KB4564903 – Kumulatives Update 14 für SQL Server 2016 SP2
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 06. August 2020
Version: 13.0.5830.85
In diesem Artikel wird das kumulative Updatepaket 14 (CU14) (Buildnummer: 13.0.5830.85) für Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 2 (SP2) beschrieben. Dieses Update enthält Korrekturen , die nach der ersten Version von SQL Server 2016 SP2 veröffentlicht wurden.
Verbesserungen und Korrekturen, die in diesem Update enthalten sind
Fehlerreferenz | Beschreibung | Fixbereich | Plattform |
13544150 | Diese Verbesserung umfasst die Optimierung der Blockierung auf Objektebene für sekundäre Replikate von Always On-Verfügbarkeitsgruppen und behebt die Schemasperrverknügung bei sekundären Replikat-Wiederholungen, insbesondere wenn die Anzahl der logischen Prozessoren groß ist. | Hochverfügbarkeit | Windows |
13573411 | Behebt eine Zugriffsverletzungsausnahme, wenn Sie eine Anweisung ausführen insert into <table> exec sp_execute_external_script , und die Tabelle verfügt über eine Identitätsspalte in SQL Server 2016. |
SQL Engine | Alle |
12929737 | FIX: Zugriffsverletzung tritt auf, wenn Sie eine geklonte Datenbank in SQL Server 2016 (KB4576757) abfragen. | SQL Engine | Windows |
13378995 | FIX: Fehler beim automatischen Seeding für ein sekundäres Replikat in SQL Server 2016 (KB4568447) | Hochverfügbarkeit | Windows |
13516059 | Diese Verbesserung kann erzwingen, dass die Option Abfragespeicher deaktiviert wird, indem die zusätzliche Option FORCED im ALTER DB Befehl angegeben wird. FORCED mit der Option können Sie Abfragespeicher sofort deaktivieren, indem Sie alle Hintergrundaufgaben abbrechen.ALTER DATABASE {0} SET QUERY_STORE = OFF (FORCED) |
SQL Engine | Windows |
13529589 | FIX: Der Protokolllese-Agent generiert Zugriffsverletzungs exception for P2P or transactional replication with partitioning tables in SQL Server 2016 (KB4575939) | SQL Engine | Windows |
13539976 | Die sys.fn_xe_file_target_read_file Ausführung kann zu einer Zugriffsverletzung in SQL Server 2016 führen. |
SQL Engine | Windows |
13560933 | Behebt einen Zugriffsverstoß, der beim Abfragen der Eigenschaft "Zeilenmodianzahl" in räumlichen Indizes in SQL Server 2016 auftritt. | SQL-Leistung | Windows |
13561178 | Behebt Deadlocks, die in [Katalog] auftreten. [set_execution_property_override_value]. | Integrationsdienste | Windows |
13567427 | Behebt den zeitweiligen Fehler "Unerwartete Ausnahme", der bei Verwendung von SQL-Dialekt gegen tabellarische SSAS auftritt. | Analysis Services | Windows |
13575425 | FIX: INSERT EXEC funktioniert nicht, wenn Sie Zeile, die expliziten Identitätswert enthält, in tabelle mit IDENTITY-Spalte einfügen und IDENTITY_INSERT standardmäßig in SQL Server (KB4568653) deaktiviert ist. | SQL Engine | Windows |
13587428 | Behebt den unbestimmten Hänger während der Cubeverarbeitung, die durch Verbindungsdrosselung verursacht wird. Dieses Problem tritt nur auf, nachdem das kumulative Update 7 (CU7) für SQL Server Analysis Services 2016 Service Pack 2 (SP2) angewendet wurde. | Analysis Services | Windows |
13596467 | FIX: Zeitweiliger Verbindungsfehler tritt auf, wenn ein Ausdruck sowohl für Verbindungszeichenfolge als auch für das Kennwort eines Verbindungs-Managers (KB4569837) verwendet wird. | Integrationsdienste | Windows |
13606996 | FIX: Die Momentaufnahme neu hinzugefügter Artikel wird nicht auf abonnenten in SQL Server 2016 (KB4575940) angewendet. | SQL Engine | Windows |
13616653 | FIX: ISDBUpgradeWizard.exe löst einen Fehler aus, wenn Sie versuchen, SSISDB nach der Wiederherstellung aus früheren Versionen in SQL Server (KB4547890) zu aktualisieren. | Integrationsdienste | Windows |
