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Matchmaking APIs


Cancel All Matchmaking Tickets For Player

Cancel all active tickets the player is a member of in a given queue.

Cancel All Server Backfill Tickets For Player

Cancel all active backfill tickets the player is a member of in a given queue.

Cancel Matchmaking Ticket

Cancel a matchmaking ticket.

Cancel Server Backfill Ticket

Cancel a server backfill ticket.

Create Matchmaking Ticket

Create a matchmaking ticket as a client.

Create Server Backfill Ticket

Create a backfill matchmaking ticket as a server. A backfill ticket represents an ongoing game. The matchmaking service automatically starts matching the backfi...

Create Server Matchmaking Ticket

Create a matchmaking ticket as a server. The matchmaking service automatically starts matching the ticket against other matchmaking tickets.

Get Match

Get a match.

Get Matchmaking Ticket

Get a matchmaking ticket by ticket Id.

Get Queue Statistics

Get the statistics for a queue.

Get Server Backfill Ticket

Get a matchmaking backfill ticket by ticket Id.

Join Matchmaking Ticket

Join a matchmaking ticket.

List Matchmaking Tickets For Player

List all matchmaking ticket Ids the user is a member of.

List Server Backfill Tickets For Player

List all server backfill ticket Ids the user is a member of.

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Subscribe to match resource notifications.

Unsubscribe From Matchmaking Resource

Unsubscribe from match resource notifications.