizations?

A: No, a user can join only the organization for which the user paid for Basic access. But a user can join any organization where free users with Basic access are still available. The user can also join as a user with Stakeholder access for free.

Q: Why can't users access some features?

A: Make sure that users have the correct access level assigned to them.

Some features are available only as extensions. You need to install these extensions. Most extensions require you to have at least Basic access, not Stakeholder access. Check the extension's description in the Visual Studio Marketplace, Azure DevOps tab.

For example, to search your code, you can install the free Code Search extension, but you need at least Basic access to use the extension.

To help your team improve app quality, you can install the free Test & Feedback extension, but you get different capabilities based on your access level and whether you work offline or connected to Azure DevOps Services.

Some Visual Studio subscribers can use this feature for free, but Basic users need to upgrade to Basic + Test Plans access before they can create test plans.

Q: Why does a user lose access to some features?

A: A user can lose access for the following reasons (although the user can continue to work as a Stakeholder):

  • The user's Visual Studio subscription expired. Meanwhile, the user can work as a Stakeholder, or you can give the user Basic access until the user renews their subscription. After the user signs in, Azure DevOps restores access automatically.

  • The Azure subscription used for billing is no longer active. All purchases made with this subscription are affected, including Visual Studio subscriptions. To fix this issue, visit the Azure account portal.

  • The Azure subscription used for billing was removed from your organization. For more information, see Link your organization.

  • Your organization has more users with Basic access than the number of users that you're paying for in Azure. Your organization includes five free users with Basic access. If you need to add more users with Basic access, you can pay for these users.

Otherwise, on the first day of the calendar month, users who haven't signed in to your organization for the longest time lose access first. If your organization has users who don't need access anymore, remove them from your organization.

Q: How does my user account inherit permissions from other Microsoft Entra groups?

A: If a user is in more than one Microsoft Entra group, a DENY permission set in one group applies to the user in all groups the user is in. Because the permission is set to DENY for the user at the lowest possible level, the user's usage of the resource is affected in all groups they are in because denial always takes precedence.

For example, if a user is in the Contributor group and in the Project Administrator group and DENY is set for a specific permission in the Contributor group, that permission is denied for the user in the Project Administrator group, too. In this scenario, you can use the Not set option.

For more information about permissions states, see Permission states.

Q: How do I remove users from Azure DevOps?

Q: I added a user to my project. Why can't they see the project?

A: Verify the user isn't added to a group where the project-level View project-level information permission isn't set or is set to Deny. For more information, see Change project-level permissions.

Q: Why can't guest users search for Microsoft Entra users?

Change app access policies for your organization

Q: If I deny access to one authentication method in one organization, does that affect all the organizations that I own?

A: No, you can still use that method in all the other organizations that you own. Personal access tokens apply to specific organizations or to all organizations, based on your selection when you created the token.

Q: If I deny access to an authentication method, then allow access again, will the apps that need access continue to work?

A: Yes, those apps continue to work.


Q: How do I remove myself from an organization when the owner isn't available to remove me?

A: To remove yourself from an organization, do the following steps:

  1. Go to aex.dev.azure.com.

  2. Select the organization, and then choose Leave.

    Member removing their self from the organization

  3. Confirm that you want to Leave the organization.

    Screenshot showing confirmation for leaving the organization.

Q: Why can't I create an organization?

A: Contact your administrator to determine if your organization is using the Microsoft Entra tenant policy to restrict new organization creation.

Group-based licensing

Q: Will my users lose their access level and project membership if I remove a group rule?

A: Users in the group TestGroup lose access to group resources if the users haven't been explicitly assigned to the resources or assigned via a different group rule.


Q: Will my Azure DevOps or Microsoft Entra group get deleted if I remove its group rule?

A: No. Your groups don't get deleted.

Q: What does the option "Remove <group> from all project level groups" do?

A: This option removes the Azure DevOps or Microsoft Entra group from any project-level default groups, such as Project Readers or Project Contributors.

Q: What determines the final access level if a user is in more than one group?

A: Group rule types are ranked in the following order: Subscriber > Basic + Test Plans > Basic > Stakeholder. Users always get the best access level between all the group rules, including Visual Studio subscription.

See the following examples, showing how the subscriber detection factors into group rules.

Example 1: group rule gives me more access.

If I have a Visual Studio Pro subscription and I'm in a group rule that gives me Basic + Test Plans – what happens?

Expected: I get Basic + Test Plans because what the group rule gives me is greater than my subscription.

Example 2: group rule gives me the same access.

I have a Visual Studio Test Pro subscription and I'm in a group rule that gives me Basic + Test Plans what happens?

Expected: I get detected as a Visual Studio Test Pro subscriber, because the access is the same as the group rule, and I'm already paying for the Visual Studio Test Pro, so I don't want to pay again.

Add members to projects

Q: Why can't I add any more members to my project?

A: Your organization is free for the first five users with Basic access. You can add unlimited Stakeholders and Visual Studio subscribers for no extra charge. After you assign all five free users with Basic access, you can continue adding Stakeholders and Visual Studio subscribers.

To add six or more users with Basic access, you need to set up billing in Azure. Then, you can pay for more users who need Basic access, return to your organization, add these users, and assign them Basic access. When billing is set up, you pay monthly for the extra users' access. And can cancel at any time.

