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Baseline highly available zone-redundant web application

Azure App Service
Azure Application Gateway
Azure Storage
Azure SQL Database
Azure Private Link
Azure Virtual Network
Azure Monitor

This baseline architecture is based on the Basic web application architecture and extends it to provide detailed guidance for designing a secure, zone-redundant, and highly available web application on Azure. The architecture exposes a public endpoint via Azure Application Gateway with Web Application Firewall. It routes requests to Azure App Service through Private Link. The App Service application uses virtual network integration and Private Link to securely communicate to Azure PaaS services such as Azure Key Vault and Azure SQL Database.


GitHub logo The guidance is backed by an example implementation which showcases a baseline App Service implementation on Azure. This implementation can be used as a basis for further solution development in your first step towards production.


Diagram that shows a baseline App Service architecture with zonal redundancy and high availability.

Figure 1: Baseline Azure App Service architecture

Download a Visio file of this architecture.


Many components of this architecture are the same as the basic web application architecture. The following list highlights only the changes to the basic architecture.

  • Application Gateway is a layer 7 (HTTP/S) load balancer and web traffic manager. It uses URL path-based routing to distribute incoming traffic across availability zones and offloads encryption to improve application performance.
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a cloud-native service that protects web apps from common exploits such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting. WAF provides visibility into the traffic to and from your web application, enabling you to monitor and secure your application.
  • Azure Key Vault is a service that securely stores and manages secrets, encryption keys, and certificates. It centralizes the management of sensitive information.
  • Azure Virtual Network is a service that enables you to create isolated and secure private virtual networks in Azure. For a web application on App Service, you need a virtual network subnet to use private endpoints for network-secure communication between resources.
  • Private Link makes it possible for clients to access Azure platform as a service (PaaS) services directly from private virtual networks without using public IP addressing.
  • Azure DNS is a hosting service for DNS domains that provides name resolution using Microsoft Azure infrastructure. Private DNS zones provide a way to map a service's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to a private endpoint's IP address.


Network security is at the core of the App Services baseline architecture (see Figure 2). From a high level, the network architecture ensures the following:

  1. A single secure entry point for client traffic
  2. Network traffic is filtered
  3. Data in transit is encrypted end-to-end with TLS
  4. Data exfiltration is minimized by keeping traffic in Azure through the use of Private Link
  5. Network resources are logically grouped and isolated from each other through network segmentation

Network flows

Diagram that shows a baseline App Service network architecture.

Figure 2: Network architecture of the baseline Azure App Service application

The following are descriptions of the inbound flow of internet traffic to the App Service instance and the flow from the App Service to Azure services.

Inbound flow

  1. The user issues a request to the Application Gateway public IP.
  2. The WAF rules are evaluated. WAF rules positively affect the system's reliability by protecting against various attacks, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection. Azure Application Gateway returns an error to the requester if a WAF rule is violated and processing stops. If no WAF rules are violated, Application Gateway routes the request to the backend pool, which in this case is the App Service default domain.
  3. The private DNS zone privatelink.azurewebsites.net is linked to the virtual network. The DNS zone has an A record that maps the App Service default domain to the private IP address of the App Service private endpoint. This linked private DNS zone allows Azure DNS to resolve the default domain to the private endpoint IP address.
  4. The request is routed to an App Service instance through the private endpoint.

App Service to Azure PaaS services flow

  1. App Service makes a request to the DNS name of the required Azure service. The request could be to Azure Key Vault to get a secret, Azure Storage to get a publish zip file, Azure SQL Database, or any other Azure service that supports Private Link. The App Service virtual network integration feature routes the request through the virtual network.
  2. Like step 3 in the inbound flow, the linked private DNS zone has an A record that maps the Azure service's domain to the private IP address of the private endpoint. Again, this linked private DNS zone allows Azure DNS to resolve the domain to the private endpoint IP address of the service.
  3. The request is routed to the service through the private endpoint.

Ingress to App Services

Application Gateway is a regional resource that meets the requirements of this baseline architecture. Application Gateway is a scalable, regional, layer 7 load balancer that supports features such as web application firewall and TLS offloading. Consider the following points when implementing Application Gateway for ingress to Azure App Services.

