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Bulk importer guidelines for line items

Please adhere to these general guidelines:

  • Please do not rename the Line Items sheet within the bulk importer template.
  • When adding flight details to the following columns per line item, leave the cells that are on the same row as the other line item details empty:
    • Flight Id
    • Flight Start Date
    • Flight End Date
    • Lifetime Budget
    • Lifetime Budget Imps
    • Pacing, Pacing Percent
    • Flight Creatives
  • If adding multiple flights for one line item, be sure to enter all the details for each flight, such as start dates and end dates, on a separate row.

Temporary ID information

Column Name Description Potential Values Mandatory Example
IO Temporary Ids Specifies the identifier or comma-separated list of identifiers used to link new line items to a parent insertion order that will be created within the spreadsheet. Alphanumeric values No example123
LI Temporary Id Specifies the identifier used to link new objects within the spreadsheet to a particular line item. This is a placeholder value and will not be the actual identifier of the newly-created object. Alphanumeric value No example123

Basic settings

Column Name Description Potential Values Mandatory Example
Line Item Id Specifies the identifier assigned to the line item.

Note: If the line item identifier isn't provided, a new line item will be created.
Numeric value No 1234
Advertiser Id Specifies the identifier assigned to the associated line item's advertiser. Numeric value Yes 1234
Insertion Order Ids Specifies the identifiers of the existing insertion orders that the line item will be associated to. Numeric value

Note: If there are multiple numeric values, use commas to separate them.
Yes 1234,4567
Line Item Name Specifies the name of the line item. Characters Yes My line item
External Code Specifies the custom code assigned to the insertion order. - Alphanumeric values
- Periods
- Underscores
- Dashes
No code1234
State Specifies current status of the line item. - active
- inactive
Yes active
Ad Type Specifies the creative type associated with the line item. - banner
- video
- audio
- native
Yes banner

Budgeting and scheduling

Column Name Description Potential Values Mandatory Example
Revenue Type Specifies the line item's revenue type. - cpm
- viewable cpm
- dynamic cpm
- cpc
- cpcv
- cost_plus_margin
Yes cpm
Revenue Value Specifies the revenue amount. Numeric value Yes 5
Payment Type Specifies the line item's payment type.

Note: If "Native" is specified as the Ad Type, then you can only specify "Impression" as the Payment Type.
- impression
- view
- video
Yes impression
Flight Start Date Specifies the flight's start date. Date/time

Use the YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. Excel will try to auto format the date to MM/DD/YYYY, which is also accepted but will be less accurate. Hours should be based on the UTC time zone.
Yes 2018-11-09 00:00:00
Flight End Date Specifies the flight's end date. Do not enter an end date if there is no end date. Date/time

Use the YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format. Excel will try to auto format the date to MM/DD/YYYY, which is also accepted but will be less accurate. Hours should be based on the UTC time zone.
No 2018-11-09 23:59:39
Daily Budget Specifies the daily budget amount. Numeric value No 1000
Daily Budget Imps Specifies the daily budget represented by a number of impressions. Numeric value No 10
Lifetime Budget Specifies the flight's lifetime budget. Numeric value Yes, if Lifetime Budget Imps is not specified. 100
Lifetime Budget Imps Specifies the flight's lifetime budget represented by a number of impressions. Numeric value Yes, if a Lifetime Budget is not specified. 80
Pacing Specifies whether the line item should spend its overall lifetime budget evenly across flights. - TRUE
Pacing Percent Specifies what percentage of your flight budget should be spent per day. Numeric value between 50 and 150 No 50
Underspend Catch-Up Dictates how your line item distributes unspent budget throughout the remainder of a flight. - evenly
- asap
Yes evenly
Daypart Monday Specifies a comma-separated list of hour ranges to target throughout Monday. Numeric range consisting of any whole number between 0 and 23 No 7-16,20-23
Daypart Tuesday Specifies a comma-separated list of hour ranges to target throughout Tuesday. Numeric range consisting of any whole number between 0 and 23 No 20-23
Daypart Wednesday Specifies a comma-separated list of hour ranges to target throughout Wednesday. Numeric range consisting of any whole number between 0 and 23 No 7-16,20-23
Daypart Thursday Specifies a comma-separated list of hour ranges to target throughout Thursday. Numeric range consisting of any whole number between 0 and 23 No 7-16,20-23
Daypart Friday Specifies a comma-separated list of hour ranges to target throughout Friday. Numeric range consisting of any whole number between 0 and 23 No 7-16,20-23
Daypart Saturday Specifies a comma-separated list of hour ranges to target throughout Saturday. Numeric range consisting of any whole number between 0 and 23 No 7-16,20-23
Daypart Sunday Specifies a comma-separated list of hour ranges to target throughout Sunday. Numeric range consisting of any whole number between 0 and 23 No 7-16,20-23
Daily Pacing Allocation Sets the pace for how quickly the budget should be spent in one day. - evenly
- asap
Yes evenly


Column Name Description Potential Values Mandatory Example
Optimization Type Specifies the metrics that should be used to measure the line item's performance. - none
- cpc
- cpa
- viewable cpm
- ctr
- cpcv
- vcr
Yes cpc
Min CPM Specifies the minimum CPM when Cost Plus or Dynamic CPM is set for the line item. Numeric value No 1
Max CPM Specifies the maximum CPM when Cost Plus or Dynamic CPM is set for the line item. Numeric value No 8
Optimization Goal Target Required for CTR, CPC, CPA, Viewable CPM, CPCV, and VCR optimization types.

