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Prebid Server Premium Config services

These linked pages contain instructions on using the various API Services related to Prebid Server Premium (PSP).

PSP configuration API services

Service Description
Ad Server Category Mapping Service Allows the mapping of Xandr content categories to IAB subcategories.
Ad Size Service Returns the acceptable ad sizes for the member associated with the config.
Bidder Info Service Returns the capabilities of each bidder.
Campaign Object Service Provides instructions for targeting Monetize inventory as input for the configuration service.
Configuration Service Instructions for viewing, creating, and editing configurations which map Xandr inventory to demand partner inventory.
Cross-Partner Settings Service Instructions for viewing and editing the member's global settings which apply across all demand partners.
Demand Partner Service Instructions for adding and editing demand partners.
Demand Partner Schema Service Returns the parameters accepted by the demand partner.
Operating System Families Service Returns all the operating systems available for the caller's member.
Prebid Demand Partner Params Service Instructions for viewing, creating, and editing the demand partner parameter mappings within a configuration.
Primary Ad Server Service Instructions for viewing, creating, and editing primary ad server designations.

Set Up Prebid Server Premium