  • Deploy Application Gateway and configure a WAF policy with a Microsoft-managed ruleset. Use Prevention mode to mitigate web attacks, that might cause an origin service (App Service in the architecture) to become unavailable.
  • Implement end-to-end TLS encryption.
  • Use private endpoints to implement inbound private access to your App Service.
  • Consider implementing autoscaling for Application Gateway to readily adjust to dynamic traffic flows.
  • Consider using a minimum scale instance count of no less than three and always use all the availability zones your region supports. While Application Gateway is deployed in a highly available fashion, even for a single scale instance, creating a new instance upon a failure can take up to seven minutes. Deploying multiple instances across Availability Zones help ensure, upon a failure, an instance is running while a new instance is being created.
  • Disable public network access on the App Service to ensure network isolation. In Bicep, this is accomplished by setting publicNetworkAccess: 'Disabled' under properties/siteConfig.

Flow from App Services to Azure services

This architecture uses virtual network integration for the App Service, specifically to route traffic to private endpoints through the virtual network. The baseline architecture doesn't enable all traffic routing to force all outbound traffic through the virtual network, just internal traffic, such as traffic bound for private endpoints.

Azure services that don't require access from the public internet should have private endpoints enabled and public endpoints disabled. Private endpoints are used throughout this architecture to improve security by allowing your App Service to connect to Private Link services directly from your private virtual network without using public IP addressing.

In this architecture, Azure SQL Database, Azure Storage, and Key Vault all have public endpoints disabled. Azure service firewalls are used only to allow traffic from other authorized Azure services. You should configure other Azure services with private endpoints, such as Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Redis Cache. In this architecture, Azure Monitor doesn't use a private endpoint, but it could.

The baseline architecture implements a private DNS zone for each service. The private DNS zone contains an A record that maps between the service's fully qualified domain name and the private endpoint private IP address. The zones are linked to the virtual network. Private DNS zone groups ensure that private link DNS records are automatically created and updated.

Consider the following points when implementing virtual network integration and private endpoints.

Virtual network segmentation and security

The network in this architecture has separate subnets for the Application Gateway, App Service integration components, and private endpoints. Each subnet has a network security group that limits both inbound and outbound traffic for those subnets to just what is required. The following table shows a simplified view of the NSG rules the baseline adds to each subnet. The table gives the rule name and function.

Subnet Inbound Outbound
snet-AppGateway AppGw.In.Allow.ControlPlane: Allow inbound control plane access

AppGw.In.Allow443.Internet: Allow inbound internet HTTPS access
AppGw.Out.Allow.AppServices: Allow outbound access to AppServicesSubnet

AppGw.Out.Allow.PrivateEndpoints: Allow outbound access to PrivateEndpointsSubnet

AppPlan.Out.Allow.AzureMonitor: Allow outbound access to Azure Monitor
snet-PrivateEndpoints Default rules: Allow inbound from virtual network Default rules: Allow outbound to virtual network
snet-AppService Default rules: Allow inbound from vnet AppPlan.Out.Allow.PrivateEndpoints: Allow outbound access to PrivateEndpointsSubnet

AppPlan.Out.Allow.AzureMonitor: Allow outbound access to Azure Monitor

Consider the following points when implementing virtual network segmentation and security.

  • Enable DDoS protection for the virtual network with a subnet that is part of an application gateway with a public IP.
  • Add an NSG to every subnet where possible. You should use the strictest rules that enable full solution functionality.
  • Use application security groups. Application security groups allow you to group NSGs, making rule creation easier for complex environments.

An example of a Virtual subnet schema could be:

Type Name Address Range
Virtual Network Address Prefix
Subnet GatewaySubnet
Subnet AppServicesSubnet
Subnet PrivateEndpointsSubnet
Subnet AgentsSubject

Reference Azure-Samples\app-service-baseline-implementation


These considerations implement the pillars of the Azure Well-Architected Framework, which is a set of guiding tenets that can be used to improve the quality of a workload. For more information, see Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework.


Reliability ensures your application can meet the commitments you make to your customers. For more information, see Design review checklist for Reliability.

The baseline App Services architecture focuses on zonal redundancy for key regional services. Availability zones are physically separate locations within a region. They provide zonal redundancy for supporting services when two or more instances are deployed in supporting regions. When one zone experiences downtime, the other zones may still be unaffected.

