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Deploy Work Folders with AD FS and Web Application Proxy: Step 1, Set Up AD FS


Updated: October 13, 2016

Applies To: Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2

This topic describes the first step in deploying Work Folders with Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) and Web Application Proxy. You can find the other steps in this process in these topics:

To set up AD FS for use with Work Folders, use the following procedures.

Pre-installment work

If you intend to convert the test environment that you're setting up with these instructions to production, there are two things that you might want to do before you start:

  • Set up an Active Directory domain administrator account to use to run the AD FS service. For the test environment example, you will use the default contoso\administrator account, but it is not recommended that you use the default administrator account for a production environment.

  • Obtain a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) subject alternative name (SAN) certificate for server authentication. For the test example, you will use a self-signed certificate, but for production, you should use a publicly trusted certificate.

Obtaining these items can take some time, depending on your company's policies, so it can be beneficial to start the request process for the items before you begin to create the test environment.

There are many commercial certificate authorities (CAs) from which you can purchase the certificate. You can find a list of the CAs that are trusted by Microsoft in KB article 931125. Another alternative is to get a certificate from your company's enterprise CA.

For the test environment, you will use a self-signed certificate that is created by one of the provided scripts.


AD FS does not support Cryptography Next Generation (CNG) certificates, which means that you cannot create the self-signed certificate by using the Windows PowerShell cmdlet New-SelfSignedCertificate. You can, however, use the makecert.ps1 script included in the Deploying Work Folders with AD FS and Web Application Proxy blog post. This script creates a self-signed certificated that works with AD FS and prompts for the SAN names that will be needed to create the certificate.

Next, do the additional pre-installment work described in the following sections.

Create an AD FS self-signed certificate

To create an AD FS self-signed certificate, follow these steps:

  1. Download the scripts included included in the Deploying Work Folders with AD FS and Web Application Proxy blog post and then copy the file makecert.ps1 to the AD FS machine.

  2. Open a Windows PowerShell window with admin privileges.

  3. Set the execution policy to unrestricted:

    PS C:\temp\scripts> .\makecert.ps1 C:\temp\scripts> Set-ExecutionPolicy –ExecutionPolicy  Unrestricted
  4. Change to the directory where you copied the script.

  5. Execute the makecert script:

    PS C:\temp\scripts> .\makecert.ps1
  6. When you are prompted to change the subject certificate, enter the new value for the subject. In this example, the value is

  7. When you are prompted to enter SAN names, press Y and then enter the SAN names, one at a time.

    For this example, type and press Enter, then type and press Enter.

    When all of the SAN names have been entered, press Enter on an empty line.

  8. When you are prompted to install the certificates to the Trusted Root Certification Authority store, press Y.

The AD FS certificate must be a SAN certificate with the following values:

<AD FS service name>.<domain>

enterpriseregistration. <domain>

<machine name>.<domain>

In the test example, the values are:

The enterpriseregistration SAN is needed for Workplace Join.

Set the server IP address

Change your server IP address to a static IP address. For the test example, use IP class A, which is / subnet mask: / Default Gateway: / Preferred DNS: (the IP address of your domain controller).

Install the AD FS role service

To install AD FS, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to the physical or virtual machine on which you plan to install AD FS, open Server Manager, and start the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

  2. On the Select server roles page, select the Active Directory Federation Services role, and then click Next.

  3. If you plan to use your AD FS server as part of a hybrid deployment and will use DirSync, on the Select features page, select .NET Framework 3.5 Features. Otherwise, leave the default selections in place. Click Next.


    To install .NET 3.5, you must mount the Windows Server ISO as a DVD drive in your VHD.

  4. On the Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) page, you will see a message that states that the Web Application Proxy role cannot be installed on the same computer as AD FS. Click Next.

  5. If you did not choose to install .NET 3.5, click Install on the confirmation page.

    If you chose to install .NET 3.5, the confirmation page prompts you to specify an alternate source path. Click Specify an alternate source path and provide an alternate source path to the Windows Server 2012 R2 ISO, such as d:\sources\SxS. Then click Install on the confirmation page.


If you didn't mount the Windows Server 2012 R2 ISO, the Results page displays an error message that says that the source files could not be found. In this case, you must mount the ISO and restart the installation process for AD FS.

To accomplish the equivalent installation of AD FS via Windows PowerShell, use these commands:

Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-Tools
Add-WindowsFeature AD FS-Federation –IncludeManagementTools
# Install the .NET 3.5 features only if you plan to use DirSync# Replace E:\sources with the location of the mounted ISO in your VHD.
Add-WindowsFeature NET-Framework-Features –Source <drive>:\sources\SxS

Configure AD FS

Next, configure AD FS by using either Server Manager or Windows PowerShell.

Configure AD FS by using Server Manager

To configure AD FS by using Server Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Open Server Manager.

  2. Click the Notifications flag at the top of the Server Manager window, and then click Configure the federation service on this server.

  3. The Active Directory Federation Services Configuration Wizard launches. On the Connect to AD DS page, enter the domain administrator account that you want to use as the AD FS account, and click Next.

  4. On the Specify Service Properties page, enter the subject name of the SSL certificate to use for AD FS communication. In the test example, this is

  5. Enter the Federation Service name. In the test example, this is Click Next.


    The Federation Service name must not use the name of an existing server in the environment. If you do use the name of an existing server, the AD FS installation will fail and must be restarted.

  6. On the Specify Service Account page, enter the name that you would like to use for the managed service account. For the test example, select Create a Group Managed Service Account, and in Account Name, enter ADFSService. Click Next.

  7. On the Specify Configuration Database page, select Create a database on this server using Windows Internal Database, and click Next.

  8. The Review Options page shows you an overview of the options you have selected. Click Next.

  9. The Pre-requisite Checks page indicates whether all the prerequisite checks passed successfully. If there are no issues, click Configure.


    If you used the name of the AD FS server or any other existing machine for the Federation Service Name, an error message is displayed. You must start the installation over and choose a name other than the name of an existing machine.

  10. When the configuration completes successfully, the Results page confirms that AD FS was successfully configured.

Configure AD FS by using PowerShell

To accomplish the equivalent configuration of AD FS via Windows PowerShell, use the following commands.

To install AD FS:

Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-Tools
Add-WindowsFeature ADFS-Federation -IncludeManagementTools

To create the managed service account:

New-ADServiceAccount "ADFSService"-Server -Path "CN=Managed Service Accounts,DC=Contoso,DC=COM"   -DNSHostName -ServicePrincipalNames HTTP/2012R2-ADFS,HTTP/

After you configure AD FS, you must set up an AD FS farm by using the managed service account that you created in the previous step and the certificate you created in the pre-configuration steps.

To set up an AD FS farm:

$cert = Get-ChildItem CERT:\LocalMachine\My |where {$_.Subject -match} | sort $_.NotAfter -Descending | select -first 1
$thumbprint = $cert.Thumbprint
Install-ADFSFarm -CertificateThumbprint $thumbprint -FederationServiceDisplayName "Contoso Corporation" –FederationServiceName -GroupServiceAccountIdentifier contoso\ADFSService$ -OverwriteConfiguration -ErrorAction Stop

Next step: Deploy Work Folders with AD FS and Web Application Proxy: Step 2, AD FS Post-Configuration Work

See Also

Work Folders