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Network analytics feed

The Network Analytics Feed offers you extensive data on your network's buy-side and sell-side performance. The report_type for this feed is network_analytics_feed.


How to fetch this feed?

For instructions on how to fetch this feed, see the example on the Bulk Reporting Feeds page.

Data retention period

This report's data is retained for 30 days, and is available at an hourly time granularity.


Column Type Example Description
hour time 2010-02-01 06:00:00 The year, month, day, and hour of the auction.
day time 2010-02-01 The year, month, and day of the auction.
month time 2010-02 The year and month of the auction.
adjustment_id int 890 The ID of the adjustment used to make changes to booked revenue and media cost values.
advertiser_id int 789 The ID of the advertiser. If the value is 0, either the impression was purchased by third-party buyer, or a default or PSA was shown.
advertiser_code int 789 This field returns the same value as advertiser_id. To map the ID to the external code for the advertiser, use the Lookup Service. If the value is 0, the impression was purchased by third-party buyer.
advertiser_currency string "USD" The currency of the advertiser.
bid_type string "Manual" The optimization phase the node was in when it bid for this impression.

Note: The term "give up" is appended to the bid types below if the valuation for that impression falls below the venue's "give up price".

For more information, see What is a Venue? and Give Up in the UI documentation. Allowed values:
- "Manual": Applies when you are bidding with a CPM goal, whether it's Base, EAP, or ECP.
- "Learn": Applies when you are bidding with optimization (CPA, CPC, or margin) and we do not yet have enough data to bid optimized.
- "Optimized": Applies when you are bidding with optimization (CPA, CPC, or margin) and we have enough data to bid optimized.
- "Unknown": The node was in an unknown optimization phase.
- "Optimized give up"
- "Learn give up"
- "Manual give up"
buyer_member_id int 123 The ID of the buying member. If the impression was not purchased, this field shows one of the following values:
229 = PSA
0 = Blank
319 = Default
buyer_type string "Real Time", "Direct" The type of media purchased by the buyer member.
campaign_id int 222 The ID of the campaign.
creative_id int 50 The ID of the creative. For external click or impression trackers, this will be "External Clicks" or "External Imps". For imp_type = 6, no information is available in the creative_id field for this report. See the Seller Brand Review Report instead.
creative_frequency_bucket string "15-30 minutes" Deprecated. If you request this dimension, only a default value will be returned. Please use the Network Creative Frequency & Recency report to view creative frequency data.
creative_recency_bucket string "11-20" Deprecated. If you request this dimension, only a default value will be returned. Please use the Network Creative Frequency & Recency report to view creative recency data.
deal_id int 456 The ID of the deal. For more information about negotiated deals between buyers and sellers, see Deal Service and Deal Buyer Access Service.
entity_member_id int 123 If imp_type is 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8, the ID of the buying member; otherwise, the ID of the selling member.
external_inv_id int 8293 The ID of the external inventory code passed in the ad call and predefined by the publisher. For more details, see External Inventory Code Service.
geo_country string "US" The code of the geographic country/region.
height int 720 The height of the creative/placement.
imp_type string "Blank" The ID for the type of impression. Possible values (associated types in parentheses):
- 1 ("Blank"): No creative served.
- 2 ("PSA"): A public service announcement served because there were no valid bids and no default creative was available.
- 3 ("Default Error"): A default creative served due to a timeout issue.
- 4 ("Default"): A default creative served because there were no valid bids.
- 5 ("Kept"): Your advertiser's creative served on your publisher's site.
- 6 ("Resold"): Your publisher's impression was sold to a third-party buyer.
- 7 ("RTB"): Your advertiser's creative served on third-party inventory.
- 8 ("PSA Error"): A public service announcement served due to a timeout issue or lack of a default creative.
- 9 ("External Impression"): An impression from an impression tracker.
- 10 ("External Click"): A click from a click tracker.
insertion_order_id int 321 The ID of the insertion order. If the value is 0, the impression was purchased by a third-party buyer.
insertion_order_code int 321 This field returns the same value as insertion_order_id. To map the ID to the external code for the insertion order, use the Lookup Service. If the value is 0, the impression was purchased by a third-party buyer.
line_item_id int 111 The ID of the line item. If the value is 0, the impression was purchased by a third-party buyer.
line_item_code int 111 This field returns the same value as line_item_id. To map the ID to the external code for the line item, use the Lookup Service. If the value is 0, the impression was purchased by a third-party buyer.
media_type string "Banner" The general display style of a creative, for example, Banner, or Video. You can use the Media Type Service to view the complete list of media types.
mediatype_id int 4 The ID of the general display style of a creative. Possible values:
1 = Banner
2 = Pop
3 = Interstitial
4 = Video
5 = Test
6 = Expandable
8 = Skin
media_subtype string "Standard Banner" The specific display style of a creative, for example, In-Banner Video, or Standard VAST. You can use the Media Type Service to view the complete list of media subtypes.
media_subtype_id int 7 The ID of the specific display style of a creative.
pixel_id int 543 The ID of the pixel.
placement_id int 432 The ID of the placement.
placement_code string "Placement Code" The external code for the placement.
publisher_id int 772 The ID of the publisher.
publisher_code string 772 This field returns the same value as publisher_id. To map the ID to the external code for the publisher, use the Lookup Service. If the value is 0, the impression was purchased by a third-party buyer.
publisher_currency string "USD" The currency of the publisher.
pub_rule_id int 588 The ID of the publisher rule. This is the same as payment_rule_id.
pub_rule_code string "Pub Rule Code" The external code for the publisher rule.
seller_member_id int 892 The ID of the selling member.
seller_type string "Real Time", "Direct" The type of media sold by the selling member.
site_id int 673 The ID of the site.
site_code string "Site Code" The external code for the site.
size string "720x90" The size of the creative/placement.
width int 90 The width of the creative/placement
revenue_type string "CPA" The basis on which an advertiser pays the member.
payment_type string "com", "revshare" The basis on which the member pays a broker.
split_id int 342 The ID of the split that purchased the impressions in this data set. Splits are only applicable to augmented line items. For any reports that contain campaigns, the split_id (if included) will be null.


