Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Functions injected from the language generation library


The following article details how to inject functions from the Language generation (LG) library.


Return an activityAttachment constructed from an object and a type.

Parameter Required Type Description
<content> Yes object Object containing the information of the attachment
<type> Yes string A string representing the type of attachment
Return value Type Description
<activityAttachment> object An activityAttachment formed from the inputs


This example converts a collection of objects to an activityAttachment.

Suppose you have the following template:

# externalHeroCardActivity(type, title, value)
    attachments = ${ActivityAttachment(json(fromFile('.\\herocard.json')), 'herocard')}

and the following herocard.json:

  "title": "titleContent",
  "text": "textContent",
  "Buttons": [
      "type": "imBack",
      "Title": "titleContent",
      "Value": "textContent",
      "Text": "textContent"
  "tap": {
    "type": "${type}",
    "title": "${title}",
    "text": "${title}",
    "value": "${value}"

By calling externalHeroCardActivity() as a function:

externalHeroCardActivity('signin', 'Signin Button', 'http://login.microsoft.com')

It returns a herocard:

    "lgType" = "attachment",
    "contenttype" = "herocard",
    "content" = {
        "title": "titleContent",
        "text": "textContent",
        "Buttons": [
            "type": "imBack",
            "Title": "titleContent",
            "Value": "textContent",
            "Text": "textContent"
        "tap": {
            "type": "signin",
            "title": "Signin Button",
            "text": "Signin Button",
            "value": "http://login.microsoft.com"


Evaluate the plain text in an object and return the expanded text data.

Parameter Required Type Description
<object> Yes object The object with text to expand.
Return value Type Description
<evaluated-result> object The expanded text data.


This example evaluates the plain text in a JSON object and returns the expanded text result.

Say you have the following object:

  "@answer": "hello ${user.name}",
  "user": {
    "name": "vivian"

Calling expandText(@answer) will result in the object hello vivian.


Return the evaluated result of given template name and scope.

template(<templateName>, '<param1>', '<param2>', ...)
Parameter Required Type Description
<templateName> Yes string A string representing the template name
<param1>,<param2>, ... Yes Object The parameters passed to the template
Return value Type Description
<evaluated-result> object The result evaluated from the template as a function


This example evaluates the result of calling the template as a function.

Suppose you have the following template:

# welcome(userName)
- Hi ${userName}
- Hello ${userName}
- Hey ${userName}

Calling template("welcome", "DL") will result in one of the following:

  • Hi DL
  • Hello DL
  • Hey DL


Return the evaluated result of the expression in the given file.

Parameter Required Type Description
<filePath> Yes string relative or absolute path of a file contains expressions
Return value Type Description
<result> string The string representation of the evaluated result


This example evaluates the result from the given file.

Suppose you have a file called /home/user/test.txt. Inside the file there is the following:

`you have ${add(1,2)} alarms`


The fromFile() function will evaluate the expression and the result will replace the original expression.

Calling fromFile('/home/user/test.txt') results in the string you have 3 alarms.


Return whether a given template name is included in the evaluator.

Parameter Required Type Description
<templateName> Yes String A template name to check
Return value Type Description
<result> Boolean Whether the given template name is included in the evaluator


This example uses the isTemplate() function to check whether a given template name is in the evaluator. For example, here are three templates:

# welcome
- hi

# show-alarms
- 7:am and 8:pm

# add-to-do
- you add a task at 7:pm

Calling isTemplate("welcome") will evaluate to true. Calling isTemplate("delete-to-do") will evaluate to false.

Additional Information