GlossaryOperations Class
GlossaryOperations(*args, **kwargs)
assign_term_to_entities |
Assign the given term to the provided list of related objects. |
begin_import_glossary_terms_via_csv | |
begin_import_glossary_terms_via_csv_by_glossary_name |
Import Glossary Terms from local csv file by glossaryName. |
create_glossary |
Create a glossary. |
create_glossary_categories |
Create glossary category in bulk. |
create_glossary_category |
Create a glossary category. |
create_glossary_term |
Create a glossary term. |
create_glossary_terms |
Create glossary terms in bulk. |
delete_glossary |
Delete a glossary. |
delete_glossary_category |
Delete a glossary category. |
delete_glossary_term |
Delete a glossary term. |
delete_term_assignment_from_entities |
Delete the term assignment for the given list of related objects. |
export_glossary_terms_as_csv |
Export Glossary Terms as csv file. |
get_detailed_glossary |
Get a specific glossary with detailed information. |
get_entities_assigned_with_term |
Get all related objects assigned with the specified term. |
get_glossary |
Get a specific Glossary by its GUID. |
get_glossary_category |
Get specific glossary category by its GUID. |
get_glossary_term |
Get a specific glossary term by its GUID. |
get_import_csv_operation_status |
Get the status of import csv operation. |
list_category_terms |
Get all terms associated with the specific category. |
list_glossaries |
Get all glossaries registered with Atlas. |
list_glossary_categories |
Get the categories belonging to a specific glossary. |
list_glossary_categories_headers |
Get the category headers belonging to a specific glossary. |
list_glossary_term_headers |
Get term headers belonging to a specific glossary. |
list_glossary_terms |
Get terms belonging to a specific glossary. |
list_related_categories |
Get all related categories (parent and children). Limit, offset, and sort parameters are currently not being enabled and won't work even they are passed. |
list_related_terms |
Get all related terms for a specific term by its GUID. Limit, offset, and sort parameters are currently not being enabled and won't work even they are passed. |
list_terms_by_glossary_name |
Get terms by glossary name. |
partial_update_glossary |
Update the glossary partially. Some properties such as qualifiedName are not allowed to be updated. |
partial_update_glossary_category |
Update the glossary category partially. |
partial_update_glossary_term |
Update the glossary term partially. |
remove_term_assignment_from_entities |
Delete the term assignment for the given list of related objects. |
update_glossary |
Update the given glossary. |
update_glossary_category |
Update the given glossary category by its GUID. |
update_glossary_term |
Update the given glossary term by its GUID. |
Assign the given term to the provided list of related objects.
assign_term_to_entities(term_guid: str, related_object_ids: List[MutableMapping[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any) -> None
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary term. |
An array of related object IDs to which the term has to be associated. |
Type | Description |
None |
Type | Description |
# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
related_object_ids = [
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity - can be
active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Known
values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"relationshipAttributes": {
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"typeName": "str" # Optional. The name of the type.
"relationshipGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"relationshipStatus": "str", # Optional. The enum of relationship
status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"relationshipType": "str", # Optional.
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"uniqueAttributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
begin_import_glossary_terms_via_csv(glossary_guid: str, files: Dict[str, Any], *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> LROPoller[MutableMapping[str, Any]]
Name | Description |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
Type | Description |
Import Glossary Terms from local csv file by glossaryName.
begin_import_glossary_terms_via_csv_by_glossary_name(glossary_name: str, files: Dict[str, Any], *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> LROPoller[MutableMapping[str, Any]]
Name | Description |
The name of the glossary. |
Multipart input for files. See the template in our example to find the input shape. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False. |
A continuation token to restart a poller from a saved state. |
By default, your polling method will be LROBasePolling. Pass in False for this operation to not poll, or pass in your own initialized polling object for a personal polling strategy. |
Default waiting time between two polls for LRO operations if no Retry-After header is present. |
Type | Description |
An instance of LROPoller that returns JSON object |
Type | Description |
# multipart input template you can fill out and use as your `files` input.
files = {
"file": b'bytes' # The csv file to import glossary terms from.
# response body for status code(s): 202
response.json() == {
"createTime": "str", # Optional. The created time of the record.
"error": {
"errorCode": 0, # Optional. Error code from async import job if
"errorMessage": "str" # Optional. Error message from async import
job if fail.
"id": "str", # Optional. guid string.
"lastUpdateTime": "str", # Optional. The last updated time of the record.
"properties": {
"importedTerms": "str", # Optional. Term numbers that already
imported successfully.
"totalTermsDetected": "str" # Optional. Total term numbers that
detected in csv.
"status": "str" # Optional. Enum of the status of import csv operation.
