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Digital Platform API - Creative Search service

This read-only service allows you to search for active creatives ased on specific criteria, such as audit status, ID, size, etc. You may then wish to use these creative IDs in the Ad Profile Service. To add creatives to the system, see the Creative Service.


Since this service searches all active creatives on the AppNexus platform (not just your own), a search that is too broad might cause an error. To ensure that you get results, narrow your search as much as possible.

This API also enables certain native fields searchable through creative search.

The searchable fields are as follows:

  • title (1)
  • description (2)
  • call_to_action (3)
  • additional_description (13)

The search will return a creative if the search term matches any text in any of the aforementioned fields.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
(creative_search JSON)
Search for creatives.
(creative_search JSON)
Search for creatives and sort results.


The fields used to search for creatives are not exactly the same as the fields returned. This is because the returned objects are drawn from the Creative Service and formatted accordingly.

JSON fields

Field Type Description
creative_ids array of integers Search for creatives by their IDs.
Sortable: Yes, use "id" in query string.
description string Search for creatives by terms in their descriptions.
Sortable: No
audit_status array of enums Search for creatives by their audit status. Possible values: "no_audit", "pending", "rejected", "audited".
Sortable: Yes
ad_profile_id int Must be used with brand_status. Search for a creative by the ID of its ad profile.
Sortable: No
brand_status array of enums Must be used with ad_profile_id. Search for creatives by their brand status. For example, if this is set to "trusted", all trusted brands within the ad profiles specified in ad_profile_id will be returned in the response. Possible values: "trusted", "case-by-case", "banned". The brand status field is only returned in the response when you use this filter.
Sortable: No
review_status array of enums Search for creatives based on their review status (from the associated ad profiles). Possible values: "reviewed", "unreviewed". The review status field is only returned in the response when you use this filter.
Sortable: No
uploaded_since timestamp Search for creatives that were uploaded since this date.
Format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".
Sortable: No
modified_since timestamp Search for creatives that were modified since this date.
Format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".
Sortable: No
formats array of enums Search for creatives by their formats. Possible values: "url-html", "url-js", "flash", "image", "raw-js", "raw-html", "iframe-html", "url-vast", "text".
Sortable: Yes, use "format" in query string.
media_subtype array of enums Deprecated, use media_subtype_ids instead. Search for creatives by their media subtypes. Possible values: "Banner", "Popup", "Popunder".
Sortable: No
media_subtype_ids array of integers Search for creatives by their media subtype via ID. You can use the Media Subtype Service to look up the desired ID's.
Sortable: Yes, use "media_subtype_id" in query string.
media_url string Search for a creative by its URL.
Sortable: Yes
media_content string Search for a creative by the data in its original_content field (see Creative Service).
Sortable: No
sizes array of strings Search for creatives by their sizes, for example, "728x90".
Sortable: Yes, use "width" and "height" in query string.
brand_ids array of integers Search for creatives by the IDs of their brands.
Sortable: No
member_ids array of integers Must be used with member_action. Search for creatives by the IDs of their members.
Sortable: Yes, use "member_id" in query string.
member_action enum Must be used with member_ids. If this is set to "exclude", you exclude the members specified in member_ids from the search. Otherwise, the specified IDs are included.
Sortable: No
template_id int Search for creatives by their creative template IDs.
Sortable: Yes
size_in_bytes string Not a filter. Sort results in ascending/descending size order.
Sortable: Yes
click_url string Not a filter. Sort results in ascending/descending alphabetical click URL order.
Sortable: Yes
landing_page_url string Not a filter. Sort results in ascending/descending alphabetical landing page URL order.
Sortable: Yes


Search for all banner creatives that have passed AppNexus audit

$ cat creative_search
   "creative-search": {
      "audit_status": [
      "media_subtype": [
$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @creative_search ''

