Generates a report in Software Inventory Logging Aggregator.
Parameter Set: All
Publish-SilReport [-All] [-DBServerCredential <PSCredential> ] [-DBServerName <String> ] [-Force] [-OpenReport] [-ReportPath <String> ] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]
Parameter Set: ByMonth
Publish-SilReport [-ByMonth <DateTime> ] [-DBServerCredential <PSCredential> ] [-DBServerName <String> ] [-Force] [-OpenReport] [-ReportPath <String> ] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]
Parameter Set: ByYear
Publish-SilReport [-ByYear <DateTime> ] [-DBServerCredential <PSCredential> ] [-DBServerName <String> ] [-Force] [-OpenReport] [-ReportPath <String> ] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]
Parameter Set: None
Publish-SilReport [-DBServerCredential <PSCredential> ] [-DBServerName <String> ] [-Force] [-OpenReport] [-ReportPath <String> ] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]
Detaillierte Beschreibung
The Publish-SilReport cmdlet generates a Software Inventory Logging Aggregator report. You can generate a report for a particular month, for a particular year, or one that includes all data. By default, this cmdlet generates a report from the start of the month, two months prior to the current date, but does not exceed three months of data. Specify parameter values to modify the report. If necessary, provide the database server name and credentials that this cmdlet uses to connect to the database server.
Indicates that this cmdlet generates a report that contains all available data.
Aliase |
none |
Erforderlich? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Standardwert |
none |
Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren? |
false |
Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren? |
false |
Specifies a month for which this cmdlet generates a report. For the current month, the report starts at the start of the month and includes data up to the current date.
Aliase |
none |
Erforderlich? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Standardwert |
none |
Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren? |
false |
Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren? |
false |
Specifies a year for which this cmdlet generates a report. For the current year, the report starts at the start of the year and includes data up to the current date.
Aliase |
none |
Erforderlich? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Standardwert |
none |
Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren? |
false |
Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren? |
false |
Specifies the credentials to connect to the SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) database server for the report. To obtain a PSCredential object, use the Get-Credential cmdlet. For more information, type Get-Help Get-Credential
. You may also need to open a port on the firewall of the SSAS database server.
Aliase |
none |
Erforderlich? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Standardwert |
none |
Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren? |
false |
Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren? |
false |
Specifies the SSAS database server for the report.
Aliase |
none |
Erforderlich? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Standardwert |
none |
Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren? |
false |
Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren? |
false |
Erzwingt die Ausführung des Befehls, ohne den Benutzer zur Bestätigung aufzufordern.
Aliase |
none |
Erforderlich? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Standardwert |
none |
Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren? |
false |
Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren? |
false |
Indicates that this cmdlet opens the report that it generates in a new Microsoft Excel application window.
Aliase |
none |
Erforderlich? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Standardwert |
none |
Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren? |
false |
Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren? |
false |
Specifies the folder path where this cmdlet saves the report that it generates.
Aliase |
none |
Erforderlich? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Standardwert |
none |
Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren? |
false |
Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren? |
false |
Fordert Sie vor der Ausführung des Cmdlet zum Bestätigen auf.
Erforderlich? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Standardwert |
false |
Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren? |
false |
Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren? |
false |
Zeit, was passieren würde, wenn das Cmdlet ausgeführt wird. Das Cmdlet wird nicht ausgeführt.
Erforderlich? |
false |
Position? |
named |
Standardwert |
false |
Pipelineeingaben akzeptieren? |
false |
Platzhalterzeichen akzeptieren? |
false |
Dieses Cmdlet unterstützt die allgemeinen Parameter: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer und -OutVariable. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter about_CommonParameters (
Der Eingabetyp ist der Typ der Objekte, die Sie per Piping an das Cmdlet übergeben können.
Der Ausgabetyp ist der Typ der Objekte, die vom Cmdlet ausgegeben werden.
Example 1: Generate a default report
This command generates a Software Inventory Logging Aggregator report. This default report contains data for the previous two months and the current month up to the local time. This command generates a report and saves it in your Documents folder.
PS C:\> Publish-SilReport
Example 2: Generate a monthly report
This command generates a report for the month of October 2014.
PS C:\> Publish-SilReport -ByMonth "10/03/2014"
Example 3: Generate a yearly report
This command generates a report for the year 2012.
PS C:\> Publish-SilReport -ByYear "1/1/2012"
Example 4: Generate a complete report
This command generates a report that contains all data.
PS C:\> Publish-SilReport -All
Example 5: Specify a server and credentials
The first command creates a credential by using the Get-Credential cmdlet. That cmdlet prompts you for user name and password. The command stores those credentials in the $Credentials variable. For more information, type Get-Help Get-Credential
This command generates a report by providing the name of the database server. The cmdlet uses the credentials stored in $Credential to connect to SSAS on a remote server. You may need to open the correct firewall port on the target server to accept this report request.
PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential
PS C:\> Publish-SilReport -DBServerName "" -DBServerCredential $Credential
Example 6: Generate and open a report
This command generates a report, and then opens it in a new Excel application window.
PS C:\> Publish-SilReport -OpenReport