Possible values include: "NotStarted", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Running".
Create a glossary.
create_glossary(atlas_glossary: MutableMapping[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]
Name | Description |
Glossary definition, terms & categories can be anchored to a glossary. Using the anchor attribute when creating the Term/Category. |
Type | Description |
JSON object |
Type | Description |
# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
atlas_glossary = {
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"language": "str", # Optional. The language of the glossary.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"usage": "str" # Optional. The usage of the glossary.
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"language": "str", # Optional. The language of the glossary.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"usage": "str" # Optional. The usage of the glossary.
Create glossary category in bulk.
create_glossary_categories(glossary_category: List[MutableMapping[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]
Name | Description |
An array of glossary category definitions to be created. |
Type | Description |
list of JSON object |
Type | Description |
# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
glossary_category = [
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"childrenCategories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of
the parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the
entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for
concurrency control.
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, #
Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who
create the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The
end of the time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The
start of the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The
timezone of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"parentCategory": {
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the
glossary object.
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"childrenCategories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of
the parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the
entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for
concurrency control.
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, #
Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who
create the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The
end of the time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The
start of the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The
timezone of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"parentCategory": {
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the
glossary object.
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
Create a glossary category.
create_glossary_category(glossary_category: MutableMapping[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]
Name | Description |
The glossary category definition. A category must be anchored to a Glossary when creating. Optionally, terms belonging to the category and the hierarchy can also be defined during creation. |
Type | Description |
JSON object |
Type | Description |
# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
glossary_category = {
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"childrenCategories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"parentCategory": {
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the category
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the parent
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"childrenCategories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"parentCategory": {
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the category
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the parent
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
Create a glossary term.
create_glossary_term(glossary_term: MutableMapping[str, Any], *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]
Name | Description |
The glossary term definition. A term must be anchored to a Glossary at the time of creation. Optionally it can be categorized as well. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False. |
Type | Description |
JSON object |
Type | Description |
# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
glossary_term = {
"abbreviation": "str", # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"antonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"assignedEntities": [
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"relationshipAttributes": {
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for
concurrency control.
"typeName": "str" # Optional. The name of the type.
"relationshipGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"relationshipStatus": "str", # Optional. The enum of
relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"relationshipType": "str", # Optional. An array of related
object IDs.
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"uniqueAttributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The unique attributes of the
"attributes": {
"str": {
"str": {} # Optional. The custom attributes of the term,
which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map
is term template name.
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"status": "str" # Optional. The status of term relationship.
Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"classifies": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"contacts": {
"str": [
"id": "str", # Optional. Azure Active Directory
object Id.
"info": "str" # Optional. additional information to
describe this contact.
"createTime": 0.0, # Optional. The created time of the record.
"createdBy": "str", # Optional. The user who created the record.
"examples": [
"str" # Optional. An array of examples.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"isA": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"preferredTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"preferredToTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"replacedBy": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"replacementTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"resources": [
"displayName": "str", # Optional. Display name for url.
"url": "str" # Optional. web url. http or https.
"seeAlso": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"status": "str", # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known values
are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
"synonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"templateName": [
{} # Optional.
"translatedTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"translationTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"updateTime": 0.0, # Optional. The update time of the record.
"updatedBy": "str", # Optional. The user who updated the record.
"usage": "str", # Optional. The usage of the term.
"validValues": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"validValuesFor": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
"abbreviation": "str", # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"antonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"assignedEntities": [
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"relationshipAttributes": {
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for
concurrency control.
"typeName": "str" # Optional. The name of the type.
"relationshipGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"relationshipStatus": "str", # Optional. The enum of
relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"relationshipType": "str", # Optional. An array of related
object IDs.
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"uniqueAttributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The unique attributes of the
"attributes": {
"str": {
"str": {} # Optional. The custom attributes of the term,
which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map
is term template name.
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"status": "str" # Optional. The status of term relationship.
Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"classifies": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"contacts": {
"str": [
"id": "str", # Optional. Azure Active Directory
object Id.
"info": "str" # Optional. additional information to
describe this contact.
"createTime": 0.0, # Optional. The created time of the record.
"createdBy": "str", # Optional. The user who created the record.
"examples": [
"str" # Optional. An array of examples.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"isA": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"preferredTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"preferredToTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"replacedBy": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"replacementTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"resources": [
"displayName": "str", # Optional. Display name for url.
"url": "str" # Optional. web url. http or https.
"seeAlso": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"status": "str", # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known values
are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
"synonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"templateName": [
{} # Optional.
"translatedTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"translationTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"updateTime": 0.0, # Optional. The update time of the record.
"updatedBy": "str", # Optional. The user who updated the record.