13613608 13622634 |
RSetup.exe wird auf Version aktualisiert. Diese neue Version lädt neue SRS_9.4.7.958_1033.cab und SRO_3.5.2.777_1033.cab CAB-Dateien herunter. Mit diesem Update wird eine neue Version von R 3.5 installiert und als Standardversion in neuen Installationen konfiguriert. Eine aktualisierte RegisterRext.exe, die die /configure Optionen und /cleanup Befehlszeilenoptionen akzeptiert, um die jeweiligen vom Kunden angeforderten Aktionen auszuführen, wird zusammen mit den neuen R CAB-Dateien versandt. Um R 3.5 als Standardversion von R zu konfigurieren oder eine nicht verwendete alte Laufzeit in einer vorhandenen Installation mithilfe dieser RegisterRext.exe zu bereinigen, befolgen Sie die Anweisungen unter https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2133077. |
SQL Engine | Windows |
So erhalten Sie dieses kumulative Updatepaket
Das folgende Update steht im Microsoft Download Center zur Verfügung:
Laden Sie das neueste kumulative Updatepaket für SQL Server 2016 SP2 jetzt herunter.
Wenn die Downloadseite nicht angezeigt wird, wenden Sie sich an den Microsoft-Kundendienst und den Support , um das kumulative Updatepaket zu erhalten.
Nachdem zukünftige kumulative Updates für SQL Server 2016 veröffentlicht wurden, kann dieses CU aus dem Microsoft Windows Update-Katalog gefunden und heruntergeladen werden. Es wird jedoch empfohlen, das neueste kumulative Update zu installieren, das verfügbar ist.
Hinweise zu diesem Update
Kumulatives Update
Kumulative Updates (CU) sind jetzt im Microsoft Download Center verfügbar.
Nur das neueste CU, das für SQL Server 2016 SP2 veröffentlicht wurde, ist im Download Center verfügbar. Jedes neue CU enthält alle Fixes, die mit dem vorherigen CU für die installierte Version oder das Service Pack von SQL Server enthalten waren. Eine Liste der neuesten kumulativen Updates für SQL Server finden Sie im folgenden Artikel:
SQL Server 2016-Buildversionen
Microsoft empfiehlt eine fortlaufende, proaktive Installation von CUs, sobald sie verfügbar sind:
- SQL Server-CUs sind auf den gleichen Ebenen wie Service Packs zertifiziert und sollten auf demselben Konfidenzniveau installiert werden.
- Historische Daten zeigen, dass eine erhebliche Anzahl von Supportfällen ein Problem betrifft, das bereits in einem freigegebenen CU behoben wurde.
- CUs können einen Mehrwert über und über Hotfixes enthalten. Dazu gehören Unterstützung, Verwaltbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeitsupdates.
- Genau wie bei SQL Server-Service Packs sollten Sie CUs testen, bevor Sie sie in Produktionsumgebungen bereitstellen.
- Es wird empfohlen, die SQL Server-Installation auf das neueste SQL Server 2016 Service Pack zu aktualisieren.
Bereitstellung hybrider Umgebungen
Wenn Sie die Hotfixes in einer Hybridumgebung (z. B. AlwaysOn, Replikation, Cluster und Spiegelung) bereitstellen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, sich auf die folgenden Artikel zu beziehen, bevor Sie die Hotfixes bereitstellen:
Aktualisieren einer Failoverclusterinstanz
Wenn Sie den rollierenden Updateprozess nicht verwenden möchten, führen Sie die folgenden Schritte aus, um ein Update anzuwenden:
1. Installieren Sie das Service Pack auf dem passiven Knoten.
2. Installieren Sie das Update auf dem aktiven Knoten (erfordert einen Dienstneustart).Upgrade von Replikaten von Verfügbarkeitsgruppen
Wenn Sie Always On mit dem SSISDB-Katalog aktiviert haben, finden Sie unter den Informationen zu SSIS with Always On weitere Informationen zum Anwenden eines Updates in diesen Umgebungen.
