Enable users for Direct Routing
This article describes how to enable users for Direct Routing and represents step 2 in the following steps for configuring Direct Routing:
- Step 1. Connect the Session Border Controller (SBC) with Phone System and validate the connection .
- Step 2. Enable users for Direct Routing (this article).
- Step 3. Configure voice routing.
- Step 4. Translate numbers to an alternate format.
For information on all the steps required for setting up Direct Routing, see Configure Direct Routing.
When you're ready to enable users for Direct Routing, follow these steps:
- Create a user in Microsoft 365 and assign a Teams Phone license.
- Ensure that the user is homed online.
- Configure the phone number and enable enterprise voice.
- Configure sending calls directly to voicemail.
- Assign Teams Only mode to users.
Create a user and assign the license
There are two options for creating a new user in Microsoft 365. However, we recommend that your organization chooses only one option to avoid routing issues:
- Create the user in on-premises Active Directory and sync the user to the cloud. For more information, see Integrate your on-premises directories with Microsoft Entra ID.
- Create the user directly in the Microsoft 365 admin center. For more information, see Add users individually or in bulk to Microsoft 365 or Office 365 - Admin Help.
For information about license requirements, see licensing and other requirements in Plan Direct Routing.
Ensure that the user is homed online
This step applies to Skype for Business Server Enterprise Voice enabled users being migrated to Teams Direct Routing.
Direct Routing requires the user to be homed online. You can check by looking at the RegistrarPool
parameter, which needs to have a value in the infra.lync.com domain. Microsoft recommends, but doesn't require, that you change the LineURI from on-premises to online when migrating users to Teams Direct Routing.
Connect a Microsoft Teams PowerShell session.
Issue the command:
Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity "<User name>" | fl RegistrarPool,OnPremLineUri,LineUri
is populated with a <E.164 phone number>, the phone number was assigned on-premises and synchronized to Microsoft 365. If you want to manage the phone number online, clear the parameter using on-premises Skype for Business Management Shell and synchronize to Microsoft 365 before configuring the phone number using Teams PowerShell.From Skype for Business Management Shell, issue the command:
Set-CsUser -Identity "<User name>" -LineUri $null
Don't set EnterpriseVoiceEnabled
to False as there's no requirement to do so. Setting EnterpriseVoiceEnabled
to False can lead to dial plan normalization issues if legacy Skype for Business phones are in use and the Tenant hybrid configuration is set with UseOnPremDialPlan $True.
After the changes sync to Microsoft 365, the expected output of Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity "<User name>" | fl RegistrarPool,OnPremLineUri,LineUri
RegistrarPool : pool.infra.lync.com
OnPremLineURI :
LineURI :
All user's phone attributes must be managed online before you decommission your on-premises Skype for Business environment.
Upload Direct Routing numbers to your tenant
Uploading your Direct Routing phone numbers to Microsoft's telephone number management inventory supports future number management enhancements.
For example, if you upload your numbers, you can view them in the Teams admin center under Phone Numbers or by using the PowerShell cmdlets Get-CsPhoneNumberAssignment and Export-CsAcquiredPhoneNumber.
Uploading your Direct Routing phone numbers to Microsoft's telephone number management inventory is optional. If you don't upload the phone numbers, you can still assign numbers to users. Assigning a number to a user automatically uploads the number to Microsoft's telephone number management inventory if it's not already there.
Use Teams admin center
Go to Voice > Phone numbers.
Under the Numbers tab, select Add.
Adding phone numbers to your tenant and to Microsoft's telephone number management inventory is accomplished by creating an order request. By selecting Add, you are originating an order request that will create an order ID and launch the process of uploading your direct routing numbers. Follow the remaining steps to complete your order.
Give your order a Name and Description.
From the options, choose From Direct Routing.
Select your preferred method of uploading the numbers by selecting from the drop-down, one of the following options:
Add one to many phone numbers
If you select Add one to many phone numbers, type or paste the phone numbers you wish to upload in the text field.
If you are adding more than one phone number to this list, separate each number with a comma or a new line.
Add phone number range
If you select Add phone number range, type or paste the starting and ending numbers of your range in the respective text fields.
Upload CSV
If you select Upload CSV, select the Upload CSV icon and select your CSV file.
The CSV file format requirements are to have a single column, with the first row populated as TelephoneNumber and each subsequent row including one phone number.
