Report options for dimension, primary and secondary metrics
The most commonly used dimension and metric options are noted with an asterisk.
Options for dimension
Product dimensions
- Product*
- Target*
Order/Order line dimensions
- Close Date
- Consumption Date*
- Contract Type
- Contracted CPD
- Contracted CPM
- Days To Delivery
- End Date
- Inventory Class
- Order*
- Order Line*
- Order Line Status
- Pricing Type
- Priority (DFP)
- Source System
- Start Date
Customer dimensions
- Advertiser
- Agency
- Industry
Sales team dimensions
Options for primary and secondary metrics
The available metrics options depend on the which dimension you choose. You cannot select the same option for the primary and secondary metric.
- Contracted CPD
- Contracted CPM
- Contracted Impressions
- Contracted Impressions (Lifetime)
- Contracted Revenue
- Contracted Revenue (Lifetime)
- Discount %
- Discount % (Lifetime)
- Floor CPM
- Rate Card CPM
- Scheduled Impressions
- Scheduled Impressions (Lifetime)
- Consumed Impressions
- Consumed Impressions (Lifetime)
- CTR %
- Delivered Clicks
- Earned Revenue
- Earned Revenue (Lifetime)
- eCPM
- Average Frequency (Daily)
- Average Frequency (Weekly)
- Average Uniques (Daily)
- Average Uniques (Weekly)
- Uniques (Lifetime)
- Consumed Value (@Rate Card)
- Effective Discount % (@Rate Card)
- Effective Discount Value (@Rate Card)
- Impression Capacity
- Revenue Capacity (@Rate Card)
- Available Impressions
- Available Revenue (@Rate Card)
- Sell Through
- Yield % (@Rate Card)
- Overbooked Impressions
- Revenue Against Goal
- Revenue Against Goal (Lifetime)
- Consumption-to-Schedule %
- Consumption-to-Schedule % (Lifetime)
- Pacing
- Pacing (Lifetime)