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Tutorial: Create a virtual machine and assign an Automanage profile to it


On September 30, 2027, the Azure Automanage Best Practices service will be retired. As a result, attempting to create a new configuration profile or onboarding a new subscription to the service will result in an error. Learn more here about how to migrate to Azure Policy before that date.


Starting February 1st 2025, Azure Automanage will begin rolling out changes to halt support and enforcement for all services dependent on the deprecated Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA). To continue using Change Tracking and Management, VM Insights, Update Management, and Azure Automation, migrate to the new Azure Monitor Agent (AMA).

In this tutorial, you'll create a resource group and a virtual machine. You'll then assign an Automanage Best Practices configuration profile to the new machine using the Python SDK.


Create resources

Sign in to Azure

Sign in to Azure by using following command:

az login

Create resource group

Create a resource group:

az group create --name "test-rg" --location "eastus"

Create virtual machine

Create a Windows virtual machine:

az vm create `
    --resource-group "test-rg" `
    --name "testvm" `
    --location "eastus" `
    --image win2016datacenter `
    --admin-username testUser `
    --size Standard_D2s_v3 `
    --storage-sku Standard_LRS

Assign best practices profile to virtual machine

Now that we've successfully created a resource group and a virtual machine, it's time to set up a Python project and assign an Automanage Best Practices configuration profile to the newly created virtual machine.

Install Python packages

Install the Azure Identity and Azure Automanage packages using pip:

pip install azure-mgmt-automanage
pip install azure-identity

Import packages

Create an app.py file and import the installed packages within it:

from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.mgmt.automanage import AutomanageClient

Set some local variables:

sub = "<sub ID>"
rg = "test-rg"
vm = "testvm"

Authenticate to Azure and create an Automanage client

Use the DefaultAzureCredential within the azure-identity package to authenticate to Azure. Then, use the credential to create an Automanage Client.

credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
client = AutomanageClient(credential, sub)

Create a best practices profile assignment

Now we'll create an assignment between our new virtual machine and a Best Practices profile:

assignment = {
    "properties": {
        "configurationProfile": "/providers/Microsoft.Automanage/bestPractices/AzureBestPracticesProduction",

# assignment name must be 'default'
    "default", rg, vm, assignment)

Run the Python file:

python app.py

View Assignment in the portal

Navigate to the virtual machine and select the Automanage blade: automanage blade

View the Automanage Profile now enabled on the virtual machine: automanage vm

Next steps

For more information on the Automanage Python SDK, please visit the azure-samples-python-management repo.