"usage": "str", # Optional. The usage of the term.
"validValues": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"validValuesFor": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
Create glossary terms in bulk.
create_glossary_terms(glossary_term: List[MutableMapping[str, Any]], *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]
Name | Description |
An array of glossary term definitions to be created in bulk. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False. |
Type | Description |
list of JSON object |
Type | Description |
# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
glossary_term = [
"abbreviation": "str", # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"antonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"assignedEntities": [
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the
entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"relationshipAttributes": {
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes
of the struct.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag
for concurrency control.
"typeName": "str" # Optional. The name of
the type.
"relationshipGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of
the relationship.
"relationshipStatus": "str", # Optional. The enum of
relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"relationshipType": "str", # Optional. An array of
related object IDs.
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"uniqueAttributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The unique attributes
of the object.
"attributes": {
"str": {
"str": {} # Optional. The custom attributes of the
term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first
layer map is term template name.
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the record.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"status": "str" # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the
entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for
concurrency control.
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, #
Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who
create the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The
end of the time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The
start of the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The
timezone of the time boundary.
"classifies": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"contacts": {
"str": [
"id": "str", # Optional. Azure Active
Directory object Id.
"info": "str" # Optional. additional
information to describe this contact.
"createTime": 0.0, # Optional. The created time of the record.
"createdBy": "str", # Optional. The user who created the record.
"examples": [
"str" # Optional. An array of examples.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"isA": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"preferredTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"preferredToTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the
glossary object.
"replacedBy": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"replacementTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"resources": [
"displayName": "str", # Optional. Display name for
"url": "str" # Optional. web url. http or https.
"seeAlso": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of
"status": "str", # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known
values are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
"synonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"templateName": [
{} # Optional.
"translatedTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"translationTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"updateTime": 0.0, # Optional. The update time of the record.
"updatedBy": "str", # Optional. The user who updated the record.
"usage": "str", # Optional. The usage of the term.
"validValues": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"validValuesFor": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
"abbreviation": "str", # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"antonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"assignedEntities": [
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the
entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"relationshipAttributes": {
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes
of the struct.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag
for concurrency control.
"typeName": "str" # Optional. The name of
the type.
"relationshipGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of
the relationship.
"relationshipStatus": "str", # Optional. The enum of
relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"relationshipType": "str", # Optional. An array of
related object IDs.
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"uniqueAttributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The unique attributes
of the object.
"attributes": {
"str": {
"str": {} # Optional. The custom attributes of the
term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first
layer map is term template name.
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the record.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"status": "str" # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the
entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for
concurrency control.
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, #
Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who
create the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The
end of the time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The
start of the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The
timezone of the time boundary.
"classifies": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"contacts": {
"str": [
"id": "str", # Optional. Azure Active
Directory object Id.
"info": "str" # Optional. additional
information to describe this contact.
"createTime": 0.0, # Optional. The created time of the record.
"createdBy": "str", # Optional. The user who created the record.
"examples": [
"str" # Optional. An array of examples.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"isA": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"preferredTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"preferredToTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the
glossary object.
"replacedBy": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"replacementTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"resources": [
"displayName": "str", # Optional. Display name for
"url": "str" # Optional. web url. http or https.
"seeAlso": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of
"status": "str", # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known
values are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
"synonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"templateName": [
{} # Optional.
"translatedTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"translationTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"updateTime": 0.0, # Optional. The update time of the record.
"updatedBy": "str", # Optional. The user who updated the record.
"usage": "str", # Optional. The usage of the term.
"validValues": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"validValuesFor": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
Delete a glossary.
delete_glossary(glossary_guid: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary. |
Type | Description |
None |
Type | Description |
Delete a glossary category.
delete_glossary_category(category_guid: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier of the category. |
Type | Description |
None |
Type | Description |
Delete a glossary term.
delete_glossary_term(term_guid: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary term. |
Type | Description |
None |
Type | Description |
Delete the term assignment for the given list of related objects.
delete_term_assignment_from_entities(term_guid: str, related_object_ids: List[MutableMapping[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any) -> None
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary term. |
An array of related object IDs from which the term has to be dissociated. |
Type | Description |
None |
Type | Description |
# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
related_object_ids = [
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity - can be
active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Known
values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"relationshipAttributes": {
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"typeName": "str" # Optional. The name of the type.
"relationshipGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"relationshipStatus": "str", # Optional. The enum of relationship
status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"relationshipType": "str", # Optional.
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"uniqueAttributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
Export Glossary Terms as csv file.
export_glossary_terms_as_csv(glossary_guid: str, term_guids: List[str], *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> IO
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary. |
An array of term guids. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False. |
Type | Description |
IO |
Type | Description |
# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
term_guids = [
"str" # Optional.