Anwenden eines Hotfixes für SQL Server in einer Replikationstopologie
Installieren von -WartungsupdatesSQL Server
Kumulative SQL Server-Updates sind derzeit mehrsprachig. Daher ist dieses kumulative Updatepaket nicht spezifisch für eine Sprache. Sie gilt für alle unterstützten Sprachen.
Komponenten (Features) wurden aktualisiert.
Ein kumulatives Updatepaket enthält alle verfügbaren Updates für ALLE SQL Server 2016-Komponenten (Features). Das kumulative Updatepaket aktualisiert jedoch nur die Komponenten, die derzeit auf der SQL Server-Instanz installiert sind, die Sie für den Dienst auswählen. Wenn ein SQL Server-Feature (z. B. Analysis Services) der Instanz hinzugefügt wird, nachdem dieses CU angewendet wurde, müssen Sie dieses CU erneut anwenden, um das neue Feature auf dieses CU zu aktualisieren.
Unterstützung für dieses Update
Wenn andere Probleme auftreten oder eine Problembehandlung erforderlich ist, müssen Sie möglicherweise eine separate Serviceanfrage erstellen. Die üblichen Supportkosten gelten für zusätzliche Supportfragen und Für Probleme, die sich nicht für dieses spezifische kumulative Updatepaket qualifizieren. Eine vollständige Liste der Microsoft-Kundendienst- und Supporttelefonnummern oder zum Erstellen einer separaten Serviceanfrage erhalten Sie auf der Microsoft-Supportwebsite.
So deinstallieren Sie dieses Update
Wählen Sie in Systemsteuerung unter "Programme und Features" die Option "Installierte Updates anzeigen" aus.
Suchen Sie den Eintrag, der diesem kumulativen Updatepaket unter Microsoft SQL Server 2016 entspricht.
Halten Sie den Eintrag gedrückt (oder klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste darauf), und wählen Sie dann "Deinstallieren" aus.
Informationen zum kumulativen Updatepaket
Um dieses kumulative Updatepaket anzuwenden, müssen Sie SQL Server 2016 SP2 ausführen.
Informationen zum Neustarten
Möglicherweise müssen Sie den Computer neu starten, nachdem Sie dieses kumulative Updatepaket angewendet haben.
Um einen der Hotfixes in diesem Paket zu verwenden, müssen Sie keine Änderungen an der Registrierung vornehmen.
Informationen zur Kumulativen Updatepaketdatei
Die englische Version dieses Pakets enthält die Dateiattribute (oder höhere Dateiattribute), die in der folgenden Tabelle aufgeführt sind. Die Datums- und Uhrzeitangaben für diese Dateien werden in koordinierter Weltzeit (COORDINATED Universal Time, UTC) aufgeführt. Wenn Sie die Dateiinformationen anzeigen, wird sie in die Ortszeit konvertiert. Um den Unterschied zwischen UTC und Ortszeit zu ermitteln, verwenden Sie die Registerkarte "Zeitzone" im Element "Datum und Uhrzeit" in Systemsteuerung.
