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Tutorial: Getting started using Always Encrypted with VBS enclaves in Azure SQL Database

Applies to: Azure SQL Database

This tutorial teaches you how to get started with Always Encrypted with secure enclaves in Azure SQL Database using virtualization-based security (VBS) enclaves. It will show you:

  • How to create an environment for testing and evaluating Always Encrypted with VBS enclaves.
  • How to encrypt data in-place and issue rich confidential queries against encrypted columns using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).


Tool requirements

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is required for this tutorial. You can choose to use either PowerShell or the Azure CLI to enable VBS enclaves.

Download the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

Step 1: Create and configure a server and a database

In this step, you'll create a new Azure SQL Database logical server and a new database.

Go to Quickstart: Create a single database - Azure SQL Database and follow the instructions in the Create a single database section to create a new Azure SQL Database logical server and a new database.


Make sure that you create an empty database with the name ContosoHR (and not a sample database).

Step 2: Enable a VBS enclave

In this step, you'll enable a VBS enclave in the database, which is required for Always Encrypted with secure enclaves. To enable VBS enclaves in your database, you need to set the preferredEnclaveType database property to VBS.

  1. Open the Azure portal and locate the database for which you want to enable secure enclaves.

  2. In the Security settings, select Data Encryption.

  3. In the Data Encryption menu, select the Always Encrypted tab.

  4. Set Enable secure enclaves to ON. If it is already set to ON proceed with the next step.

    Screenshot of enabling secure enclaves on an existing database in the Azure portal.

  5. Select Save to save your Always Encrypted configuration.

Step 3: Populate your database

In this step, you'll create a table and populate it with some data that you'll later encrypt and query.

  1. Open SSMS and connect to the ContosoHR database in the Azure SQL logical server you created without Always Encrypted enabled in the database connection.

    1. In the Connect to Server dialog, specify the fully qualified name of your server (for example, myserver135.database.windows.net), and enter the administrator user name and the password you specified when you created the server.

    2. Select Options >> and select the Connection Properties tab. Make sure to select the ContosoHR database (not the default, master database).

    3. Select the Always Encrypted tab.

    4. Make sure the Enable Always Encrypted (column encryption) checkbox is not selected.

      Screenshot of Connect to Server using SSMS without Always Encrypted enabled.

    5. Select Connect.

  2. Create a new table, named Employees.

    CREATE TABLE [HR].[Employees]
        [EmployeeID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
        [SSN] [char](11) NOT NULL,
        [FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
        [LastName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
        [Salary] [money] NOT NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY];
  3. Add a few employee records to the Employees table.

    INSERT INTO [HR].[Employees]
            , N'Catherine'
            , N'Abel'
            , $31692);
    INSERT INTO [HR].[Employees]
            , N'Kim'
            , N'Abercrombie'
            , $55415);

Step 4: Provision enclave-enabled keys

In this step, you'll create a column master key and a column encryption key that allow enclave computations.

  1. Using the SSMS instance from the previous step, in Object Explorer, expand your database and navigate to Security > Always Encrypted Keys.

  2. Provision a new enclave-enabled column master key:

    1. Right-click Always Encrypted Keys and select New Column Master Key....
    2. Enter a name for the new column master key: CMK1.
    3. Verify Allow enclave computations is selected. (It's selected by default if a secure enclave is enabled for the database - it should be enabled since your database uses the DC-series hardware configuration.)
    4. Select either Azure Key Vault (recommended) or Windows Certificate Store (Current User or Local Machine).
      • If you select Azure Key Vault, sign into Azure, select an Azure subscription containing a key vault you want to use, and select your key vault. Select Generate Key to create a new key.
      • If you select Windows Certificate Store, select the Generate Certificate button to create a new certificate. Screenshot of the allow enclave computations selection in SSMS when creating a new column master key.
    5. Select OK.
  3. Create a new enclave-enabled column encryption key:

    1. Right-click Always Encrypted Keys and select New Column Encryption Key.
    2. Enter a name for the new column encryption key: CEK1.
    3. In the Column master key dropdown, select the column master key you created in the previous steps.
    4. Select OK.

Step 5: Encrypt some columns in place

In this step, you'll encrypt the data stored in the SSN and Salary columns inside the server-side enclave, and then test a SELECT query on the data.

  1. Open a new SSMS instance and connect to your database with Always Encrypted enabled for the database connection.

    1. Start a new instance of SSMS.

    2. In the Connect to Server dialog, specify the fully qualified name of your server (for example, myserver135.database.windows.net), and enter the administrator user name and the password you specified when you created the server.

    3. Select Options >> and select the Connection Properties tab. Make sure to select the ContosoHR database (not the default, master database).

    4. Select the Always Encrypted tab.

    5. Select the Enable Always Encrypted (column encryption) checkbox.

    6. Select Enable secure enclaves.

    7. Set Protocol to None. See the below screenshot.

      Screenshot of the SSMS Connect to Server dialog Always Encrypted tab, with attestation protocol set to None.

    8. Select Connect.

    9. If you're prompted to enable Parameterization for Always Encrypted queries, select Enable.

  2. Using the same SSMS instance (with Always Encrypted enabled), open a new query window and encrypt the SSN and Salary columns by running the below statements.

    ALTER TABLE [HR].[Employees]
    ALTER COLUMN [SSN] [char] (11) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN2
    (ONLINE = ON);
    ALTER TABLE [HR].[Employees]
    ALTER COLUMN [Salary] [money]
    (ONLINE = ON);


    The ALTER DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION CLEAR PROCEDURE_CACHE statement clears the query plan cache for the database in the above script. After you have altered the table, you need to clear the plans for all batches and stored procedures that access the table to refresh parameters encryption information.

  3. To verify the SSN and Salary columns are now encrypted, open a new query window in the SSMS instance without Always Encrypted enabled for the database connection and execute the below statement. The query window should return encrypted values in the SSN and Salary columns. If you execute the same query using the SSMS instance with Always Encrypted enabled, you should see the data decrypted.

    SELECT * FROM [HR].[Employees];

Step 6: Run rich queries against encrypted columns

You can run rich queries against the encrypted columns. Some query processing will be performed inside your server-side enclave.

  1. In the SSMS instance with Always Encrypted enabled, make sure Parameterization for Always Encrypted is also enabled.

    1. Select Tools from the main menu of SSMS.
    2. Select Options....
    3. Navigate to Query Execution > SQL Server > Advanced.
    4. Ensure that Enable Parameterization for Always Encrypted is checked.
    5. Select OK.
  2. Open a new query window, paste in the below query, and execute. The query should return plaintext values and rows meeting the specified search criteria.

    DECLARE @SSNPattern [char](11) = '%6818';
    DECLARE @MinSalary [money] = $1000;
    SELECT * FROM [HR].[Employees]
    WHERE SSN LIKE @SSNPattern AND [Salary] >= @MinSalary;
  3. Try the same query again in the SSMS instance that doesn't have Always Encrypted enabled. A failure should occur.

Next steps

After completing this tutorial, you can go to one of the following tutorials:

See also