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Network billing


This report has been deprecated. As a result, it should only be used for billing activity prior to October 1, 2015. For reports after October 1, 2015, consult the Buying Billing Report and the Selling Billing Report.

The Network Billing Analytics report can be used to view billing data across:

  • Direct advertiser impressions (bought across direct publishers and real-time inventory)
  • Direct publishers (sold across direct advertisers and other platform buyers)

For instructions on retrieving a report, please see Report Service.


For impressions older than 100 days, the Network Billing Report now returns default values in some columns:

  • Creatives are aggregated into one row with 0 as the creative_id and a generic creative_name.
  • Placements are aggregated into one row with -1 as the placement_id and a generic placement_name.
  • hour - Hourly data is aggregated into one row with 'YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00' as the hour ('YYYY-MM-DD' is the UTC day in which the activity happened). This will make it look as though all activity happened at midnight. All daily data older than 100 days will be returned in the UTC time zone.

Time frame

The report_interval field can be set to one of the following:

  • current_hour
  • last_hour
  • today
  • yesterday
  • last_48_hours
  • last_2_days
  • last_7_days
  • last_30_days
  • month_to_date
  • month_to_yesterday
  • quarter_to_date
  • last_month
  • lifetime

Data retention period

Data retention period for this report is 30 days.


To run a report for a custom time frame, set the start_date and end_date fields in your report request. For more details about these fields, see Report Service.


Column Type Filter? Example Description
entity_member_id int Yes 123 --
buyer_member_id int Yes 123 Internal ID of the buyer member
buyer_member_name string No "My Network" Display name of the buyer member
buyer_member string No "My Network (123)" Deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
buyer_type string Yes "Real Time", "Direct" The type of buyer
buyer_currency string Yes "USD" The currency of the buyer.
seller_member_id int Yes 456 Internal ID of the seller member
seller_member_name string No "That Seller" Display name of the seller member
seller_member string No "That Seller (456)" Deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
seller_type string Yes "Real Time", "Direct" The type of seller
insertion_order_id int Yes 451 Internal ID of the insertion order
insertion_order_name string No "Q1-2014" Display name for the insertion order
campaign_id int Yes 728 Internal ID of the campaign
campaign_name string No "Test" Display name of the campaign
campaign string No "Test (728)" Deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
creative_id int Yes 554 Internal ID of the creative.

Note: For impressions older than 100 days, creatives are aggregated into one row with 0 as the creative_id. For external click or impression trackers, creative_id will be "External Clicks" or "External Imps".
creative_name string No "Q1 2010 - 728x90" Display name of the creative.

Note: For impressions older than 100 days, creatives are aggregated into one row with a generic creative_name. For external click or impression trackers, creative_name will be "External Clicks" or "External Imps".
creative string No "Q1 2010 - 728x90 (554)" Deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
placement_id int Yes 567 Internal ID of the placement.

Note: For impressions older than 100 days, placements are aggregated into one row with -1 as the placement_id.
placement_name string No "Photos 728x90" Display name of the placement.

Note: For impressions older than 100 days, placements are aggregated into one row with a generic placement_name.
placement string No "Photos 728x90 (567)" Deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
imp_type_id int Yes 1 The ID for the type of impression. Possible values (associated types in parentheses):
- 1 ("Blank"): No creative served.
- 2 ("PSA"): A public service announcement served because there were no valid bids and no default creative was available.
- 3 ("Default Error"): A default creative served due to a timeout issue.
- 4 ("Default"): A default creative served because there were no valid bids.
- 5 ("Kept"): Your advertiser's creative served on your publisher's site.
- 6 ("Resold"): Your publisher's impression was sold to a third-party buyer.
- 7 ("RTB"): Your advertiser's creative served on third-party inventory.
- 8 ("PSA Error"): A public service announcement served due to a timeout issue or lack of a default creative.
- 9 ("External Impression"): An impression from an impression tracker.
- 10 ("External Click"): A click from a click tracker.
imp_type string Yes "Blank" The type of impression. For possible values, see imp_type_id.
revenue_type string Yes "CPA" The basis on which the member gets paid.
revenue_type_id int Yes 4 The ID of the revenue type. Possible values:
-1 = No Payment
0 = Flat CPM
1 = Cost Plus CPM
2 = Cost Plus Margin
3 = CPC
4 = CPA
5 = Revshare
6 = Flat Fee
7 = Variable CPM
8 = Estimated CPM
payment_type string Yes "com", "revshare" The type of payment to a broker.
cleared_direct int Yes 0, 1 Whether or not the buyer pays the seller directly for the cost of media. If 0, Xandr collects the cost of media from the buyer and pays the seller. If 1, the buyer pays the seller directly for the cost of media.

