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Developer Data service


This service is currently available to a limited set of clients and Microsoft employees only.

The Developer Data Service is used to add data about API objects. The Developer Data Service is flexible, allowing developers to store anything that might be useful when the user accesses the object again. Some examples of how this service can be used:

  • Xandr uses it to store data on users not used by ad serving (e.g., if the user has seen or dismissed certain notifications within).
  • Xandr uses it to keep track of certain campaign state as the user is creating a campaign.

To write to the Developer Data Service, you must:

  • be a valid and authenticated developer.

  • own the object for which you are adding data.

  • add data for a unique combination of object_type and object_id (e.g., you can add only one set of data for profile 1234).

  • restrict the data object to 500 characters or less.

  • be switched into a user.


    You cannot write to the service by passing the developer_id through the command line or in the object JSON. You must be switched into a user.

The Developer Data Service is only available for the following objects:

  • Creative
  • Profile
  • Segment
  • Member


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
POST Add new developer data
PUT Modify existing developer data
View specific developer data
GET View all developer data
DELETE Delete developer data
GET Find out which fields you can filter and sort by

JSON fields

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the developer data object.
Default: Auto-generated number.
object_id int The ID of the object to which you are adding data.
Required On: POST, PUT, DELETE
Default: N/A
object_type string The type of object to which you are adding data. Possible values:
- creative
- profile
- segment
- member

Required On: POST, PUT, DELETE
Default: N/A
data string The data being added to the object. Must be formatted as an object.
Default: N/A
Note: Must be less than 500 characters.


The table below is for Xandr employees.

Field Type Description
developer_id string Admin Only. The ID of the developer.
Default: Auto-generated number


Add new developer data

$ cat developer_data
        "developer_data": {
                "object_id": 10,
                "object_type": "profile",
                "data": "{\"plugin_ids\":{\"segment\":1}}"
$ curl -b cookies -X POST -d @developer_data ''
  "response": {
    "status": "OK",
    "count": 6118352,
    "start_element": 0,
    "num_elements": 1,
    "developer-datas": [
                "id": 1,
                "object_id": 10,
                "object_type": "profile",
                "data": "{\"plugin_ids\":{\"segment\":1}}"

View all developer data

$ curl -b cookies ''
  "response": {
    "status": "OK",
    "count": 6118352,
    "start_element": 0,
    "num_elements": 100,
    "developer-datas": [
        "id": 1,
        "object_id": 726837,
        "object_type": "profile",
        "data": {
          "plugin_ids": {
            "segment": "2"
          "usergroup_targeting": null
        "id": 3,
        "object_id": 735066,
        "object_type": "profile",
        "data": {
          "plugin_ids": {
            "segment": "2"
          "usergroup_targeting": null
    "dbg_info": {
      "instance": "",
      "s1ave_hit": false,
      "db": "master",
      "awesomesauce_cache_used": false,
      "count_cache_used": false,
      "warnings": [],
      "time": 5967.670917511,
      "start_microtime": 1437417138.3324,
      "version": "1.15.568",
      "s1ave_miss": "no_service_index",
      "s1ave_lag": 0,
      "member_last_modified_age": 1437417138,
      "output_term": "developer-datas"

View specific developer data

$ curl -b cookies ''
  "response": {
    "status": "OK",
    "count": 1,
    "start_element": 0,
    "num_elements": 100,
    "developer-data": {
      "id": 3,
      "object_id": 735066,
      "object_type": "profile",
      "data": {
        "plugin_ids": {
          "segment": "2"
        "usergroup_targeting": null
    "dbg_info": {
      "instance": "",
      "s1ave_hit": false,
      "db": "master",
      "awesomesauce_cache_used": false,
      "count_cache_used": false,
      "warnings": [],
      "time": 44.665098190308,
      "start_microtime": 1437418438.3285,
      "version": "1.15.568",
      "s1ave_miss": "no_service_index",
      "s1ave_lag": 0,
      "member_last_modified_age": 1437418438,
      "output_term": "developer-data"