Note: Depending on the chosen optimization type, this numeric value can take on the form of a percentage or a currency value.
Numeric value No 85
Post-View Post-Click Strategy Only used when the line item has a CPA goal for both post-click and post-view conversions to determine whether it is optimized for retargeting or prospecting. - prospecting
- retargeting
No propsecting
Post Click Only Specifies the CPA post-click goal that the line item will optimize to. - TRUE
Post Click Goal Target Specifies the CPA post-click goal that the line item will optimize to. Numeric value No 12
Goal Pixel Id Specifies the identifier assigned to the targeted goal pixel. Numeric value No 1036301
Goal Priority Specifies whether to give greater priority to delivery, performance, or margin. - delivery
- performance
- margin
Yes margin
Min Margin Percent Only set this field if the goal priority has been set to margin and revenue type has not been set to cost_plus_margin. Numeric value (in %) No 25
Conversion Pixels Specifies a comma-separated list of conversion pixel identifiers that will be tracked. Numeric value No 4912,192941,10203

Inventory and brand safety targeting

Column Name Description Potential Values Mandatory Example
Supply Strategies Specifies the type of inventory (open exchange, managed, or deal inventory) that should be targeted. - rtb
- managed
- deals
Yes rtb,managed
Deals Specifies a comma-separated list of individual deals that will be targeted.

Note: If this cell is left empty and "deals" is selected as the supply strategy, then all deals will be targeted.
Numeric value No 10918,10433,123412
Deal Lists Specifies a series of deal lists separated by commas that will be targeted.

Note: If this cell is left empty and "deals" is selected as the supply strategy, then all deal lists will be targeted.
Alphanumeric value No My_Deal_List_1,My_Deal_List_2
Include Deals Specifies whether a deal should be included. - TRUE
Managed Priority Specifies how line items that have their supply strategy set to Managed should be prioritized.

Note: This field doesn't apply to line items that have their supply strategy set to Open Exchange or Deals.
Numeric value No 5
Inventory Types Specifies a comma-separated list of inventory types to exclude.

Note: If this cell is left empty, all inventory types will be included by default.
- web
- mobile_web
- mobile_app
Yes mobile_web,web
Blocklists Specifies blocklists that are associated with the line item. Id No 160
Allowlists Specifies allowlists that are associated with the line item. Id No 17,18
Ads Txt Authorized Only Specifies whether the associated creatives should only serve on ads.txt verified inventory. - TRUE
Member Targets Specifies which seller member identifiers should be excluded or included in a profile. Action (exclude or include)-Id1,Id2,Id3 No include-1,2,3
Seller Member Group Targets Specifies which seller member groups should be excluded or included in a profile. Action (exclude or include)-Id1,Id2,Id3 No exclude-4,5,6

Audience and location targeting


Effective August 30, 2021:

  • Tapad's graph (id:3) will provide global coverage excluding Europe.
  • Microsoft Advertising's graph (id:4) will provide coverage for Europe and the United States.
Column Name Description Potential Values Mandatory Example
Countries Specifies whether or not to target a particular country. See the Country list to look up the appropriate country codes. Action (include or exclude)-Code1,Code2,Code3 Yes include-US,FR
Regions Specifies whether or not to target a particular region. See the Region list to look up the appropriate region identifiers. Action (include or exclude)-Id1,Id2,Id3 No exclude-1080,1081
Cities Specifies whether or not to target a particular city. See the City list to look up the appropriate City identifiers. Action (include or exclude)-Id1,Id2,Id3 No include-68778,68779,68780
Metro Codes Specifies whether or not to target a particular metro code. See the Metro Code list to look up the appropriate metro codes. Action (include or exclude)-Id1,Id2,Id3 No include-500,501,502
Postal Codes Specifies whether or not to target specific postal codes. Postal Code 1,Postal Code 2,Postal Code 3,Postal Code 4 No 120563,120564
Postal Code Lists Specifies whether or not to target postal codes that have been grouped together in a list. Alphanumeric value No My_Postal_Code_List_1,My_Postal_Code_List_2
Cross Device Specifies the identifier of the cross device graph that is being targeted. - null (no cross device)
- 3 (Tapad graph)
- 4 (Microsoft Advertising graph)
No 3
Segment Boolean operator Allows "and" or "or" boolean operators to be used between targeted segment groups. - and
- or
No and
Congressional Districts Specifies whether or not to target specific Congressional Districts. Numeric Values (Note: If there are multiple numeric values, use commas to separate them). No 139898
State Senate Districts Specifies whether or not to target specific State Senate Districts. Numeric Values (Note: If there are multiple numeric values, use commas to separate them). No 141210
State House Districts Specifies whether or not to target specific State House Districts. Numeric Values (Note: If there are multiple numeric values, use commas to separate them). No 139960

