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Auflisten von Diensten

Die WpdServicesApiSample-Anwendung enthält Code, der veranschaulicht, wie eine Anwendung alle Kontakte-Dienste auf einem der Geräte auflisten kann, die derzeit mit einem Computer verbunden sind.

Wenn der Benutzer die Option "0" in der Befehlszeile wählt, ruft die Anwendung die EnumerateContactsServices-Methode auf, die sich im Modul ServiceEnumeration.cpp befindet. Diese Methode zeigt eine Liste aller verbundenen Geräte an, die den Kontaktdienst unterstützen.

Wenn wpdServiceSampleDriver beispielsweise das einzige installierte Gerät ist, gibt die Anwendung drei Datenfelder zurück: einen Anzeigenamen ("Beispielgerät"), einen Hersteller ("Windows Portable Devices Group") und eine Beschreibung ("Kontaktdienstgerät 2000").

Die EnumerateContactsServices-Methode führt die folgenden Aufgaben aus:

Der folgende Code veranschaulicht die EnumerateContactsServices-Methode .

// Enumerates all Contacts Services, displaying the associated device of each service.
void EumerateContactsServices(CAtlArray<PWSTR>& ContactsServicePnpIDs)
    HRESULT                                 hr              = S_OK;
    DWORD                                   cPnpDeviceIDs   = 0;
    PWSTR*                                  pPnpDeviceIDs   = NULL;
    CComPtr<IPortableDeviceManager>         pPortableDeviceManager;
    CComPtr<IPortableDeviceServiceManager>  pServiceManager;

    // CoCreate the IPortableDeviceManager interface to enumerate
    // portable devices and to get information about them.
    hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_PortableDeviceManager,

    if (FAILED(hr))
        printf("! Failed to CoCreateInstance CLSID_PortableDeviceManager, hr = 0x%lx\n",hr);

    // Retrieve the IPortableDeviceServiceManager interface to enumerate device services.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pPortableDeviceManager->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pServiceManager));
        if (FAILED(hr))
            printf("! Failed to QueryInterface IID_IPortableDeviceServiceManager, hr = 0x%lx\n",hr);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        // First, pass NULL as the PWSTR array pointer to get the total number
        // of devices found on the system.
        hr = pPortableDeviceManager->GetDevices(NULL, &cPnpDeviceIDs);

        if (FAILED(hr))
            printf("! Failed to get number of devices on the system, hr = 0x%lx\n",hr);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (cPnpDeviceIDs > 0))
            // Second, allocate an array to hold the PnPDeviceID strings returned from
            // the IPortableDeviceManager::GetDevices method
            pPnpDeviceIDs = new (std::nothrow) PWSTR[cPnpDeviceIDs];

            if (pPnpDeviceIDs != NULL)
                DWORD dwIndex = 0;

                hr = pPortableDeviceManager->GetDevices(pPnpDeviceIDs, &cPnpDeviceIDs);
                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                    // For each device found, find the contacts service
                    for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < cPnpDeviceIDs; dwIndex++)
                        DWORD   cPnpServiceIDs = 0;
                        PWSTR   pPnpServiceID  = NULL;

                        // First, pass NULL as the PWSTR array pointer to get the total number
                        // of contacts services (SERVICE_Contacts) found on the device.
                        // To find the total number of all services on the device, use GUID_DEVINTERFACE_WPD_SERVICE.
                        hr = pServiceManager->GetDeviceServices(pPnpDeviceIDs[dwIndex], SERVICE_Contacts, NULL, &cPnpServiceIDs);
                        if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (cPnpServiceIDs > 0))
                            // For simplicity, we are only using the first contacts service on each device
                            cPnpServiceIDs = 1;
                            hr = pServiceManager->GetDeviceServices(pPnpDeviceIDs[dwIndex], SERVICE_Contacts, &pPnpServiceID, &cPnpServiceIDs);

                            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                                // We've found the service, display it and save its PnP Identifier

                                printf("[%d] ", static_cast<DWORD>(ContactsServicePnpIDs.GetCount()-1));

                                // Display information about the device that contains this service.
                                DisplayDeviceInformation(pServiceManager, pPnpServiceID);

                                // ContactsServicePnpIDs now owns the memory for this string
                                pPnpServiceID = NULL;
                                printf("! Failed to get the first contacts service from '%ws, hr = 0x%lx\n",pPnpDeviceIDs[dwIndex],hr);

                // Free all returned PnPDeviceID strings
                FreePortableDevicePnPIDs(pPnpDeviceIDs, cPnpDeviceIDs);

                // Delete the array of PWSTR pointers
                delete [] pPnpDeviceIDs;
                pPnpDeviceIDs = NULL;

                printf("! Failed to allocate memory for PWSTR array\n");
    printf("\n%d Contacts Device Service(s) found on the system\n\n", static_cast<DWORD>(ContactsServicePnpIDs.GetCount()));


