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App email service


This service is currently available to a limited set of clients and Microsoft employees only.

The app email service is an admin-only service that manages automatic email notifications sent to admin users when apps are installed, modified, or deleted. This is also the service used to change the content of email notifications on app install, modification, or deletion.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description

(new_email JSON)
Add an app email
(update_email JSON)
Modify an existing app email
GET View all app emails
GET View a specific app email
DELETE Delete an app email

JSON fields

Field Type Description
id int Read Only. The auto-generated ID of the email being sent through the app_email service.
Required On: PUT, DELETE
recipient string The name of the person, people, team, or teams receiving the email. Name(s) may contain up to 225 characters.
Required On: POST (JSON)
type string The type field is used to assign a category to the email - for example "data team" or "services bugs". It may contain up to 225 characters.
Default: null
action enum The event that trigger the notification email. Possible values are
- "put"
- "post"
- "delete".

Default: POST
Required On: POST (JSON)
recipient_emails string The email addresses of the people who should receive the notification. Can contain specific email addresses separated by commas and/or a variable that pulls specific emails from the database to populate the field.

- %developer_email%,
- %developer_email%,%installer_email%

Required On: POST (JSON)
subject string The text that will appear in the subject field of the email.
Required On: POST (JSON)
body string The body of the email. Does not have a character limit.
Required On: POST (JSON)
bcc string The email addresses of the people who should receive the notification as bcc recipients. Can contain specific email addresses separated by commas and/or a variable that pulls specific emails from the database to populate the field.

- %developer_email%,
- %developer_email%,%installer_email%

Default: null


Add a new app email

$ cat new_email.json
                      "app-email": {
                      "recipient": "Jane User",
                      "action": "put",
                      "recipient_emails": "",
                      "subject": "App Added",
                      "body": "Hello world!"
                      $ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @new_email.json ''
                      "response": {
                      "status": "OK"
                      "count": 1
                      "id": 54
                      "start_element": 0
                      "num_elements": 100
                      "app-email": {
                      "id": 54
                      "recipient": "Jane User"
                      "type": null
                      "action": "put"
                      "recipient_emails": ""
                      "subject": "App Added"
                      "body": "Hello world!"
                      "bcc": null

Update an existing app email

$ cat update_email.json
                      "body": "Goodbye world!"
                      $ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X PUT -d @update_email ''
                      "response": {
                      "status": "OK"
                      "count": 1
                      "id": "30"
                      "start_element": 0
                      "num_elements": 100
                      "app-email": {
                      "id": 30
                      "recipient": "DataTeam"
                      "type": "LogLevelData"
                      "action": "delete"
                      "recipient_emails": ""
                      "subject": "Log Level Data consuming app %app_name% (%app_id%) has been uninstalled"
                      "body": "Goodbye world!"
                      "bcc": null

View all app emails

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''
                      "response": {
                      "status": "OK"
                      "count": 3
                      "start_element": 0
                      "num_elements": 100
                      "app-emails": [
                      "id": 29
                      "recipient": "SalesOps"
                      "type": "LogLevelData"
                      "action": "post"
                      "recipient_emails": ""
                      "subject": "Log Level Data consuming app %app_name% (%app_id%) has been installed"
                      "body": "<p>Hi SalesOps, </p> <p>%subscriber_entity_name% (%subscriber_entity_id%) has installed %app_name% (%app_id%) on %installed_on%. Since %app_name% consumes LLD, please make the appropriate updates in SFDC. </p> <p>Thanks, <br /> The Apps Team</p>"
                      "bcc": null
                      "id": 32
                      "recipient" "AppDeveloper"
                      "type": null
                      "action": "delete"
                      "recipient_emails": "%developer_email%"
                      "subject": "%subscriber_entity_name% has uninstalled %app_name%"
                      "body": "<p>Hi %app_name%, </p> <p>%subscriber_entity_name% (%subscriber_entity_id%) has uninstalled your app on AppNexus. They uninstalled on %uninstalled_on%. This email is for your records.</p> <p>Thanks, <br /> The Apps Team<br /> </p>"
                      "bcc": ""
                      "id": 34
                      "recipient": "AppSubscriber"
                      "type": null
                      "action": "delete"
                      "recipient_emails": "%installer_email%"
                      "subject": "You have uninstalled %app_name%"
                      "body": "<p>Hi %subscriber_entity_name%,</p> <p>You have uninstalled %app_name% (%app_id%) at %uninstalled_on%. This                           email is for your records. </p> <p>Thanks, <br /> The Apps Team</p>"
                      "bcc": null

View a specific app email

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''
                      "response": {
                      "status": "OK"
                      "count": 1
                      "start_element": 0
                      "num_elements": 100
                      "app-email": {
                      "id": 54
                      "recipient": "Jane User"
                      "type": null
                      "action": "put"
                      "recipient_emails": ""
                      "subject": "App Added"
                      "body": "Hello world!"
                      "bcc": null

Delete an app email

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X DELETE '
                      "response": {
                      "status": "OK"