The architecture also ensures enough instances of Azure services to meet demand. The following sections provide reliability guidance for key services in the architecture. This way, availability zones help you achieve reliability by providing high availability and fault tolerance.

Application Gateway

Deploy Azure Application Gateway v2 in a zone redundant configuration. Consider using a minimum scale instance count of no less than three to avoid the six to seven-minute startup time for an instance of Application Gateway if there is a failure.

App Services

  • Deploy a minimum of three instances of App Services with Availability Zone support.
  • Implement health check endpoints in your apps and configure the App Service health check feature to reroute requests away from unhealthy instances. For more information about App Service Health check, see Monitor App Service instances using health check. For more information about implementing health check endpoints in ASP.NET applications, see Health checks in ASP.NET Core.
  • Overprovision capacity to be able to handle zone failures.

Blob storage

  • Azure Zone-Redundant Storage (ZRS) replicates your data synchronously across three availability zones in the region. Create Standard ZRS or Standard GZRS storage accounts to ensure data is replicated across availability zones.
  • Create separate storage accounts for deployments, web assets, and other data so that you can manage and configure the accounts separately.

SQL Database 

  • Deploy Azure SQL DB General Purpose, Premium, or Business Critical with zone redundancy enabled. The General Purpose, Premium, and Business Critical tiers support Zone-redundancy in Azure SQL DB.
  • Configure SQL DB backups to use zone-redundant storage (ZRS) or geo-zone-redundant storage (GZRS).


Security provides assurances against deliberate attacks and the abuse of your valuable data and systems. For more information, see Design review checklist for Security.

The baseline App Service architecture focuses on essential security recommendations for your web app. Understanding how encryption and identity work at every layer is critical to securing your workload.

App Service

  • Disable local authentication methods for FTP and SCM site deployments
  • Turn off remote debugging.
  • Use the latest TLS version.
  • Enable Microsoft Defender for App Service.
  • Use the latest versions of supported platforms, programming languages, protocols, and frameworks.
  • Consider App Service Environment if you require higher isolation or secure network access.


A production web app needs to encrypt data in transit using HTTPS. HTTPS protocol relies on Transport Layer Security (TLS) and uses public and private keys for encryption. You must store a certificate (X.509) in Key Vault and permit the Application Gateway to retrieve the private key. For data at rest, some services automatically encrypt data, and others allow you to customize.

Data in transit

In the baseline architecture, data in transit is encrypted from the user to the web app in App Service. The following workflow describes how encryption works at a high level.

Diagram that shows a baseline App Service encryption flow.

  1. The user sends an HTTPS request to the web app.
  2. The HTTPS request reaches the application gateway.
  3. The application gateway uses a certificate (X.509) in Key Vault to create a secure TLS connection with the user's web browser. The application gateway decrypts the HTTPS request so the web application firewall can inspect it.
  4. The application gateway creates a TLS connection with App Service to re-encrypt the user request. App Service provides native support for HTTPS, so you don’t need to add a certificate to App Service. The application gateway sends the encrypted traffic to App Service. App Service decrypts the traffic, and the web app processes the request.

Consider the following recommendations when configuring data-in-transit encryption.

  • Create or upload your certificate to Key Vault. HTTPS encryption requires a certificate (X.509). You need a certificate from a trusted certificate authority for your custom domain.
  • Store the private key to the certificate in Key Vault.
  • Follow the guidance in Grant permission to applications to access an Azure key vault using Azure RBAC and Managed identities for Azure resources to provide Application Gateway access to the certificate private key. Don't use Key Vault access policies to provide access. Access policies only let you grant broad permissions not just to specific values.
  • Enable end to end encryption. App Service is the backend pool for the application gateway. When you configure the backend setting for the backend pool, use the HTTPS protocol over the backend port 443.
Data at rest
  • Encrypt sensitive data in Azure SQL Database using transparent data encryption. Transparent data encrypts the entire database, backups, and transaction log files and requires no changes to your web application.
  • Minimize database encryption latency. To minimize encryption latency, place the data you need to secure in its own database and only enable encryption for that database.
  • Understand built-in encryption support. Azure Storage automatically encrypts data at rest using server-side encryption (256-bit AES). Azure Monitor automatically encrypts data at rest using Microsoft-managed keys (MMKs).