Get a specific glossary with detailed information.
get_detailed_glossary(glossary_guid: str, *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False. |
Type | Description |
JSON object |
Type | Description |
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"categoryInfo": {
"str": {
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"childrenCategories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID
of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The
description of the category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The
display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The
GUID of the parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID
of the relationship.
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes
of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of
the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of
the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not
removed from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag
for concurrency control.
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, #
Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the
source who create the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on
source information.
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of
the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", #
Optional. The end of the time boundary.
"startTime": "str", #
Optional. The start of the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" #
Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"parentCategory": {
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of
the parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of
the glossary object.
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The
description of the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The
display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The
expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID
of the relationship.
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of
the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of
term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of
the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of
the term.
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"language": "str", # Optional. The language of the glossary.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"termInfo": {
"str": {
"abbreviation": "str", # Optional. The abbreviation of the
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"antonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The
description of the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The
display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The
expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID
of the relationship.
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of
the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of
term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of
the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of
the term.
"assignedEntities": [
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The
display text.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of
the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not
removed from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"relationshipAttributes": {
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The
attributes of the struct.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional.
ETag for concurrency control.
"typeName": "str" # Optional. The
name of the type.
"relationshipGuid": "str", # Optional. The
GUID of the relationship.
"relationshipStatus": "str", # Optional. The
enum of relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE",
"relationshipType": "str", # Optional. An
array of related object IDs.
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of
the type.
"uniqueAttributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The unique
attributes of the object.
"attributes": {
"str": {
"str": {} # Optional. The custom attributes
of the term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of
the first layer map is term template name.
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID
of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The
description of the record.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The
display text.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID
of the relationship.
"status": "str" # Optional. The status of
term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes
of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of
the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of
the entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not
removed from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag
for concurrency control.
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, #
Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the
source who create the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on
source information.
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of
the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", #
Optional. The end of the time boundary.
"startTime": "str", #
Optional. The start of the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" #
Optional. The timezone of the time boundary.
"classifies": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The
description of the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The
display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The
expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID
of the relationship.
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of
the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of
term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of
the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of
the term.
"contacts": {
"str": [
"id": "str", # Optional. Azure
Active Directory object Id.
"info": "str" # Optional. additional
information to describe this contact.
"createTime": 0.0, # Optional. The created time of the
"createdBy": "str", # Optional. The user who created the
"examples": [
"str" # Optional. An array of examples.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"isA": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The
description of the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The
display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The
expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID
of the relationship.
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of
the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of
term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of
the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of
the term.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"preferredTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The
description of the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The
display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The
expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID
of the relationship.
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of
the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of
term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of
the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of
the term.
"preferredToTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The
description of the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The
display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The
expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID
of the relationship.
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of
the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of
term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of
the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of
the term.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of
the glossary object.
"replacedBy": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The
description of the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The
display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The
expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID
of the relationship.
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of
the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of
term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of
the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of
the term.
"replacementTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The
description of the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The
display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The
expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID
of the relationship.
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of
the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of
term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of
the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of
the term.
"resources": [
"displayName": "str", # Optional. Display
name for url.
"url": "str" # Optional. web url. http or
"seeAlso": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The
description of the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The
display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The
expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID
of the relationship.
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of
the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of
term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of
the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of
the term.
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of
"status": "str", # Optional. Status of the
AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known values are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert",
"synonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The
description of the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The
display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The
expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID
of the relationship.
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of
the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of
term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of
the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of
the term.
"templateName": [
{} # Optional. The glossary term information.
"translatedTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The
description of the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The
display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The
expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID
of the relationship.
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of
the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of
term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of
the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of
the term.
"translationTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The
description of the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The
display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The
expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID
of the relationship.
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of
the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of
term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of
the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of
the term.
"updateTime": 0.0, # Optional. The update time of the
"updatedBy": "str", # Optional. The user who updated the
"usage": "str", # Optional. The usage of the term.
"validValues": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The
description of the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The
display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The
expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID
of the relationship.
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of
the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of
term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of
the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of
the term.
"validValuesFor": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The
description of the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The
display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The
expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID
of the relationship.
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of
the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of
term relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of
the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of
the term.
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"usage": "str" # Optional. The usage of the glossary.
Get all related objects assigned with the specified term.
get_entities_assigned_with_term(term_guid: str, *, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary term. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None. |
The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None. |
The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC". |
Type | Description |
list of JSON object |
Type | Description |
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity - can be
active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Known
values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"relationshipAttributes": {
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"typeName": "str" # Optional. The name of the type.
"relationshipGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"relationshipStatus": "str", # Optional. The enum of relationship
status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"relationshipType": "str", # Optional.
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"uniqueAttributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
Get a specific Glossary by its GUID.
get_glossary(glossary_guid: str, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary. |
Type | Description |
JSON object |
Type | Description |
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"language": "str", # Optional. The language of the glossary.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"usage": "str" # Optional. The usage of the glossary.
Get specific glossary category by its GUID.
get_glossary_category(category_guid: str, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier of the category. |
Type | Description |
JSON object |
Type | Description |
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"childrenCategories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"parentCategory": {
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the category
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the parent
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
Get a specific glossary term by its GUID.
get_glossary_term(term_guid: str, *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, exclude_relationship_type_list: List[str] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary term. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False. |
An array of relationship types which need to be excluded. Default value is None. |
Type | Description |
JSON object |
Type | Description |
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
"abbreviation": "str", # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"antonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"assignedEntities": [
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"relationshipAttributes": {
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for
concurrency control.
"typeName": "str" # Optional. The name of the type.
"relationshipGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"relationshipStatus": "str", # Optional. The enum of
relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"relationshipType": "str", # Optional. An array of related
object IDs.
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"uniqueAttributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The unique attributes of the
"attributes": {
"str": {
"str": {} # Optional. The custom attributes of the term,
which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map
is term template name.
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"status": "str" # Optional. The status of term relationship.
Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"classifies": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"contacts": {
"str": [
"id": "str", # Optional. Azure Active Directory
object Id.
"info": "str" # Optional. additional information to
describe this contact.
"createTime": 0.0, # Optional. The created time of the record.
"createdBy": "str", # Optional. The user who created the record.
"examples": [
"str" # Optional. An array of examples.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"isA": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"preferredTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"preferredToTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"replacedBy": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"replacementTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"resources": [
"displayName": "str", # Optional. Display name for url.
"url": "str" # Optional. web url. http or https.
"seeAlso": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"status": "str", # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known values
are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
"synonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"templateName": [
{} # Optional.
"translatedTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"translationTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"updateTime": 0.0, # Optional. The update time of the record.
"updatedBy": "str", # Optional. The user who updated the record.
"usage": "str", # Optional. The usage of the term.
"validValues": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"validValuesFor": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
Get the status of import csv operation.
get_import_csv_operation_status(operation_guid: str, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for async operation/job. |
Type | Description |
JSON object |
Type | Description |
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
"createTime": "str", # Optional. The created time of the record.
"error": {
"errorCode": 0, # Optional. Error code from async import job if
"errorMessage": "str" # Optional. Error message from async import
job if fail.
"id": "str", # Optional. guid string.
"lastUpdateTime": "str", # Optional. The last updated time of the record.
"properties": {
"importedTerms": "str", # Optional. Term numbers that already
imported successfully.
"totalTermsDetected": "str" # Optional. Total term numbers that
detected in csv.
"status": "str" # Optional. Enum of the status of import csv operation.
Known values are: "NotStarted", "Succeeded", "Failed", "Running".
Get all terms associated with the specific category.
list_category_terms(category_guid: str, *, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier of the category. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None. |
The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None. |
The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC". |
Type | Description |
list of JSON object |
Type | Description |
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the related
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term relationship. Known
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
Get all glossaries registered with Atlas.
list_glossaries(*, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', ignore_terms_and_categories: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None. |
The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None. |
The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC". |
Whether ignore terms and categories. Default value is False. |
Type | Description |
list of JSON object |
Type | Description |
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of
the parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the
entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for
concurrency control.
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, #
Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who
create the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The
end of the time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The
start of the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The
timezone of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"language": "str", # Optional. The language of the glossary.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the
glossary object.
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"usage": "str" # Optional. The usage of the glossary.
Get the categories belonging to a specific glossary.
list_glossary_categories(glossary_guid: str, *, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None. |
The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None. |
The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC". |
Type | Description |
list of JSON object |
Type | Description |
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"childrenCategories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of
the parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the
entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for
concurrency control.
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, #
Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who
create the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The
end of the time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The
start of the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The
timezone of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"parentCategory": {
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the
glossary object.
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
Get the category headers belonging to a specific glossary.
list_glossary_categories_headers(glossary_guid: str, *, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None. |
The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None. |
The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC". |
Type | Description |
list of JSON object |
Type | Description |
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the category
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the parent
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
Get term headers belonging to a specific glossary.
list_glossary_term_headers(glossary_guid: str, *, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None. |
The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None. |
The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC". |
Type | Description |
list of JSON object |
Type | Description |
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the related
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term relationship. Known
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
Get terms belonging to a specific glossary.
list_glossary_terms(glossary_guid: str, *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False. |
The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None. |
The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None. |
The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC". |
Type | Description |
list of JSON object |
Type | Description |
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
"abbreviation": "str", # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"antonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"assignedEntities": [
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the
entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"relationshipAttributes": {
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes
of the struct.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag
for concurrency control.