x64-basierte Versionen
SQL Server 2016-Browserdienst
Dateiname | Dateiversion | Dateigröße | Datum | Zeit | Plattform |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 46488 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 81808 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Sqlbrowser.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 269704 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:34 | x86 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 103824 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
SQL Server 2016 Writer
Dateiname | Dateiversion | Dateigröße | Datum | Zeit | Plattform |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 54168 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sqlboot.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 179608 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 123280 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqlvdi.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 190352 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sqlvdi.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 161688 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Sqlwriter.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 124824 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Sqlwriter_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 93584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqlwvss.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 339864 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqlwvss_xp.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 19336 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services
Dateiname | Dateiversion | Dateigröße | Datum | Zeit | Plattform |
Microsoft.analysisservices.server.core.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 1341832 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:27 | x86 |
Microsoft.applicationinsights.dll | | 329872 | 06-Jul-2018 | 22:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.powerbi.adomdclient.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 983432 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:24 | x86 |
Microsoft.powerbi.adomdclient.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 983448 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:26 | x86 |
Msmdctr130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 33176 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Msmdlocal.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 56245136 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Msmdlocal.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 37128088 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Msmdsrv.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 56792472 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:38 | x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 7502728 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:24 | x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 6502296 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x86 |
Msolap130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 8636296 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Msolap130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 7004048 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Msolui130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 303512 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Msolui130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 280464 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Sql_as_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 93584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqlboot.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 179608 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sqlceip.exe | 13.0.5830.85 | 249240 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x86 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 123280 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 103824 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Tmapi.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 4339096 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Tmcachemgr.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 2819480 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Tmpersistence.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 1064344 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Tmtransactions.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 1345432 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Xe.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 619400 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 252816 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 312216 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 184712 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 220552 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 32721288 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x86 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 24041368 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016 Database Services Common Core
Dateiname | Dateiversion | Dateigröße | Datum | Zeit | Plattform |
Batchparser.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 173960 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Batchparser.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 153480 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 54168 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 46488 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Isacctchange.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 23952 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Isacctchange.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 22416 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.adomdclient.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 1020824 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:28 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.adomdclient.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 1020816 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:29 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.core.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 1341840 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:29 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 695704 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:29 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.tabular.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 758672 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.tabular.json.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 513944 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:28 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.xmla.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 705424 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:26 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.xmla.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 705424 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:28 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.mgdsqldumper.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 65928 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:24 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.mgdsqldumper.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 68488 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:29 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 562576 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:24 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 562576 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:25 | x86 |
Msasxpress.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 29080 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Msasxpress.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 24976 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Pbsvcacctsync.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 65928 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Pbsvcacctsync.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 53144 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 93584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 123280 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 103824 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Sqlftacct.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 44936 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sqlftacct.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 39832 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Sqlmgmprovider.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 399256 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqlmgmprovider.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 358800 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Sqlsecacctchg.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 28056 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Sqlsecacctchg.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 30616 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x64 |
Sqltdiagn.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 60824 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqltdiagn.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 53656 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
SQL Server 2016-sql_dreplay_client
Dateiname | Dateiversion | Dateigröße | Datum | Zeit | Plattform |
Dreplayclient.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 114064 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:34 | x86 |
Dreplaycommon.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 683920 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:29 | x86 |
Dreplayutil.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 303000 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 54168 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sql_dreplay_client_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 93584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 21384 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x86 |
SQL Server 2016-sql_dreplay_controller
Dateiname | Dateiversion | Dateigröße | Datum | Zeit | Plattform |
Dreplaycommon.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 683920 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:29 | x86 |
Dreplaycontroller.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 343440 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:34 | x86 |
Dreplayprocess.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 164760 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 54168 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sql_dreplay_controller_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 93584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 21384 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x86 |
SQL Server 2016 Database Services Core Instance
Dateiname | Dateiversion | Dateigröße | Datum | Zeit | Plattform |
Backuptourl.exe | 13.0.5830.85 | 34200 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Batchparser.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 173960 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Datacollectorcontroller.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 218512 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dcexec.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 67472 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Fssres.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 74648 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Hadrres.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 170888 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Hkcompile.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 1291160 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Hkengine.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 5594512 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:38 | x64 |
Hkruntime.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 151960 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:39 | x64 |
Microsoft.applicationinsights.dll | | 329872 | 06-Jul-2018 | 22:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlautoadmin.autobackupagent.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 227736 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:23 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 385928 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:29 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vdiinterface.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 65432 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:23 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xe.core.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 58264 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:28 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 143256 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 151960 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:28 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.linq.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 265104 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:28 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.targets.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 67992 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:28 | x64 |
Odsole70.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 85912 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Opends60.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 26008 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Qds.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 869256 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Rsfxft.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 27544 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sqagtres.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 57752 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 93584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqlaamss.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 73608 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:24 | x64 |
