Gets host data objects.
Parameter Set: Default
Get-SilVMHost [-EndTime <DateTime> ] [-StartTime <DateTime> ] [-VMHostName <String[]> ] [ <CommonParameters>]
Detaillierte Beschreibung
The Get-SilVMHost cmdlet gets host data objects. If you specify no parameters, this cmdlet gets all host data from the most recent successful poll. If no poll of the Software Inventory Logging Aggregator previously succeeded, the cmdlet returns the host names and no other data.
Specifies the polling end date and time. This cmdlet gets host data based on the value that this parameter specifies.
Aliase |
none |
Erforderlich? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Standardwert |
none |
Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren? |
false |
Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren? |
false |
Specifies the polling start date and time. This cmdlet gets host data based on the value that this parameter specifies.
Aliase |
none |
Erforderlich? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Standardwert |
none |
Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren? |
false |
Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren? |
false |
Specifies an array of virtual machine host names for which to get data.
Aliase |
none |
Erforderlich? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Standardwert |
none |
Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren? |
true (ByValue) |
Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren? |
false |
Dieses Cmdlet unterstützt die allgemeinen Parameter: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer und -OutVariable. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter about_CommonParameters (
Der Eingabetyp ist der Typ der Objekte, die Sie per Piping an das Cmdlet übergeben können.
Der Ausgabetyp ist der Typ der Objekte, die vom Cmdlet ausgegeben werden.
Example 1: Get hosts
This command gets data for Host01 and Host02 from the Software Inventory Logging Aggregator database.
PS C:\> Get-SilVMHost -VMHostName "Host01","Host02"
Example 2: Get hosts after a specified time
This command gets data for hosts from the database after the specified date and time.
PS C:\> Get-SilVMHost -StartTime "12/29/2014 11:00 AM"
Example 3: Get hosts before a specified time
This command gets data for hosts from the database before the specified date and time.
PS C:\> Get-SilVMHost -EndTime "12/29/2014 11:00 AM"
Example 4: Get hosts that match a wildcard
This command gets data for hosts that have names that match the wildcard string a*.
PS C:\> Get-SilVMHost -VMHostName "a*"