Column Type Example Formula Description
booked_revenue money 25.767257 booked_revenue The total revenue booked through direct advertisers (line item).
booked_revenue_adv_curr money 25.767257 booked_revenue_adv_curr The total revenue booked through a direct advertiser, in the currency of the advertiser.
clicks int 1 clicks The total number of clicks across all impression.
commissions money 0 commissions Fees that come out of the booked revenue.
imps int 2340 imps The total number of impressions (served and resold).
media_cost money 16.833378 media_cost The total cost of the inventory purchased.
media_cost_pub_curr money 16.833378 media_cost_pub_curr The total cost of the inventory purchased, in the currency of the publisher.
network_advertiser_rpm money network_advertiser_rpm network_advertiser_rpm
network_advertiser_rpm_adv_curr money network_advertiser_rpm_adv_curr network_advertiser_rpm_adv_curr
network_resold_rpm double network_resold_rpm network_resold_rpm
post_click_convs int 3 post_click_convs The total number of recorded post-click conversions.
post_click_revenue money 12.90 post_click_revenue The total amount of recorded post-click revenue.
post_view_convs int 2 post_view_convs The total number of recorded post-view conversions.
post_view_revenue money 150.00 post_view_revenue The total amount of recorded post-view revenue.
ppm money 4.14 (profit / imps) x 1000 The profit per thousand impressions.
profit money 970.40 revenue - media_cost The total network revenue minus the network cost.
publisher_rpm_publisher_currency money 200.22 publisher_rpm_publisher_currency
reseller_revenue money 720.10 reseller_revenue The total revenue on resold impressions through direct publishers.
revenue money 1921.23 booked_revenue + reseller_revenue The sum of booked revenue and reseller revenue.
revenue_adv_curr money 1921.23 booked_revenue + reseller_revenue The sum of booked revenue and reseller revenue, in the currency of the advertiser.
rpm_adv_curr double 8.21 (revenue / imps) x 1000 The revenue per thousand impressions, in the currency of the advertiser.
serving_fees money 0.025143 serving_fees Fees that are added to the media cost.
total_convs int 5 total_convs The total number of post-view and post-click conversions.
total_network_rpm money 2.60548314606741 (revenue / imps) x 1000 The revenue per 1000 impressions.
total_publisher_rpm double 1.66051685393258 (media_cost / imps) x 1000 The cost per 1000 impressions.
imps_viewed int 30,450 imps_viewed The number of measured impressions that were viewable, per the IAB Viewability definition, which states that an impression is viewable if 50% of the pixels are in-view during 1 consecutive second.
view_measured_imps int 10,120 view_measured_imps The total number of impressions that were measured for viewability.
view_rate double 58% view_rate The percentage of impressions that were viewable out of the total number of impressions measured for viewability. (Viewed Imps / View Measured Imps)
view_measurement_rate double 45% view_measurement_rate The percentage of impressions measured for viewability out of the total number of impressions. (View Measured Imps / Imps)
imps_master_creative int 100 imps_for_budget_caps_pacing The total number of impressions from the master creative in page-level roadblocking.


For an example, see the Example section in Bulk Reporting Feeds.