Web apps benefit from Azure Policy by enforcing architectural and security decisions. Azure Policy can make it (1) impossible to deploy (deny) or (2) easy to detect (audit) configuration drift from your preferred desired state. This helps you catch Infrastructure as Code (IaC) deployments or Azure portal changes that deviate from the agreed-upon architecture. You should place all resources in your architecture under Azure Policy governance. Use built-in policies or policy initiatives where possible to enforce essential network topology, service features, security, and monitoring decisions, for example:

  • App Service should disable public network access
  • App service should use virtual network integration
  • App Service should use Azure Private Link to connect to PaaS services
  • App Service should have local authentication methods disabled for FTP & SCM site deployments
  • App Service should have remote debugging turned off
  • App Service apps should use the latest TLS version
  • Microsoft Defender for App Service should be enabled
  • Web Application Firewall (WAF) should be enabled for Application Gateway

See more built-in policies for key services such as Application Gateway and networking components, App Service, Key Vault, and Monitoring. It's possible to create custom policies or use community policies (such as from Azure Landing Zones) if built-in policies do not fully cover your needs. Prefer built-in policies when they are available.

Identity and Access Management

The App Service baseline configures authentication and authorization for user identities (users) and workload identities (Azure resources) and implements the principle of least privilege.

User identities
  • Use the integrated authentication mechanism for App Service ("EasyAuth"). EasyAuth simplifies the process of integrating identity providers into your web app. It handles authentication outside your web app, so you don't have to make significant code changes.
  • Configure the reply URL for the custom domain. You must redirect the web app to https://<application-gateway-endpoint>/.auth/login/<provider>/callback. Replace <application-gateway-endpoint> with either the public IP address or the custom domain name associated with your application gateway. Replace <provider> with the authentication provider you're using, such as "aad" for Microsoft Entra ID. You can use the Azure Front documentation to set up this flow with Application Gateway or Setting up Application Gateway.
Workload identities
  • Use managed identity for workload identities. Managed identity eliminates the need for developers to manage authentication credentials.
  • Use user-assigned managed identities. A system-assigned identity can cause infrastructure-as-code deployments to fail based on race conditions and order of operations. You can use user-assigned managed identities to avoid some of these deployment error scenarios. For more information, see Managed identities.

Operational Excellence

Operational Excellence covers the operations processes that deploy an application and keep it running in production. For more information, see Design review checklist for Operational Excellence.

Deployment for the baseline App Service application follows the guidance in CI/CD for Azure Web Apps with Azure Pipelines. In addition to that guidance, the App Services baseline architecture takes into account that the application and the deployment storage account are network secured. The architecture denies public access to App Service. This means you can't deploy from outside the virtual network. The baseline shows you how to deploy the application code within the virtual network using self-hosted deployment agents. The following deployment guidance focuses on deploying the application code and not deploying infrastructure or database changes.

Diagram that shows a baseline App Service deployment architecture.

Figure 3: Deploying Azure App Service applications

Deployment flow

  1. As part of the release pipeline, the pipeline posts a job request for the self-hosted agents in the job queue. The job request is for the agent to upload the publish zip file build artifact to an Azure Storage Account.

  2. The self-hosted deployment agent picks up the new job request through polling. It downloads the job and the build artifact.

  3. The self-hosted deployment agent uploads the zip file to the storage account through the storage account's private endpoint.

  4. The pipeline continues, and a managed agent picks up a subsequent job. The managed agent makes a CLI call to update the appSetting WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE to the name of the new publish zip file for the staging slot.

    az webapp config appsettings set -g MyResourceGroupName -n MyUniqueApp --slot staging --settings WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE=UriToNewZip
  5. Azure App Service pulls the new publish zip file from storage via the storage account private endpoint. The staging instance restarts with the new package because WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE was set to a different file name.

  6. The pipeline resumes and runs any smoke tests or waits for approval. If the tests pass or approval is given, the pipeline swaps the staging and production slots.

Deployment guidance

The following highlights key deployment guidance for the baseline architecture.