"typeName": "str" # Optional. The name of
the type.
"relationshipGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of
the relationship.
"relationshipStatus": "str", # Optional. The enum of
relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"relationshipType": "str", # Optional. An array of
related object IDs.
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"uniqueAttributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The unique attributes
of the object.
"attributes": {
"str": {
"str": {} # Optional. The custom attributes of the
term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first
layer map is term template name.
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the record.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"status": "str" # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the
entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for
concurrency control.
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, #
Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who
create the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The
end of the time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The
start of the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The
timezone of the time boundary.
"classifies": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"contacts": {
"str": [
"id": "str", # Optional. Azure Active
Directory object Id.
"info": "str" # Optional. additional
information to describe this contact.
"createTime": 0.0, # Optional. The created time of the record.
"createdBy": "str", # Optional. The user who created the record.
"examples": [
"str" # Optional. An array of examples.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"isA": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"preferredTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"preferredToTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the
glossary object.
"replacedBy": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"replacementTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"resources": [
"displayName": "str", # Optional. Display name for
"url": "str" # Optional. web url. http or https.
"seeAlso": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of
"status": "str", # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known
values are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
"synonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"templateName": [
{} # Optional.
"translatedTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"translationTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"updateTime": 0.0, # Optional. The update time of the record.
"updatedBy": "str", # Optional. The user who updated the record.
"usage": "str", # Optional. The usage of the term.
"validValues": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"validValuesFor": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
Get all related categories (parent and children). Limit, offset, and sort parameters are currently not being enabled and won't work even they are passed.
list_related_categories(category_guid: str, *, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier of the category. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None. |
The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None. |
The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC". |
Type | Description |
dict mapping str to list of JSON object |
Type | Description |
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
"str": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
Get all related terms for a specific term by its GUID. Limit, offset, and sort parameters are currently not being enabled and won't work even they are passed.
list_related_terms(term_guid: str, *, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, sort: str | None = 'ASC', **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary term. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None. |
The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None. |
The sort order, ASC (default) or DESC. Default value is "ASC". |
Type | Description |
dict mapping str to list of JSON object |
Type | Description |
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
"str": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
Get terms by glossary name.
list_terms_by_glossary_name(glossary_name: str, *, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> List[MutableMapping[str, Any]]
Name | Description |
The name of the glossary. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
The page size - by default there is no paging. Default value is None. |
The offset for pagination purpose. Default value is None. |
Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False. |
Type | Description |
list of JSON object |
Type | Description |
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == [
"abbreviation": "str", # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"antonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"assignedEntities": [
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the
entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"relationshipAttributes": {
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes
of the struct.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag
for concurrency control.
"typeName": "str" # Optional. The name of
the type.
"relationshipGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of
the relationship.
"relationshipStatus": "str", # Optional. The enum of
relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"relationshipType": "str", # Optional. An array of
related object IDs.
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"uniqueAttributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The unique attributes
of the object.
"attributes": {
"str": {
"str": {} # Optional. The custom attributes of the
term, which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first
layer map is term template name.
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the record.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"status": "str" # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the
entity - can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed
from Atlas store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for
concurrency control.
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, #
Optional. Determines if propagations will be removed on entity
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who
create the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The
end of the time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The
start of the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The
timezone of the time boundary.
"classifies": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"contacts": {
"str": [
"id": "str", # Optional. Azure Active
Directory object Id.
"info": "str" # Optional. additional
information to describe this contact.
"createTime": 0.0, # Optional. The created time of the record.
"createdBy": "str", # Optional. The user who created the record.
"examples": [
"str" # Optional. An array of examples.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"isA": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"preferredTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"preferredToTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the
glossary object.
"replacedBy": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"replacementTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"resources": [
"displayName": "str", # Optional. Display name for
"url": "str" # Optional. web url. http or https.
"seeAlso": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of
"status": "str", # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known
values are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
"synonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"templateName": [
{} # Optional.
"translatedTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"translationTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"updateTime": 0.0, # Optional. The update time of the record.
"updatedBy": "str", # Optional. The user who updated the record.
"usage": "str", # Optional. The usage of the term.