Download a template by selecting Download a sample CSV file with Direct Routing Numbers.
Select Next and proceed to review the validated numbers to be reserved by Microsoft's telephone number management inventory.
Select Confirm, then select Finish
Use PowerShell
To upload Direct Routing telephone numbers to Microsoft's telephone number management inventory, use the New-CsOnlineDirectRoutingTelephoneNumberUploadOrder cmdlet.
Uploading the numbers is an asynchronous operation.
Order history
View the status of the numbers you uploaded in TAC by navigating in TAC to Voice > Phone numbers and selecting the Order history tab.
View the order status of numbers you uploaded with PowerShell by using the Get-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberOrder PowerShell cmdlet with OrderType set to DirectRoutingNumberCreation
, as shown in the following example:
Get-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberOrder -OrderType DirectRoutingNumberCreation -OrderId <orderId>
Whenever porting Direct Routing numbers to Teams using another PSTN connectivity option, the numbers must be released from Microsoft's telephone number management inventory. After unassigning the numbers from the users and before your number port event, use the PowerShell cmdlet New-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberReleaseOrder to make the Direct Routing numbers available for porting. A release order can also be used if you don't want to keep your acquired Direct Routing numbers in Microsoft's inventory.
Configure the phone number and enable enterprise voice
After you create the user and assign a license, you must configure the user's online phone settings. The configuration of Cloud Voicemail for the user is automatic and no other configuration needs to be done.
You can configure the phone number by using the Teams admin center or by using Teams PowerShell.
Use Teams admin center
Go to Users > Manage users.
Select a user.
Under Account > General information, select Edit.
Under Assign phone number, from the Phone number type drop-down menu, select Direct Routing.
Enter an assigned phone number and a phone number extension if applicable.
Select Apply.
The account's general information now shows the assigned phone number and displays Direct Routing as the phone number type.
Use PowerShell
Connect to a Microsoft Teams PowerShell session.
The next steps depend on whether you're managing the user's phone number on-premises or online. If you're managing the phone number on-premises, you must use the on-premises Skype for Business Management Shell, Control Panel, or one of the methods explained in Decide how to manage attributes after decommissioning.
If you're managing the user's phone number on-premises, you need to ensure that the user is Enterprise Voice enabled online by using the following command:
Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity "<User name>" -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true
If you're managing the user's phone number online, you need to assign the phone number to the user by using the following command in Teams PowerShell. The user is automatically Enterprise Voice enabled by the command:
Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity "<User name>" -PhoneNumber <phone number> -PhoneNumberType DirectRouting
For example, to add a phone number for user "Spencer Low," enter the following command:
Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity "spencer.low@contoso.com" -PhoneNumber "+14255388797" -PhoneNumberType DirectRouting
If the users "Spencer Low" and "Stacy Quinn" share the same base number with unique extensions, enter the following command:
Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity "spencer.low@contoso.com" -PhoneNumber "+14255388701;ext=1001" -PhoneNumberType DirectRouting Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity "stacy.quinn@contoso.com" -PhoneNumber "+14255388701;ext=1002" -PhoneNumberType DirectRouting
Microsoft recommends, but doesn't require, that the phone number is configured as a full E.164 phone number with country code. You can configure phone numbers with extensions. These extensions are used to look up users when the lookup against the base number returns more than one result. This functionality allows companies to configure phone numbers with the same base number and unique extensions. For lookup to be successful, the invite must include the full number with extension as follows:
Invite: <sip:+14255388701;ext=1001@sbc1.adatum.biz
Configure sending calls directly to voicemail
Direct Routing allows you to end the call to a user and send it directly to a user's voicemail. If you want to send a call directly to voicemail, attach opaque=app:voicemail
to the Request URI header (for example, sip:user@yourdomain.com;opaque=app:voicemail
). The Teams user doesn't receive the calling notification. Instead, the call directly connects to the voicemail of the user.
Assign Teams Only mode to users to ensure calls land in Microsoft Teams
Direct Routing requires that users be in Teams Only mode to ensure incoming calls land in the Teams client. To put users in Teams Only mode, assign them the "UpgradeToTeams" instance of TeamsUpgradePolicy. For more information, see Upgrade strategies for IT administrators. If your organization uses Skype for Business Server, see the following article for information about interoperability between Skype and Teams: Migration and interoperability with Skype for Business.