models Package
CloudToDeviceProperties |
The IoT hub cloud-to-device messaging properties. |
ErrorDetails |
Error details. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
EventHubConsumerGroupInfo |
The properties of the EventHubConsumerGroupInfo object. |
EventHubConsumerGroupsListResult |
The JSON-serialized array of Event Hub-compatible consumer group names with a next link. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
EventHubProperties |
The properties of the provisioned Event Hub-compatible endpoint used by the IoT hub. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
ExportDevicesRequest |
Use to provide parameters when requesting an export of all devices in the IoT hub. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
FeedbackProperties |
The properties of the feedback queue for cloud-to-device messages. |
ImportDevicesRequest |
Use to provide parameters when requesting an import of all devices in the hub. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
IotHubCapacity |
IoT Hub capacity information. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
IotHubDescription |
The description of the IoT hub. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
IotHubDescriptionListResult |
The JSON-serialized array of IotHubDescription objects with a next link. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
IotHubNameAvailabilityInfo |
The properties indicating whether a given IoT hub name is available. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
IotHubProperties |
The properties of an IoT hub. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
IotHubQuotaMetricInfo |
Quota metrics properties. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
IotHubQuotaMetricInfoListResult |
The JSON-serialized array of IotHubQuotaMetricInfo objects with a next link. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
IotHubSkuDescription |
SKU properties. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
IotHubSkuDescriptionListResult |
The JSON-serialized array of IotHubSkuDescription objects with a next link. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
IotHubSkuInfo |
Information about the SKU of the IoT hub. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
IpFilterRule |
The IP filter rules for the IoT hub. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
JobResponse |
The properties of the Job Response object. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
JobResponseListResult |
The JSON-serialized array of JobResponse objects with a next link. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
MessagingEndpointProperties |
The properties of the messaging endpoints used by this IoT hub. |
OperationInputs |
Input values. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
OperationsMonitoringProperties |
The operations monitoring properties for the IoT hub. The possible keys to the dictionary are Connections, DeviceTelemetry, C2DCommands, DeviceIdentityOperations, FileUploadOperations. |
RegistryStatistics |
Identity registry statistics. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
Resource |
The common properties of an Azure resource. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
SharedAccessSignatureAuthorizationRule |
The properties of an IoT hub shared access policy. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
SharedAccessSignatureAuthorizationRuleListResult |
The list of shared access policies with a next link. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. |
StorageEndpointProperties |
The properties of the Azure Storage endpoint for file upload. All required parameters must be populated in order to send to Azure. |
AccessRights |
The permissions assigned to the shared access policy. |
Capabilities |
The capabilities and features enabled for the IoT hub. |
IotHubNameUnavailabilityReason |
The reason for unavailability. |
IotHubScaleType |
The type of the scaling enabled. |
IotHubSku |
The name of the SKU. |
IotHubSkuTier |
The billing tier for the IoT hub. |
IpFilterActionType |
The desired action for requests captured by this rule. |
JobStatus |
The status of the job. |
JobType |
The type of the job. |
OperationMonitoringLevel |
The operations monitoring level. |
Azure SDK for Python