Sqlaccess.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 456088 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:29 | x64 |
Sqlagent.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 559504 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Sqlagentctr130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 44936 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Sqlagentctr130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 37264 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Sqlagentlog.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 26008 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sqlagentmail.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 40856 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Sqlboot.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 179608 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sqlceip.exe | 13.0.5830.85 | 249240 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x86 |
Sqlcmdss.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 53144 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sqldk.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 2588568 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sqldtsss.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 90504 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Sqliosim.com | 2015.131.5830.85 | 300944 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Sqliosim.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 3007384 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Sqllang.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 39544720 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqlmin.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 37948824 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqlolapss.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 91032 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Sqlos.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 19352 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sqlpowershellss.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 51608 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqlrepss.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 48024 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqlresld.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 23960 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 23960 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqlscm.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 54152 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sqlscriptdowngrade.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 20888 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqlscriptupgrade.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 5804944 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sqlserverspatial130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 725896 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Sqlservr.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 385936 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:34 | x64 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 145304 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqltses.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 8916376 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqsrvres.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 244120 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Xe.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 619400 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 312216 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 220552 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Xpadsi.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 72088 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:23 | x64 |
Xplog70.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 58760 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Xpsqlbot.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 26520 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Xpstar.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 415624 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016 Database Services Core Shared
Dateiname | Dateiversion | Dateigröße | Datum | Zeit | Plattform |
Batchparser.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 173960 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Batchparser.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 153480 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Bcp.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 113048 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Commanddest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 242072 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Datacollectorenumerators.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 108936 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Datacollectortasks.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 181144 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Distrib.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 184208 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Dteparse.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 102808 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 81808 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:27 | x64 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 130456 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtexec.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 65944 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:36 | x64 |
Dts.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 3139480 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 470424 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 485776 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtshost.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 79768 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Dtslog.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 113552 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtsmsg130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 538520 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 1272208 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtspipelineperf130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 41352 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 80784 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtutil.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 127888 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Exceldest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 256400 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 278416 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Execpackagetask.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 159632 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 382344 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 394632 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 89480 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Hkengperfctrs.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 52120 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Logread.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 619920 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.core.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 1307032 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:27 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 385416 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:25 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 1644440 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:24 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.rmo.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 562576 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:25 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 143256 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 151960 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:28 | x64 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 94616 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x64 |
Msxmlsql.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 1487760 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 257432 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 284056 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Osql.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 68488 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Rawdest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 202648 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Rawsource.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 189848 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Rdistcom.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 900488 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Recordsetdest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 180120 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Repldp.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 274840 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Replmerg.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 511888 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Replprov.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 805272 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Replrec.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 1012104 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:23 | x64 |
Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 93584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqlcmd.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 242584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Sqldiag.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 1250704 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Sqllogship.exe | 13.0.5830.85 | 97680 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqlresld.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 23960 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqlresld.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 21912 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x86 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 23960 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 21384 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x86 |
Sqlscm.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 54152 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sqlscm.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 45968 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 145304 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 120216 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 173976 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqlwep130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 98712 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Ssisoledb.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 209288 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Tablediff.exe | 13.0.5830.85 | 79768 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Txagg.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 357784 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Txbdd.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 165784 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Txdatacollector.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 360840 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 289688 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txderived.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 600984 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Txlookup.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 525208 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txmerge.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 223640 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txmergejoin.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 271768 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txmulticast.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 121232 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txrowcount.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 119704 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txsort.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 252312 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Txsplit.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 593808 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txunionall.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 174984 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Xe.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 619400 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 312216 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016-sql_extensibility
Dateiname | Dateiversion | Dateigröße | Datum | Zeit | Plattform |
Launchpad.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 1008536 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Sql_extensibility_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 93584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqlsatellite.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 831376 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016-Volltextmodul
Dateiname | Dateiversion | Dateigröße | Datum | Zeit | Plattform |
Fd.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 653208 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Fdhost.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 98200 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:24 | x64 |
