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Vungle demand for Android

This page provides steps to integrate and display interstitial video ads using Vungle on Android. Follow these steps to configure and display interstitial video ads using Vungle on Android.

Step 1: Install the SDK

To integrate Vungle demand, include the AppNexus Mobile SDK and the ANVungleAdapter in your project. Include the following dependencies in the build.gradle file under the dependencies section:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.appnexus.opensdk:appnexus-sdk:[9,10)'
    implementation 'com.appnexus.opensdk.csr:appnexus-vungle-csr:[9,10)'

Step 2: Initialize the Vungle SDK

Initialize the Vungle SDK early in your app's lifecycle to ensure it is ready to use. Replace YOUR_APP_ID with the app ID provided by Vungle.


VungleAds.init(this, "YOUR_APP_ID", new InitializationListener() {
    public void onSuccess() {
        Log.d("vunglecsr", "Vungle SDK initialized successfully");
    public void onError(@NonNull VungleError vungleError) {
        Log.d("vunglecsr", "Initialization failed: " + vungleError.getErrorMessage());

Step 3: Initialize an interstitial ad and set the required keyword

After successfully initializing the Vungle SDK, the bidder token is captured by the AppNexus SDK during the ad request and forwarded to the primary supply platform (PSP).

To load an interstitial ad, create an instance of the InterstitialAdView object. Ensure you retain a reference to this object appropriately.

Set a custom keyword before calling the loadAd() method. Use the following specifications:

  • Value: Your Vungle placement ID mapped to the Monetize placement.


// Create and configure the interstitial ad object
interstitialAdView = new InterstitialAdView(this);

// Set the Monetize placement ID

// Add the custom keyword for Vungle placement
interstitialAdView.addCustomKeywords("VUNGLE_PLACEMENT_ID_FOR_CSR", "VUNGLE_PLACEMENT_123");

// Set the ad listener to handle ad events

// Load the ad


  • Replace "MONETIZE_PLACEMENTID" with your Monetize placement ID.
  • Replace "VUNGLE_PLACEMENT_123" with the Vungle placement ID mapped to your ad configuration.

By following this process, you ensure the ad request includes the necessary bidder token and configuration for displaying interstitial ads.

Step 4: Render the ad

After successfully loading the interstitial ad, render the creative when it fits your app's flow. In this example, the ad is displayed immediately.


public void onAdLoaded(AdView iav) {
    // Display the interstitial ad;