If you need more Visual Studio subscriptions, learn how to buy subscriptions.

Q: Why can't some users sign in?

A: This problem might happen because users must sign in with Microsoft accounts unless your organization controls access with Microsoft Entra ID. If your organization is connected to Microsoft Entra ID, users must be directory members to get access.

If you're a Microsoft Entra Administrator, you can add users to the directory. If you're not a Microsoft Entra Administrator, work with the directory administrator to add them. Learn about controlling organization access with Microsoft Entra ID.

Q: Why did some users lose access to certain features?

A: Loss of access might happen for different reasons.

Q: How do I remove users from my organization?

A: Learn how to delete users across all projects in your organization. If you paid for more users but don't need their organization access anymore, you must reduce your paid users to avoid charges.

Q: Why can't I find members from my connected Microsoft Entra ID, even though I'm the global admin?

A: You're probably a guest in the Microsoft Entra instance that backs Azure DevOps. By default, Microsoft Entra guests can't search in Microsoft Entra ID. That's why you aren't finding users in your connected Microsoft Entra ID to add to your organization.

First, check to see if you're a Microsoft Entra guest:

  1. Go to the Settings section of your organization. Look at the lower Microsoft Entra ID section. Make a note of the tenant that backs your organization.

  2. Sign in to the new Azure portal, portal.azure.com. Check your user profile in the tenant from step 1. Check the User type value shown as follows:

    Check user type in the Azure portal

If you're a Microsoft Entra guest, do one of the following steps:

  • Have another Azure DevOps admin, who isn't a Microsoft Entra guest, manage the users in Azure DevOps for you. Members of the Project Collection Administrators group inside Azure DevOps can administer users.
  • Have the Microsoft Entra admin remove your account from the connected directory and readd it. The admin needs to make you a Microsoft Entra member rather than a guest. See Can Microsoft Entra B2B users be added as members instead of guests?
  • Change the User Type of the Microsoft Entra guest by using Microsoft Graph PowerShell. We don't advise using the following process, but it works and allows the user to query Microsoft Entra ID from Azure DevOps thereafter.
  1. Download and install Microsoft Graph PowerShell.

    PS Install-Module -Name Microsoft Graph
  2. Open PowerShell and run the following cmdlets.

    a. Connect to Microsoft Entra ID:

    PS Connect-MgGraph -Scopes 'User.Read.All'

    b. Find the objectId of the user:

    PS Get-MgUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq '<YourUPN>'"

    c. Check the usertype attribute for this user to see if they're a guest or member:

    PS Get-MgUser -UserId <Id> -Property DisplayName, ID, UserPrincipalName, UserType | Select DisplayName, ID, UserPrincipalName, UserType 

    d. Change the usertype from member to guest:

    PS Update-MgUser -UserID <replace the  ID for the result of the command to search> -UserType Member

Q: Why don't users appear or disappear promptly in Azure DevOps after I add or delete them in the Users hub?

A: If you experience delays finding new users or having deleted users promptly removed from Azure DevOps (for example, in drop-down lists and groups) after you add or delete users, file a problem report on Developer Community so we can investigate.

Why do I have to choose between a "work or school account" and my "personal account"?

You have to choose between a "work or school account" and your "personal account" when you sign in with an email address (for example, jamalhartnett@fabrikam.com) shared by both accounts. Although both identities use the same sign-in address, they're separate and have different profiles, security settings, and permissions.

  • Select Work or school account if you used this identity to create your organization or previously signed in with it. Your organization's directory in Microsoft Entra ID authenticates your identity and controls access to your organization.

  • Select Personal account if you used your Microsoft account with Azure DevOps. The global directory for Microsoft accounts authenticates your identity.

Why can't I sign in after I select "personal Microsoft account" or "work or school account"?

If your sign-in address is shared by both your personal Microsoft account and your work or school account, but the selected identity doesn't have access, you can't sign in. Although both identities use the same sign-in address, they're separate and have different profiles, security settings, and permissions. Sign out completely from Azure DevOps by completing the following steps. Closing your browser might not sign you out completely. Sign in again and select your other identity:

  1. Close all browsers, including browsers that aren't running Azure DevOps.

  2. Open a private or incognito browsing session.

  3. Go to this URL: https://aka.ms/vssignout.

    A message displays, "Sign out in progress." After you sign out, you're redirected to the Azure DevOps @dev.azure.microsoft.com webpage.


    If the sign-out page takes longer than a minute, close the browser and try again.

  4. Sign in to Azure DevOps again. Select your other identity.

Q: How do I get help or support for Azure DevOps?

A: See Get support and provide feedback.

Switch between accounts in the Azure portal and Azure DevOps

Q: As an administrator, how can I make it easier to switch between accounts across the Azure portal and Azure DevOps?

A: Managing multiple accounts can be cumbersome and time-consuming. To streamline the process, consider the following actions:

  • Use different browsers or profiles: Use different web browsers or browser profiles for each account to stay signed into multiple accounts simultaneously without switching back and forth.
  • Utilize incognito/private browsing: Use an incognito or private browsing window to temporarily access a different account without affecting your current session.
  • Single sign-on (SSO): If supported by your organization, implement single sign-on (SSO) to streamline the sign-in process across Azure services.