Fdlauncher.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 44432 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sql_fulltext_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 93584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqlft130ph.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 51096 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016-sql_inst_mr
Dateiname | Dateiversion | Dateigröße | Datum | Zeit | Plattform |
Imrdll.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 16776 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:27 | x86 |
Sql_inst_mr_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 93584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016 Integration Services
Dateiname | Dateiversion | Dateigröße | Datum | Zeit | Plattform |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdccontroltask.dll | | 77944 | 07-Jul-2020 | 10:05 | x86 |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdccontroltask.dll | | 77944 | 20.00.20 Uhr | 10:16 | x86 |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdcsplit.dll | | 37496 | 07-Jul-2020 | 10:05 | x86 |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdcsplit.dll | | 37496 | 20.00.20 Uhr | 10:16 | x86 |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdcsrc.dll | | 78456 | 07-Jul-2020 | 10:05 | x86 |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdcsrc.dll | | 78456 | 20.00.20 Uhr | 10:16 | x86 |
Commanddest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 242072 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Commanddest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 195976 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Dteparse.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 102808 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dteparse.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 92552 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 81808 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:27 | x64 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 76696 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x86 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 130456 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 108936 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Dtexec.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 59784 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x86 |
Dtexec.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 65944 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:36 | x64 |
Dts.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 3139480 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dts.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 2625928 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 470424 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 412040 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 485776 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 385416 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Dtsdebughost.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 102808 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Dtsdebughost.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 86936 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x86 |
Dtshost.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 69528 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:34 | x86 |
Dtshost.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 79768 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Dtslog.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 113552 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtslog.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 96144 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Dtsmsg130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 538520 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtsmsg130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 534424 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 1272208 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 1052560 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Dtspipelineperf130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 41352 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Dtspipelineperf130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 35224 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 80784 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 73096 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Dtutil.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 108432 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x86 |
Dtutil.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 127888 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Exceldest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 256400 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Exceldest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 209816 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:34 | x86 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 278416 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 225672 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Execpackagetask.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 159632 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Execpackagetask.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 128392 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 382344 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 327568 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 394632 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 338328 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 89480 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 73608 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.core.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 1307032 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:27 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.core.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 1307024 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x86 |
Microsoft.applicationinsights.dll | | 329872 | 06-Jul-2018 | 22:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.astasks.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 66456 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:25 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.bulkinserttaskconnections.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 100232 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.bulkinserttaskconnections.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 105368 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:24 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.isserverdbupgrade.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 478616 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:23 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.isserverdbupgrade.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 478608 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:25 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.server.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 75672 | 31. Juli 20 | 21:44 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.server.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 75672 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:24 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 385416 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:25 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 131984 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 143256 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 137624 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 151960 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:28 | x64 |
Msdtssrvr.exe | 13.0.5830.85 | 210328 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 94616 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x64 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 83336 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 257432 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 209816 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 284056 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 228744 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:34 | x86 |
Rawdest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 202648 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Rawdest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 161688 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Rawsource.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 189848 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Rawsource.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 148376 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Recordsetdest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 180120 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Recordsetdest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 144792 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Sql_is_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 93584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqlceip.exe | 13.0.5830.85 | 249240 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x86 |
Sqldest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 256920 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sqldest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 208784 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 173976 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 144280 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x86 |
Ssisoledb.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 209288 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Ssisoledb.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 169880 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Txagg.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 297872 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Txagg.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 357784 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Txbdd.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 130960 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Txbdd.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 165784 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Txbestmatch.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 489352 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x86 |
Txbestmatch.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 604568 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Txcache.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 141200 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Txcache.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 176536 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Txcharmap.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 243608 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x86 |
Txcharmap.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 283032 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Txcopymap.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 140688 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x86 |
Txcopymap.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 176024 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 248216 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 289688 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txderived.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 512408 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Txderived.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 600984 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Txfileextractor.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 156056 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x86 |
Txfileextractor.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 194968 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txfileinserter.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 154008 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x86 |
Txfileinserter.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 192920 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txgroupdups.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 224656 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Txgroupdups.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 284040 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txlineage.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 102800 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Txlineage.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 130960 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txlookup.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 442760 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Txlookup.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 525208 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txmerge.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 169880 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Txmerge.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 223640 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txmergejoin.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 216984 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x86 |
Txmergejoin.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 271768 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txmulticast.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 95120 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Txmulticast.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 121232 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txpivot.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 175000 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Txpivot.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 221080 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txrowcount.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 94616 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x86 |