Tip: Buyers can match the cost of media on their invoice by filtering out "cleared direct" transactions.
hour time No "2010-02-01 06:00:00" The hour of the impression.

Note: For impressions older than 100 days, hourly data is aggregated into one row with 'YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00' as the hour ('YYYY-MM-DD' is the UTC day in which the activity happened). This will make it look as though all activity happened at midnight. All daily data older than 100 days is returned in the UTC time zone.
day time No "2010-02-01" The day of the impression.
month time No "2010-02" The month of the impression.
advertiser_id int Yes 789 Internal ID of the advertiser
advertiser_name string No "Verizon" Display name of the advertiser
advertiser string No "Verizon (789)" Deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
advertiser_currency string Yes "USD" The currency of the advertiser.
line_item_id int Yes 932 Internal ID of the line item
line_item_name string No "$3 CPM Verizon Remarketing" Display name of the line item
line_item string No "$3 CPM Verizon Remarketing (932)" Deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
publisher_id int Yes 123 Internal ID of the publisher
publisher_name string No "Microsoft" Display name of the publisher
publisher string No "Microsoft (123)" Deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
publisher_currency string Yes Yes The currency of the publisher.
salesperson_for_advertiser string Yes "Ray Parcino" The salesperson for the advertiser. See the "labels" field in the Advertiser Service for more details.
salesperson_for_publisher string Yes "Brian Young" The salesperson for the publisher. See the "labels" field in the Publisher Service for more details.
account_manager_for_advertiser string Yes "Rachel Dina" The account manager for the advertiser. See the "labels" field in the Advertiser Service for more details.
account_manager_for_publisher string Yes "Ami Fisher" The account manager for the publisher. See the "labels" field in the Publisher Service for more details.
trafficker_for_line_item string Yes "Maurice Truman" The trafficker for the line item. See the "labels" field in the Line Item Service for more details.
salesrep_for_line_item string Yes "Beverly Heller" The sales rep for the line item. See the "labels" field in the Line Item Service for more details.


Column Type Example Formula Description
imps int 234123 imps Total number of impressions
clicks int 545 clicks Total number of clicks across all impressions
convs int 205 total_convs Total number of conversions across all impressions
media_cost money 304.36 media_cost The total cost of the inventory purchased.
media_cost_pub_curr money 201.34 media_cost_pub_curr The total cost of the inventory purchased, in the currency of the publisher.
media_cost_adv_curr money 201.34 media_cost_adv_curr The total cost of the inventory purchased, in the currency of the advertiser.

Note: If you are not tracking revenue through Xandr, this will be 0.
net_media_cost money 211.23 media_cost - auction_service_deduction The total cost of inventory purchased, less the buyer's auction service charge deductions.
net_media_cost_adv_curr money 211.23 media_cost_adv_curr - auction_service_deduction_adv_curr The total cost of inventory purchased, less the buyer's auction service charge deductions, in the currency of the advertiser.

