Metric data emitted by Azure services that measure their health and performance.
Table attributes
Attribute | Value |
Resource types | microsoft.aad/domainservices, microsoft.apimanagement/service,, microsoft.servicenetworking/trafficcontrollers, microsoft.web/sites, microsoft.kubernetes/connectedclusters, microsoft.cache/redis, microsoft.hardwaresecuritymodules/cloudhsmclusters, microsoft.communication/communicationservices, microsoft.documentdb/databaseaccounts, microsoft.datacollaboration/workspaces, microsoft.eventgrid/namespaces, microsoft.eventgrid/topics, microsoft.eventhub/namespaces,, microsoft.keyvault/vaults, microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters, microsoft.managednetworkfabric/networkdevices, microsoft.networkcloud/baremetalmachines, microsoft.networkcloud/clustermanagers, microsoft.networkcloud/clusters, microsoft.networkcloud/storageappliances, microsoft.relay/namespaces, microsoft.servicebus/namespaces, microsoft.networkfunction/azuretrafficcollectors,, microsoft.cognitiveservices/accounts, microsoft.connectedcache/cachenodes, microsoft.connectedvehicle/platformaccounts, microsoft.databricks/workspaces, microsoft.dbformysql/flexibleservers, microsoft.dbforpostgresql/flexibleservers, microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servergroupsv2, microsoft.devcenter/devcenters, microsoft.devcenter/plans, microsoft.compute/virtualmachines, microsoft.machinelearningservices/workspaces,, microsoft.azureplaywrightservice/accounts, microsoft.networkanalytics/dataproducts,, microsoft.storagecache/amlfilesytems, microsoft.storagemover/storagemovers, microsoft.synapse/workspaces, microsoft.desktopvirtualization/hostpools, microsoft.desktopvirtualization/applicationgroups, microsoft.desktopvirtualization/workspaces, microsoft.timeseriesinsights/environments, microsoft.workloadmonitor/monitors, microsoft.analysisservices/servers, microsoft.batch/batchaccounts, microsoft.appplatform/spring, microsoft.signalrservice/signalr, microsoft.containerregistry/registries, microsoft.kusto/clusters, microsoft.blockchain/blockchainmembers, microsoft.eventgrid/domains, microsoft.eventgrid/partnernamespaces, microsoft.eventgrid/partnertopics, microsoft.eventgrid/systemtopics, microsoft.conenctedvmwarevsphere/virtualmachines, microsoft.azurestackhci/virtualmachines, microsoft.scvmm/virtualmachines, microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesets, microsoft.hybridcontainerservice/provisionedclusters, microsoft.insights/autoscalesettings, microsoft.devices/iothubs, microsoft.servicefabric/clusters, microsoft.logic/workflows, microsoft.automation/automationaccounts, microsoft.datafactory/factories, microsoft.datalakestore/accounts, microsoft.datalakeanalytics/accounts, microsoft.powerbidedicated/capacities, microsoft.datashare/accounts, microsoft.sql/managedinstances, microsoft.sql/servers, microsoft.sql/servers/databases, microsoft.dbformysql/servers, microsoft.dbforpostgresql/servers, microsoft.dbforpostgresql/serversv2, microsoft.dbformariadb/servers, microsoft.devices/provisioningservices,,,,,,,,,,, microsoft.streamanalytics/streamingjobs,, microsoft.healthcareapis/services |
Categories | Azure Resources |
Solutions | LogManagement |
Basic log | Yes |
Ingestion-time transformation | No |
Sample Queries | Yes |
Column | Type | Description |
Average | real | |
_BilledSize | real | The record size in bytes |
CallerIpAddress | string | Deprecated |
Category | string | Deprecated |
Confidence | string | Deprecated |
CorrelationId | string | Deprecated |
Count | real | Number of samples collected during the time range. Can be used to determine the number of values that contributed to the average value. |
Description | string | Deprecated |
DurationMs | long | Deprecated |
FirstReportedDateTime | string | Deprecated |
IndicatorThreatType | string | Deprecated |
IsActive | string | Deprecated |
_IsBillable | string | Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account |
LastReportedDateTime | string | Deprecated |
MaliciousIP | string | Deprecated |
Maximum | real | Maximum value collected during in the time range. |
MetricName | string | Display name of the metric. |
Minimum | real | Minimum value collected during in the time range. |
OperationName | string | Deprecated |
OperationVersion | string | Deprecated |
RemoteIPCountry | string | Deprecated |
RemoteIPLatitude | real | Deprecated |
RemoteIPLongitude | real | Deprecated |
Resource | string | Resource name of the Azure resource reporting the metric. |
ResourceGroup | string | Resource group name of the Azure resource reporting the metric. |
ResourceId | string | Resource ID of the Azure resource reporting the metric. Same as _ResourceId present for backward compatibility reasons. _ResourceId should be used |
_ResourceId | string | A unique identifier for the resource that the record is associated with |
ResourceProvider | string | Resource provider of the Azure resource reporting the metric. |
ResultDescription | string | Deprecated |
ResultSignature | string | Deprecated |
ResultType | string | Reduces the set of data collected. The syntax allowed depends on the operation. See the operation's description for details. |
Severity | int | Deprecated |
SourceSystem | string | The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics |
SubscriptionId | string | Subscription id of the Azure resource reporting the metric. |
_SubscriptionId | string | A unique identifier for the subscription that the record is associated with |
TimeGenerated | datetime | Date and time the record was created. |
TimeGrain | string | Time grain of the metric e.g. PT1M |
TLPLevel | string | Deprecated |
Total | real | Sum of all of the values in the time range. |
Type | string | The name of the table |
UnitName | string | Unit of the metric. Examples include Seconds Percent Bytes. |