Txrowcount.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 119704 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txsampling.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 127888 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Txsampling.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 165272 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txscd.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 162712 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Txscd.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 213400 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txsort.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 204176 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x86 |
Txsort.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 252312 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Txsplit.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 506264 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x86 |
Txsplit.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 593808 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txtermextraction.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 8608664 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x86 |
Txtermextraction.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 8671128 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Txtermlookup.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 4099992 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Txtermlookup.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 4151696 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txunionall.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 131992 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Txunionall.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 174984 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Txunpivot.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 155544 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Txunpivot.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 194968 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Xe.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 619400 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Xe.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 551832 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x86 |
SQL Server 2016-sql_polybase_core_inst
Dateiname | Dateiversion | Dateigröße | Datum | Zeit | Plattform |
Dms.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 483624 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Dmsnative.dll | 2014.120.8224.49 | 75560 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x64 |
Dwengineservice.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 45864 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 54160 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.backup.backupmetadata.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 74536 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.catalog.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 202024 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.common.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 2347304 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.configuration.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 102184 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.datamovement.common.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 378664 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.datamovement.manager.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 185640 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.datamovement.messagetypes.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 127272 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.datamovement.messagingprotocol.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 63272 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.diagnostics.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 52520 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.distributor.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 87336 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.engine.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 721704 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.engine.statsstream.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 87336 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.eventing.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 78120 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.fabric.appliance.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 41768 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.fabric.interface.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 36648 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.fabric.polybase.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 47912 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.fabric.xdbinterface.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 27432 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.failover.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 33064 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.hadoop.hadoopbridge.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 119080 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.loadercommon.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 94504 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.loadmanager.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 108328 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 256808 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 102184 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 116008 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 119080 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 116008 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 125736 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 118056 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 113448 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 145704 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 100136 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 114984 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.nodes.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 69416 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.nulltransaction.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 28456 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.parallelizer.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 43816 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.resourcemanagement.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 82216 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.setup.componentupgradelibrary.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 137000 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 2155816 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 3818792 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 107816 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 120104 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 124712 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 121128 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 133408 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 121128 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 118568 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 152360 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 105280 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 119592 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sqldistributor.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 66856 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.transactsql.scriptdom.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 2756392 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.utilities.dll | 10.0.8224.49 | 752424 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x86 |
Mpdwinterop.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 387984 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x64 |
Mpdwsvc.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 6612368 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Pdwodbcsql11.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 2223496 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Sharedmemory.dll | 2014.120.8224.49 | 47400 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x64 |
Sqldk.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 2532744 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 123272 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 1434520 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:36 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 3749768 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:25 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 3080592 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 3751304 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 3654544 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:36 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 2002824 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 1948568 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 3436944 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:34 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 3448720 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 1384344 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqlevn70.rll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 3623832 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Sqlos.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 19344 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Sqlsortpdw.dll | 2014.120.8224.49 | 4348200 | 09.Mai-2019 | 19:33 | x64 |
Sqltses.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 9085848 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services
Dateiname | Dateiversion | Dateigröße | Datum | Zeit | Plattform |
Microsoft.analysisservices.modeling.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 604056 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:28 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 1613712 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:25 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 651664 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:26 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 322968 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:26 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 1083800 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:26 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 541576 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 541584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:24 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 541584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:26 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 541592 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:37 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 541592 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 541576 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:36 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 541592 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:18 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 541592 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 541584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:29 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 541584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 156056 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:25 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.interfaces.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 119176 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:25 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 6069648 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:24 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 4504464 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 4504984 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:25 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 4504968 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:27 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 4504984 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:37 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 4505488 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 4505496 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:38 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 4504984 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 4506008 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 4504464 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:29 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 4504968 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:36 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.web.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 10920856 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:24 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.webhost.exe | 13.0.5830.85 | 96136 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.storage.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 202136 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:24 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.usagetracking.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 40856 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:24 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 390040 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:27 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 385928 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:29 | x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 56245136 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Msmdlocal.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 37128088 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 7502728 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:24 | x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 6502296 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x86 |