"validValues": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"validValuesFor": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of
the related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of
the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
Update the glossary partially. Some properties such as qualifiedName are not allowed to be updated.
partial_update_glossary(glossary_guid: str, partial_updates: Dict[str, str], *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary. |
A map containing keys as attribute names and values as corresponding attribute values. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False. |
Type | Description |
JSON object |
Type | Description |
# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
partial_updates = {
"str": "str" # Optional.
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"language": "str", # Optional. The language of the glossary.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"usage": "str" # Optional. The usage of the glossary.
Update the glossary category partially.
partial_update_glossary_category(category_guid: str, partial_updates: Dict[str, str], **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier of the category. |
A map containing keys as attribute names and values as corresponding attribute values for partial update. |
Type | Description |
JSON object |
Type | Description |
# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
partial_updates = {
"str": "str" # Optional.
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"childrenCategories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"parentCategory": {
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the category
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the parent
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
Update the glossary term partially.
partial_update_glossary_term(term_guid: str, partial_updates: Dict[str, str], *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary term. |
A map containing keys as attribute names and values as corresponding attribute values to be updated. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False. |
Type | Description |
JSON object |
Type | Description |
# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
partial_updates = {
"str": "str" # Optional.
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
"abbreviation": "str", # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"antonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"assignedEntities": [
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"relationshipAttributes": {
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for
concurrency control.
"typeName": "str" # Optional. The name of the type.
"relationshipGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"relationshipStatus": "str", # Optional. The enum of
relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"relationshipType": "str", # Optional. An array of related
object IDs.
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"uniqueAttributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The unique attributes of the
"attributes": {
"str": {
"str": {} # Optional. The custom attributes of the term,
which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map
is term template name.
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"status": "str" # Optional. The status of term relationship.
Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"classifies": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"contacts": {
"str": [
"id": "str", # Optional. Azure Active Directory
object Id.
"info": "str" # Optional. additional information to
describe this contact.
"createTime": 0.0, # Optional. The created time of the record.
"createdBy": "str", # Optional. The user who created the record.
"examples": [
"str" # Optional. An array of examples.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"isA": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"preferredTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"preferredToTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"replacedBy": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"replacementTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"resources": [
"displayName": "str", # Optional. Display name for url.
"url": "str" # Optional. web url. http or https.
"seeAlso": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"status": "str", # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known values
are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
"synonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"templateName": [
{} # Optional.
"translatedTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"translationTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"updateTime": 0.0, # Optional. The update time of the record.
"updatedBy": "str", # Optional. The user who updated the record.
"usage": "str", # Optional. The usage of the term.
"validValues": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"validValuesFor": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
Delete the term assignment for the given list of related objects.
remove_term_assignment_from_entities(term_guid: str, related_object_ids: List[MutableMapping[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any) -> None
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary term. |
An array of related object IDs from which the term has to be dissociated. |
Type | Description |
None |
Type | Description |
# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
related_object_ids = [
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity - can be
active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas store. Known
values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"relationshipAttributes": {
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"typeName": "str" # Optional. The name of the type.
"relationshipGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"relationshipStatus": "str", # Optional. The enum of relationship
status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"relationshipType": "str", # Optional.
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"uniqueAttributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The unique attributes of the object.
Update the given glossary.
update_glossary(glossary_guid: str, updated_glossary: MutableMapping[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary. |
The glossary definition to be updated. |
Type | Description |
JSON object |
Type | Description |
# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
updated_glossary = {
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"language": "str", # Optional. The language of the glossary.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"usage": "str" # Optional. The usage of the glossary.
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"language": "str", # Optional. The language of the glossary.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"usage": "str" # Optional. The usage of the glossary.
Update the given glossary category by its GUID.
update_glossary_category(category_guid: str, glossary_category: MutableMapping[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier of the category. |
The glossary category to be updated. |
Type | Description |
JSON object |
Type | Description |
# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
glossary_category = {
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"childrenCategories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"parentCategory": {
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the category
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the parent
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"childrenCategories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
category header.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
parent category.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"parentCategory": {
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the category
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"parentCategoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the parent
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"terms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
Update the given glossary term by its GUID.
update_glossary_term(term_guid: str, glossary_term: MutableMapping[str, Any], *, include_term_hierarchy: bool | None = False, **kwargs: Any) -> MutableMapping[str, Any]
Name | Description |
The globally unique identifier for glossary term. |
The glossary term to be updated. |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
Whether include term hierarchy. Default value is False. |
Type | Description |
JSON object |
Type | Description |
# JSON input template you can fill out and use as your body input.
glossary_term = {
"abbreviation": "str", # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"antonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"assignedEntities": [
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"relationshipAttributes": {
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for
concurrency control.
"typeName": "str" # Optional. The name of the type.
"relationshipGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"relationshipStatus": "str", # Optional. The enum of
relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"relationshipType": "str", # Optional. An array of related
object IDs.
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"uniqueAttributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The unique attributes of the
"attributes": {
"str": {
"str": {} # Optional. The custom attributes of the term,
which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map
is term template name.
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"status": "str" # Optional. The status of term relationship.
Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"classifies": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"contacts": {
"str": [
"id": "str", # Optional. Azure Active Directory
object Id.
"info": "str" # Optional. additional information to
describe this contact.
"createTime": 0.0, # Optional. The created time of the record.
"createdBy": "str", # Optional. The user who created the record.
"examples": [
"str" # Optional. An array of examples.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"isA": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"preferredTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"preferredToTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"replacedBy": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"replacementTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"resources": [
"displayName": "str", # Optional. Display name for url.
"url": "str" # Optional. web url. http or https.
"seeAlso": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"status": "str", # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known values
are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
"synonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"templateName": [
{} # Optional.
"translatedTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"translationTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"updateTime": 0.0, # Optional. The update time of the record.
"updatedBy": "str", # Optional. The user who updated the record.
"usage": "str", # Optional. The usage of the term.
"validValues": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"validValuesFor": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
# response body for status code(s): 200
response.json() == {
"abbreviation": "str", # Optional. The abbreviation of the term.
"anchor": {
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"glossaryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the glossary.
"relationGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the relationship.
"antonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"assignedEntities": [
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"relationshipAttributes": {
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for
concurrency control.
"typeName": "str" # Optional. The name of the type.
"relationshipGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"relationshipStatus": "str", # Optional. The enum of
relationship status. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"relationshipType": "str", # Optional. An array of related
object IDs.
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"uniqueAttributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The unique attributes of the
"attributes": {
"str": {
"str": {} # Optional. The custom attributes of the term,
which is map<string,map<string,object>>."nThe key of the first layer map
is term template name.
"categories": [
"categoryGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the category.
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"status": "str" # Optional. The status of term relationship.
Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED", "OBSOLETE", "OTHER".
"classifications": [
"attributes": {
"str": {} # Optional. The attributes of the struct.
"entityGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the entity.
"entityStatus": "str", # Optional. Status of the entity -
can be active or deleted. Deleted entities are not removed from Atlas
store. Known values are: "ACTIVE", "DELETED".
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency
"removePropagationsOnEntityDelete": bool, # Optional.
Determines if propagations will be removed on entity deletion.
"source": "str", # Optional. indicate the source who create
the classification detail.
"sourceDetails": {
"str": {} # Optional. more detail on source
"typeName": "str", # Optional. The name of the type.
"validityPeriods": [
"endTime": "str", # Optional. The end of the
time boundary.
"startTime": "str", # Optional. The start of
the time boundary.
"timeZone": "str" # Optional. The timezone
of the time boundary.
"classifies": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"contacts": {
"str": [
"id": "str", # Optional. Azure Active Directory
object Id.
"info": "str" # Optional. additional information to
describe this contact.
"createTime": 0.0, # Optional. The created time of the record.
"createdBy": "str", # Optional. The user who created the record.
"examples": [
"str" # Optional. An array of examples.
"guid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the object.
"isA": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"lastModifiedTS": "str", # Optional. ETag for concurrency control.
"longDescription": "str", # Optional. The long version description.
"name": "str", # Optional. The name of the glossary object.
"preferredTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"preferredToTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"qualifiedName": "str", # Optional. The qualified name of the glossary
"replacedBy": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"replacementTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"resources": [
"displayName": "str", # Optional. Display name for url.
"url": "str" # Optional. web url. http or https.
"seeAlso": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"shortDescription": "str", # Optional. The short version of description.
"status": "str", # Optional. Status of the AtlasGlossaryTerm. Known values
are: "Draft", "Approved", "Alert", "Expired".
"synonyms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"templateName": [
{} # Optional.
"translatedTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"translationTerms": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"updateTime": 0.0, # Optional. The update time of the record.
"updatedBy": "str", # Optional. The user who updated the record.
"usage": "str", # Optional. The usage of the term.
"validValues": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
"validValuesFor": [
"description": "str", # Optional. The description of the
related term.
"displayText": "str", # Optional. The display text.
"expression": "str", # Optional. The expression of the term.
"relationGuid": "str", # Optional. The GUID of the
"source": "str", # Optional. The source of the term.
"status": "str", # Optional. The status of term
relationship. Known values are: "DRAFT", "ACTIVE", "DEPRECATED",
"steward": "str", # Optional. The steward of the term.
"termGuid": "str" # Optional. The GUID of the term.
Azure SDK for Python