Frequency and recency

Column Name Description Potential Values Mandatory Example
Hourly Frequency Specifies the maximum number of impressions per person per hour. Numeric value (255 characters max) No 10
Daily Frequency Specifies the maximum number of impressions per person per day. Numeric value (255 characters max) No 20
Weekly Frequency Specifies the maximum number of impressions per person per week. Numeric value (255 characters max) No 50
Monthly Frequency Specifies the maximum number of impressions per person per month. Numeric value (255 characters max) No 200
Lifetime Frequency Specifies the maximum number of impressions per person. Numeric value (255 characters max) No 255
Recency Specifies the minimum number of minutes between impressions per person. Numeric value (255 characters max) No 60
Include Users Without Cookies Determines whether impressions will be served to unidentified users.

Note: When serving impressions to unidentified users, frequency and recency caps will be ignored for those users.
- TRUE (excludes users who do not have cookies enabled)
- FALSE (includes users who do not have cookies enabled)

Viewability and environment targeting

Column Name Description Potential Values Mandatory Example
Viewability Threshold Percentage of how likely an impression is to be viewable.

Note: Custom viewability thresholds are allowed.
Numeric value between 0 and 100 No - For standard IAB thresholds: 12
- For custom viewability thresholds: custom-12
Video Completion Threshold Percentage of how likely a video impression is to be viewed in its entirety. Numeric value between 0 and 100 No 18
Device Types Specifies a comma-separated list of device types that will be targeted. - pc
- phone
- tablet
- tv
- stb
- gameconsole
No pc,phone
Playback Methods Specifies a comma-separated list of playback method identifiers: (1: playback-method-auto-play-sound-on), (2: playback-method-auto-play-sound-off), (3: playback-method-click-to-play), (4: playback-method-mouse-over), (5: playback-method-auto-play-sound-unknown). 1,2,3,4, or 5 No 1,3,5
Video Targets Allow Unknown Playback Method Determines whether to allow unknown playback methods. - TRUE
Video Targets Allow Unknown Context Determines whether to allow unknown contexts for video targeting. - TRUE
Player Sizes Specifies the player size for video targeting in which 1= Small, 2= Medium, and 3= Large. 1, 2, and/or 3 (small, medium, or large) No 1, 2
Video Targets Allow Unknown Player Size Determines whether to allow unknown player sizes for video targeting. - TRUE
Video Target Contexts Specifies a comma separated list of video target contexts. 1, 2, 3, and/or 4 (pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, outstream) No 1, 2
Browsers Specifies a comma-separated list of browser identifiers that will be included or excluded. See the Browser list to look up the appropriate browser identifiers. Action (include or exclude)-Id1,Id2,Id3 No include-210,401,201
Languages Specifies a comma-separated list of language identifiers that will be included or excluded. See the Language list to look up the appropriate language identifiers. Action (include, exclude)-Id1,Id2,Id3 No exclude-129,140,120
User Group Bucket Specifies a comma-separated list of user groups that will be targeted using A/B testing. Numeric value ranges between 0 and 99 No 0-18,25-32,58-63
User Groups Include Cookieless Users Determines whether to target users who don't have cookies enabled. - TRUE


Column Name Description Potential Values Mandatory Example
Creative Rotation Specifies the creative-rotation strategy that will be used when multiple creatives of the same size are trafficked through the line item. - even
- weighted
- ctr-optimized
No even
Flight Creatives Specifies the creatives associated to the flight. Id1,Id2,Id3,Id4 No 10040,120421,120202


Column Name Description Potential Values Mandatory Example
Partner Fees Specifies a comma-separated list of partner fee identifiers that have been applied to the line item. Numeric value No 321014,149129,1292

Internal fields

Column Name Description Potential Values Mandatory Example
Flight Id Specifies the identifier assigned to the flight.

Note: If you're leveraging exported object details, leave the existing flight identifier. Otherwise, leave this cell empty so that a new flight can be created.
Numeric value No 12345
Profile Id Specifies the identifier assigned to the profile.

Note: If you're leveraging exported object details, leave the existing profile identifier. Otherwise, leave this cell empty so that a new profile can be created.
Numeric value No 13912