  • Use run from package to avoid deployment conflicts. When you run your app directly from a package in Azure App Service, the files in the package aren't copied to the wwwroot directory. Instead, the ZIP package itself gets mounted directly as the read-only wwwroot directory. This eliminates file lock conflicts between deployment and runtime and ensures only fully deployed apps are running at any time
  • Include version numbers in the deployed package zip files. Updating the WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE appSetting to the deployment package with a different file name causes App Services to automatically pick up the new version and restart the service.
  • Use Deployment slots for resilient code deployments.
  • Consider using a blend of managed and self-hosted agents.
  • Automate infrastructure deployments with Infrastructure as Code (IaC).
  • Continuously validate the workload to test the performance and resilience of the entire solution using services such as Azure Load Testing and Azure Chaos Studio.


Applications require both configuration values and secrets. Use the following guidance for configuration and secrets management.

  • Never check secrets such as passwords or access keys into source control.
  • Use Azure Key Vault to store secrets.
  • Use App Service configuration for your application configuration. If you need to externalize the configuration from your application config or require feature flag support, consider using Azure App Configuration.
  • Use Key Vault references in App Service configuration to securely expose secrets in your application.
  • Create app settings that stick to a slot and don't get swapped if you need different production and staging settings. When you swap a deployment slot, the app settings are swapped by default.
  • Set local environment variables for local development or take advantage of application platform features. App Services configuration exposes app settings as environment variables. Visual Studio, for example, lets you set environment variables in launch profiles. It also allows you to use App Settings and user secrets to store local application settings and secrets.


Monitoring is the collection and analysis of data from IT systems. The goal of monitoring is observability at multiple layers to track web app health and security. Observability is a key facet of the baseline App Service architecture.

To monitor your web app, you need to collect and analyze metrics and logs from your application code, infrastructure (runtime), and the platform (Azure resources). For more information, see Azure activity log, Azure resource logs, and application logs.

Monitor the platform

Platform monitoring is the collection of data from the Azure services in your architecture. Consider the following guidance regarding platform monitoring.

Application Gateway

Application Gateway monitors the health of resources in its backend pool. Use the Application Gateway Access logs to collect information like the timestamp, the HTTP response code, and the URL path. For more information, see Application Gateway default health probe and Backend health and diagnostic logs.

App Service

App Service has built-in and integrated monitoring tools that you should enable for improved observability. If your web app already has telemetry and monitoring features ("in-process instrumentation"), it should continue to work on App Service.

  • Enable auto-instrumentation. App Service has an instrumentation extension that you can enable with no code changes. You gain application performance monitoring (APM) visibility. For more information, see Monitor Azure App Service performance.
  • Enable distributed tracing. Auto-instrumentation offers a way to monitor distributed cloud systems via distributed tracing and a performance profiler.
  • Use code-based instrumentation for custom telemetry. ­Azure Application Insights also supports code-based instrumentation for custom application telemetry. Add the Application Insights SDK to your code and use the Application Insights API.
  • Enable App Service logs. The App Service platform supports four additional logs that you should enable to support troubleshooting. These logs are application logs, web server logs, detailed error messages, and failed request tracing.
  • Use structured logging. Add a structured logging library to your application code. Update your code to use key-value pairs and enable Application logs in App Service to store these logs in your Log Analytics Workspace.
  • Turn on the App Service Health check. Health check reroutes requests away from unhealthy instances and replaces the unhealthy instances. Your App Service plan needs to use two or more instances for Health checks to work.

Performance Efficiency

Performance Efficiency is the ability of your workload to meet the demands placed on it by users in an efficient manner. For more information, see Design review checklist for Performance Efficiency.

The following sections discuss scalability for key components in this architecture.

Application Gateway

  • Implement autoscaling for Application Gateway to scale in or out to meet demand.
  • Set the maximum instance count to a number higher than your expected need. You'll only be charged for the Capacity Units you use.
  • Set a minimum instance count that can handle small spikes in traffic. You can use average Compute Unit usage to calculate your minimum instance count.
  • Follow the guidance on sizing the Application Gateway subnet.

App Service

SQL Server

Scaling database resources is a complex topic outside of the scope of this architecture. Consider the following resources when scaling your database.

Other scalability guidance

  • Review subscription limits and quotas to ensure that services scale to demand.
  • Consider caching for the following kinds of data to increase performance and scalability:
    • Semi-static transaction data.
    • Session state.
    • HTML output. This can be useful in applications that render complex HTML output.

Next steps