Note: If you are not tracking revenue through Xandr, this will be 0.
ecpm money 1.30 (spend / imps) x 1000 Amount of money spent per 1000 impressions.
ecpm_pub_curr money 1.30 (spend / imps) x 1000 Amount of money spent per 1000 impressions, in the currency of the publisher.
ctr double 0.002327 clicks / imps The rate of clicks to impressions
convs_rate double 0.000856 total_convs / imps The rate of conversions to impressions
network_revenue money 1201.13 network_revenue Network revenue booked through direct advertisers and resold to real-time buyers
booked_revenue money 1201.13 booked_revenue Network revenue booked through direct advertisers.
booked_revenue_adv_curr money 970.24 booked_revenue_adv_curr Network revenue booked through direct advertisers, in the currency of the advertiser.
network_profit money 801.08 network_revenue - media_cost Network profit booked through direct advertisers and resold to real-time buyers.
network_rpm money 5.13 (network_revenue / imps) x 1000 Network revenue per Mille (1000 imps)
network_ppm money 3.42 (network_profit / imps) x 1000 Network profit per Mille (1000 imps)
network_roi double 2.94 (network_revenue / media_cost) - 1 Network return on investment. Returned as a percentage, e.g., 0.94 = 94%
advertiser_revenue money advertiser_revenue The revenue recorded for the advertiser.
advertiser_profit money advertiser_revenue - media_cost Advertiser profit
advertiser_rpm money (advertiser_revenue / imps) x 1000 Advertiser revenue per Mille (1000 imps)
advertiser_ppm money (advertiser_profit / imps) x 1000 Advertiser profit per Mille (1000 imps)
advertiser_roi money (advertiser_revenue / media_cost) x 1000 Advertiser return on investment
spend money 304.36 media_cost
creative_overage_fees money creative_overage_fees Total fees charged for hosted creatives that exceed the creative size limit.
creative_overage_fees_adv_curr money creative_overage_fees_adv_curr Total fees charged for hosted creatives that exceed the creative size limit, in the currency of the advertiser.

Note: If you are not tracking revenue through Xandr, this will be 0.
auction_service_fees money auction_service_fees Total fees charged for impressions bought from third parties. These fees are charged in addition to the buyer's media cost. For more information, see Buyer Auction Service Charge Mechanics in the Monetize documentation.
auction_service_fees_adv_curr money auction_service_fees_adv_curr Total fees charged for impressions bought from third parties, in the currency of the advertiser. These fees are charged in addition to the buyer's media cost. For more information, see Buyer Auction Service Charge Mechanics in the Monetize documentation.

Note: If you are not tracking revenue through Xandr, this will be 0.
auction_service_deduction money auction_service_deduction The total deductions charged for impressions bought from third parties. These deductions are included in the buyer's media cost and deducted when calculating the seller's payment.
auction_service_deduction_adv_curr money auction_service_deduction_adv_curr The total deductions charged for impressions bought from third parties, in the currency of the advertiser. These deductions are included in the buyer's media cost and deducted when calculating the seller's payment.

Note: If you are not tracking revenue through Xandr, this will be 0.
reseller_revenue money 304.23 reseller_revenue The revenue generated through sales to external (RTB) buyers.
reseller_revenue_pub_curr money 304.23 reseller_revenue_pub_curr The revenue generated through sales to external (RTB) buyers, in the currency of the publisher.


Create a JSON formatted report request

The JSON file should include the report_type "network_analytics", as well as the columns (dimensions and metrics) and report_interval that you want to retrieve. You can also filter for specific dimensions, define granularity (year, month, day), and specify the format in which the data should be returned (csv, excel, or html). For a full explanation of fields that can be included in the JSON file, see the Report Service.

$ cat network-billing-request.json

    "report": {
        "format": "csv",
        "report_interval": "last_48_hours",
        "columns": [
        "report_type": "network_billing"

POST the request to the reporting service

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @network-billing-request.json ''

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "report_id": "a2add615a52f0ca4ed13f64ce9d94a5c",
        "existing": false

GET the report status from the report service

Make a GET call with the report ID to retrieve the status of the report. Continue making this call until the execution_status is "ready". Then use the report-download service to save the reporting data to a file (described in the next step).

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "report": {
            "name": "",
            "created_on": "2014-04-07 15:51:19",
            "json_request": "{\"report\":{\"format\":\"csv\",\"report_interval\":\"last_48_hours\",\"columns\":[\"seller_member_id\",\"buyer_member_id\",\"imps\",\"clicks\",\"convs_rate\"],\"report_type\":\"network_billing\",\"filters\":[{\"entity_member_id\":\"1309\"}]}}",
            "url": ""
        "execution_status": "ready"

GET the report data from the report download service

To download the report data to a file, make another GET call with the report ID, but this time to the report-download service. You can find the service and report ID in the url field of the previous GET response. When identifying the file that you want to save to, be sure to use the file extension of the "format" that you specified in your initial POST.


If an error occurs during download, the response header will include an HTTP error code and message. Use -i or -v in your call to expose the response header.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ' > /tmp/network-billing-report.csv


There is a limit of 100,000 rows per report when you download them as XLSX and Excel file.