   "response": {
      "status": "OK",
      "creatives": [
            "id": "48652",
            "width": "300",
            "height": "250",
            "media_url": "https:\/\/\/p\/05\/d1\/cd\/fe\/05d1cxxxxxx221db2ba8b.png",
            "content": null,
            "format": "image",
            "member_id": "408",
            "brand_id": "1",
            "click_url": "https:\/\/",
            "audit_status": "audited",
            "size_in_bytes": "14545",
            "landing_page_url": null,
            "last_activity": "2010-07-23 16:40:41",
            "created_on": "2010-04-30 07:20:23",
            "media_subtypes": [
            "pop_values": null
            "id": "73163",
            "width": "300",
            "height": "250",
            "media_url": null,
            "content": "<iframe src=\"https:\/\/\/udm\/img.fetch?sid=2773;tid=2;ev=1;dt=1;\" width=300
             height=250 Marginwidth=0 Marginheight=0 Hspace=0 Vspace=0 Frameborder=0 Scrolling=No><\/iframe>
             <noscript><a href=\"https:\/\/\/udm\/clk.cpx?sid=2773;ev=2;tid=2;dt=3\"><img src=\
             "https:\/\/\/udm\/img.fetch?sid=2773;ev=1;tid=2;dt=3\" width=300 height=250 border=0>
            "format": "iframe-html",
            "member_id": "333",
            "brand_id": "17",
            "click_url": "",
            "audit_status": "audited",
            "size_in_bytes": "0",
            "landing_page_url": "https:\/\/",
            "last_activity": "2010-09-07 23:33:45",
            "created_on": "2010-08-25 16:31:43",
            "media_subtypes": [
            "pop_values": null

Search for all flash creatives that have been uploaded since 2012-01-01 00:00:00

$ cat creative_search
   "creative-search": {
      "formats": [
      "uploaded_since": "2012-01-01 00:00:00"
$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @creative_search ''

   "response": {
      "status": "OK",
      "creatives": [
            "id": "1207858",
            "width": "160",
            "height": "600",
            "media_url": "https:\/\/\/p\/c7\/6d\/5b\/bd\/c76d5bbdxxxxx8b9e1507c07cbe61.swf",
            "content": null,
            "format": "flash",
            "member_id": "326",
            "brand_id": "4467",
            "click_url": "https:\/\/\/witness\/p=28xxx96\/c=6sxd3",
            "audit_status": "audited",
            "size_in_bytes": "40077",
            "landing_page_url": "https:\/\/",
            "last_activity": "2012-01-01 15:56:59",
            "created_on": "2012-01-01 02:34:14",
            "media_subtypes": [
            "pop_values": null
            "id": "1207859",
            "width": "160",
            "height": "600",
            "media_url": "https:\/\/\/p\/3b\/d6\/f6\/1d\/3bd6f61dkdh4473djfb579430ed.swf",
            "content": null,
            "format": "flash",
            "member_id": "326",
            "brand_id": "4467",
            "click_url": "https:\/\/\/witness\/p=2ddssd6\/c=3423",
            "audit_status": "audited",
            "size_in_bytes": "32094",
            "landing_page_url": "https:\/\/",
            "last_activity": "2012-01-01 15:57:36",
            "created_on": "2012-01-01 02:35:52",
            "media_subtypes": [
            "pop_values": null

Search for all 728x90 and 300x250 image creatives that belong to member 333

$ cat creative_search
   "creative-search": {
      "sizes": [
      "formats": [
      "member_ids": [
$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @creative_search ''

   "response": {
      "status": "OK",
      "creatives": [
            "id": "61967",
            "width": "300",
            "height": "250",
            "media_url": "",
            "content": null,
            "format": "image",
            "member_id": "333",
            "brand_id": "1",
            "click_url": "",
            "audit_status": "no_audit",
            "size_in_bytes": "29433",
            "landing_page_url": null,
            "last_activity": "2011-05-13 02:34:47",
            "created_on": "2010-07-28 20:44:22",
            "media_subtypes": [
            "pop_values": null
            "id": "291801",
            "width": "728",
            "height": "90",
            "media_url": "",
            "content": null,
            "format": "image",
            "member_id": "333",
            "brand_id": "2450",
            "click_url": "",
            "audit_status": "audited",
            "size_in_bytes": "24091",
            "landing_page_url": "",
            "last_activity": "2011-05-13 03:30:00",
            "created_on": "2011-04-05 18:28:29",
            "media_subtypes": [
            "pop_values": null