Alle Reiseziele aufzählen
Der folgende Beispielcode zeigt, wie alle Ziele in der Routingtabelle aufgelistet werden.
#include <windows.h>
#define ALLOC_RTM_DEST_INFO(NumViews, NumInfos) (PRTM_DEST_INFO) _alloca(RTM_SIZE_OF_DEST_INFO(NumViews) * NumInfos)
void main()
// Macro to allocate a RTM_DEST_INFO on the stack
// Code to enumerate destinations in the table
MaxHandles = RegnProfile.MaxHandlesInEnum;
DestInfos = ALLOC_RTM_DEST_INFO(NumViews, MaxHandles);
DestInfoSize = RTM_SIZE_OF_DEST_INFO(NumViews);
// Enumerate all destinations in the subtree (0 / 0)
// (basically the whole tree; you can
// also achieve this by using RTM_ENUM_START)
Status = RtmCreateDestEnum(RtmRegHandle, RTM_VIEW_MASK_UCAST | RTM_VIEW_MASK_MCAST, RTM_ENUM_RANGE, &NetAddress, RTM_BEST_PROTOCOL, &EnumHandle1);
if (Status == NO_ERROR)
do {
NumInfos = MaxHandles;
Status = RtmGetEnumDests(RtmRegHandle, EnumHandle1, &NumInfos, DestInfos);
for (i = 0; i < NumInfos; i++)
DestInfo = (PRTM_DEST_INFO) ((PUCHAR)DestInfos+(i*DestInfoSize));
// Process the current destination information
ASSERT(DestInfo->ViewInfo[0].ViewId == RTM_VIEW_ID_UCAST);
BestUnicastRoute = DestInfo->ViewInfo[0].Route;
// Advertise the best unicast route for the destination
// You can enumerate all routes for a destination by
// creating a route enumeration using
// RtmCreateRouteEnum ( .. DestInfo->DestHandle .. );
RtmReleaseDests(RtmRegHandle, NumInfos, DestInfos);
} while (Status == NO_ERROR)
// Close the enumeration and release its resources
RtmDeleteEnumHandle(RtmRegHandle, EnumHandle1);