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Explore domain lists or app lists


Targeting lists are only available to Standard Line Items. For an overview of which targeting options are available to Standard versus Augmented Line items, see Buy-Side Targeting.

You can add domains and apps to lists, export domain lists or app lists to a text file for safekeeping or offline use, or delete domain lists and app lists. In addition, you can also create new domain lists or app lists by copying existing lists. For information about creating these lists, see Create a Domain List or App List. For information about updating these lists, see Update a Domain List or App List.


To perform any Actions on a domain list or app list:

  1. In Microsoft Monetize UI, select Network > Inventory > Targeting Lists from the top navigation menu.
  2. Select Domain Lists or App Lists tab.
  3. Select the checkbox next to the domain lists or app lists that you would like to perform an action on.
  4. Click the Actions dropdown and select the appropriate action (see below for details for each action).


Domain targeting applies only to Web and Mobile Web impressions and does not apply to Mobile App impressions. If you have allowed your campaign to serve on mobile apps while targeting a domain list, the campaign will be unrestricted when buying mobile app inventory unless you have also applied App List targeting. To avoid serving on mobile app inventory, switch the Apps Placements toggle in your campaign's targeting profile to OFF.

Add Domains or Apps to a List

To add domains or apps to a list:

  1. In Microsoft Monetize UI, select Network > Inventory > Targeting Lists from the top navigation menu.
  2. Select Domain Lists or App Lists tab.
  3. Select the checkbox next to one or more domain lists or app lists.
  4. Select Actions > Add domains OR Add apps and do one of the following options:
    • Select Enter text and copy and paste domains or apps into the box. OR
    • Select Upload a file, click Select File, select the file to upload, and click Open.
  5. Click Add.


Excel files are not allowed. For more information on formatting requirements for adding domains or apps by copy and paste or file upload, see Create a Domain List or App List.

Export a domain list or app list

To export a domain list or app list:

  1. In Microsoft Monetize UI, select Network > Inventory > Targeting Lists from the top navigation menu.
  2. Select Domain Lists or App Lists tab.
  3. Select the checkbox next to one or more domain lists or app lists.
  4. Select Actions > Export as .txt file. A confirmation dialog will appear.
  5. Click Export.

Duplicate a domain list or app list

You can create new domain lists or app lists by duplicating existing lists. Once you've duplicated any lists, you can then update them, see Update a Domain List or App List.

To duplicate a domain list or app list:

  1. In Microsoft Monetize UI, select Network > Inventory > Targeting Lists from the top navigation menu.
  2. Select Domain Lists or App Lists tab.
  3. Select the checkbox next to one or more domain lists or app lists.
  4. Select Actions > Duplicate. A confirmation dialog will appear. Any duplicated lists will be automatically renamed with the prefix "Copy of", but you can change the list name to whatever you'd like.
  5. Click Copy.

Delete a domain list or app list

You can delete domain lists and app lists from the Microsoft Advertising system. Be sure to read the warnings below before you delete a domain list or app list:


Deleting a domain or app list while it's in use by an active campaign will change the targeting of that campaign. If the list you delete is the only one in use by the campaign, and that campaign does not have individual targeting settings, the result will be a campaign with no targeting, also known as "Targeting the internet." This is likely to result in massive overspend.

Deleting a domain or app list is permanent, and deleted lists cannot be restored.

To delete a domain list or app list:

  1. In Microsoft Monetize UI, select Network > Inventory > Targeting Lists from the top navigation menu.
  2. Select Domain Lists or App Lists tab.
  3. Select the checkbox next to one or more domain lists or app lists.
  4. Select Actions > Delete. A confirmation dialog will appear. Be sure you really want to delete them before clicking Delete. Lists cannot be recovered once deleted.
  5. Click Delete.