Follow on Microsoft Q&A
Microsoft Q&A users need the ability to stay updated on the content relevant to them. One of the ways is using the following functionality that supports a user to follow a Q&A question, tag, or user.
You need to be signed into Q&A.
- A user can follow a deleted question.
- A user can follow a question under moderation.
Follow a question
- Open the question you would like to follow.
- Select the "Follow" button in the Activity sidebar.
- The "Follow" button changes to "Following".
Unfollow a question
- Open any of the questions you're following.
- Select the "Following" in the Activity sidebar.
- The "Following" button changes to "Follow".
Follow a tag from the Tags page
- Go to the Tags page.
- Look for the tag you would like to follow.
- Select the "Follow" button within the tag card.
- The "Follow" button changes to "Following".
Unfollow a tag from the Tags page
- Go to the Tags page.
- Look for the tag you're following.
- Select the "Following" button within the tag card.
- The "Following" button changes to "Follow".
Follow a tag from the Question details page
- Open a question that has a tag that you would like to follow.
- Select the tag you would like to follow. The tag card appears.
- Select the "Follow" button within the tag card.
- The "Follow" button changes to "Following".
Unfollow a tag from the Question details page
- Open a question that has a tag that you're following.
- Select the tag you're following. The tag card appears.
- Select the "Following" button within the tag card.
- The "Following" button changes to "Follow".
Follow a tag from the Tag details page
- Go to the Tags page.
- Look for the tag you would like to follow.
- Select the "Follow" button within the tag card.
- The "Follow" button changes to "Following".
Unfollow a tag from the Tag details page
- Go to the Tags page.
- Look for the tag you would like to unfollow.
- Select the "Following" button within the tag card.
- The "Following" button changes to "Follow".
Follow a user
- Open any of the questions.
- Select "Follow" next to the user's display name.
- The "Follow" button changes to "Following".
Unfollow a user
- Open any of the questions where a user you're following has participated.
- Select "Following" next to the user's display name.
- The "Following" button changes to "Follow".