Msolap130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 8636296 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Msolap130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 7004048 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Msolui130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 303512 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Msolui130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 280464 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Reportingservicescompression.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 55704 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Reportingservicesemaildeliveryprovider.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 77704 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x86 |
Reportingserviceslibrary.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 2536840 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:23 | x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 101776 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:23 | x64 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 107416 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeserver.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 92048 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 2722712 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:23 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 877448 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:36 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 881552 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:39 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 881560 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 881560 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:27 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 885648 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:34 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 881560 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 881560 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:34 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 893848 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:38 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 877448 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:37 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 881552 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:28 | x86 |
Rshttpruntime.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 92568 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Sql_rs_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 93584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 123280 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 103824 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Sqlrsos.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 19352 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqlserverspatial130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 725896 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Sqlserverspatial130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 577432 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 252816 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 312216 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 184712 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 220552 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 32721288 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x86 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 24041368 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016-sql_shared_mr
Dateiname | Dateiversion | Dateigröße | Datum | Zeit | Plattform |
Smrdll.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 16792 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x86 |
Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 93584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016-sql_tools_extensions
Dateiname | Dateiversion | Dateigröße | Datum | Zeit | Plattform |
Autoadmin.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 1304984 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Ddsshapes.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 128920 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Dtaengine.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 160152 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:34 | x86 |
Dteparse.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 102808 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dteparse.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 92552 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 81808 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:27 | x64 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 76696 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x86 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 130456 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 108936 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Dtexec.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 59784 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x86 |
Dtexec.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 65944 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:36 | x64 |
Dts.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 3139480 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dts.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 2625928 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 470424 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 412040 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 485776 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 385416 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Dtshost.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 69528 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:34 | x86 |
Dtshost.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 79768 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Dtslog.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 113552 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtslog.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 96144 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Dtsmsg130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 538520 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtsmsg130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 534424 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 1272208 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 1052560 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Dtspipelineperf130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 41352 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Dtspipelineperf130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 35224 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 80784 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 73096 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Dtutil.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 108432 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x86 |
Dtutil.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 127888 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:35 | x64 |
Exceldest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 256400 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Exceldest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 209816 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:34 | x86 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 278416 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 225672 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 382344 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 327568 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 394632 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 338328 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 89480 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 73608 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.adomdclientui.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 85392 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:29 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.core.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 1307024 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 2016664 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:28 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.projectui.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 35208 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:37 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.astasks.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 66440 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 428944 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 428944 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:23 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sco.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 2037648 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sco.dll | 13.0.5830.85 | 2037656 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:23 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 131984 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 143256 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 137624 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 151960 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:28 | x64 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 94616 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x64 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 83336 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 56245136 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Msmdlocal.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 37128088 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 7502728 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:24 | x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 6502296 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x86 |
Msolap130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 8636296 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Msolap130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 7004048 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Msolui130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 303512 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Msolui130.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 280464 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 257432 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 209816 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 284056 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 228744 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:34 | x86 |
Profiler.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 797576 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x86 |
Sql_tools_extensions_keyfile.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 93584 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 123280 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.131.5830.85 | 103824 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:33 | x86 |
Sqlresld.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 23960 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqlresld.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 21912 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x86 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 23960 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 21384 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x86 |
Sqlscm.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 54152 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Sqlscm.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 45968 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 145304 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 120216 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 173976 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 144280 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 248216 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 289688 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:30 | x64 |
Xe.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 619400 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:21 | x64 |
Xe.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 551832 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:31 | x86 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 252816 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 312216 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x64 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 184712 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:19 | x86 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 220552 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:22 | x64 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 32721288 | 01-Aug-2020 | 21:20 | x86 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2015.131.5830.85 | 24041368 | 01-Aug-2020 | 09:32 | x64 |
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