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Creative Custom Request Partner service


Mediation is only available to Microsoft Monetize Ad Server customers.

For context on mediation, see Selling Your Inventory through Mediation.

Mediation partners, also known as custom request partners, can be identified and defined through this service. These partners are assigned to customer-specific Networks via the UI or Mediated Network Service.

Each partner is also associated with templates defined in the Creative Custom Request Template Service.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
GET View all partners.
GET View a specific partner.
POST Create a new partner.
PUT Update a partner.
DELETE Delete a partner.

JSON fields

Field Type Description
id int The unique identification number of the custom partner.
name string The name of the partner.
Required On: POST
macro_type string Indicates the type of macros used to define the partner. Allowed values:
- standard: The integration is not via a user-defined Custom Network, and has access to our standard creative macros to build the request. This can include supported SDK integrations.
- customsdk: The integration is with a user-created Custom Mobile Network.
- customweb: The integration is with a user-created Custom Web Network.
- customvideo: The integration is with a user-created Custom Video Network.
Default: standard
Required On: POST
member_id int Determines who can use this custom creative request partner. A value of 0 indicates that any member can integrate with (i.e., use mediation to sell to) this partner. If the value is a particular non-zero member ID, the partner is only available to that member.
Default: 0
last_modified datetime Read Only. The date and time that this record was last changed.
creative_custom_request_templates array This array contains details about the macros that will be used by this custom partner. This can be null if no macro information is required. For more details, see Creative Custom Request Template Service.


View all custom partners

{code}$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''
                "last_modified":"2014-03-21 21:43:33",
                        "content":"[ { \"tag\":\"#{TAG}\" } ] ",
                        "last_modified":"2014-03-18 13:30:44",
                                "last_modified":"2014-03-18 13:30:44"
                        "last_modified":"2014-04-29 20:25:04",
                        "name":"Millennial Media Async",
                        "content":"[ { \"tag\":\"document.write('window.async = true; var cb = function(adFilled) { window.async = false; if (!adFilled) ADNXSMediation.noAd(); setTimeout(function(){ }, 0); } ; window.mmAPI.placeAd({ containerElementId: \\\"adContainer\\\", apid: \\\"#{APID} \\\", placementType: \\\"inline\\\", width: ${WIDTH}, height: ${HEIGHT}, allowLocation: #{LOC} }, cb);');\" } ] ",
                        "last_modified":"2014-05-27 19:45:45",
                                "last_modified":"2014-05-27 19:45:45"
                                "name":"Allow Location",
                                "last_modified":"2014-05-27 19:45:45"
                        "name":"Millennial Media Async",
                        "content":"[ { \"tag\": \"http:\/\/\/APN-test\/millennial-web-2.js\", \"vars\":\"var APN={ } ;APN.apid='#{APID} ';APN.w=${WIDTH} ;APN.h=${HEIGHT} ;APN.loc=#{ LOC } ;\", \"width\":${WIDTH}, \"height\":${HEIGHT} } ] ",
                        "last_modified":"2014-05-30 13:28:41",
                                "last_modified":"2014-05-27 20:09:25"
                                "name":"Allow Location",
                                "last_modified":"2014-05-27 20:09:25"
                        "name":"Millennial Media Async",
                        "content":"[ { \"tag\": \"document.write(\\\" window.async = true; var cb = function(adFilled) { window.async = false;  if (!adFilled) ADNXSMediation.noAd();  setTimeout(function(){ }, 0); } ; window.mmAPI.placeAd({ containerElementId: \\\\\"adContainer\\\\\", apid: \\\\\"#{APID} \\\\\", placementType: \\\\\"inline\\\\\", width: #{WIDTH}, height: #{HEIGHT}, allowLocation: #{LOC} }, cb);\\\");\" } ] ",
                        "last_modified":"2014-05-27 21:31:29",
                                "last_modified":"2014-05-27 21:31:29"
                                "name":"Allow Location",
                                "last_modified":"2014-05-27 21:31:29"
                "last_modified":"2014-04-23 22:24:46",

View custom partners associated with a specific member

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''    
            "last_modified":"2014-04-23 22:24:46",

Create a custom partner

{code}$ cat create-custom-creative-request-partner-service.json
    "creative-custom-request-partner": {
        "name": "Fred's Company",
        "macro_type": "standard"
$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @custom-creative-request-partner-service.json ''
            "name":"Fred's Company",
            "last_modified":"2014-06-02 17:55:27",

Edit a custom partner

{code}$ cat edit-custom-creative-request-partner-service.json
        "member_id": 3261
$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X PUT -d @edit-ccr-partner-service.json ''
            "last_modified":"2014-06-03 14:36:49",

Delete a custom partner

{code}$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X DELETE ''
    "response": {