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IPv4 - RIP - Interface - Properties Page - General Tab

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2

Use this tab to configure basic Routing Information Protocol (RIP) settings for the interface, including the RIP operational mode, and the version of RIP used.

Dialog box element Description

Operation mode

Lists the available operation modes. You can select one of two operation modes:

  • Auto-static update mode sends out RIP announcements only when other routers request an update. Routes learned over RIP while in auto-static mode are marked as static routes when they are stored in the routing table. If you start and stop the router or if RIP is disabled, these routes remain in the routing table until they are manually deleted. Auto-static update mode is the default for demand-dial interfaces.

  • Periodic update mode sends out RIP announcements periodically, as specified in Periodic announcement interval on the Advanced tab. Routes learned over RIP while in periodic mode are marked as RIP routes and are removed if the router is stopped and restarted. Periodic update mode is the default for local area network (LAN) interfaces.

Outgoing packet protocol

Lists the available protocols for outgoing RIP announcements. You can use the following protocols to send route announcements over the interface:

  • RIP version 1 broadcast: RIP version 1 announcements are sent as broadcasts.

  • RIP version 2 broadcast: RIP version 2 announcements are sent as broadcasts. If you have a mixed environment with RIP versions 1 and 2, select this protocol.

  • RIP version 2 multicast: RIP version 2 announcements are sent as multicasts. Select this protocol only if all the neighboring RIP routers on the network that is connected to this interface are also RIP version 2 routers that are configured for RIP version 2. A RIP version 1 router cannot process a RIP version 2 multicast announcement.

  • Silent RIP: Disables outgoing RIP announcements on this interface. In silent mode, the computer listens to RIP announcements and updates its routing table but does not announce its own routes.

Incoming packet protocol

Lists the available protocols for incoming RIP announcements. You can use the following protocols to receive RIP packets from other routers:

  • Ignore incoming packets: Ignores announcements. If you want a router that only announces routes, select this option.

  • RIP version 1 and 2: Accepts announcements of both types.

  • RIP version 1 only: Accepts only RIP version 1 announcements.

  • RIP version 2 only: Accepts only RIP version 2 announcements.

Added cost for routes

The cost associated with sending packets over this interface. Type a value, or click the arrows to select a new value. When routes are added to the routing table, this number is added to the hop count as advertised in the RIP message. By default, this value is 1 to indicate the additional hop as created by the receiving router. If you want to associate a higher cost with the route, set a higher cost (for example, if you have a heavily trafficked route that you do not want used unless other routes are unavailable). The accumulated costs/hops for the farthest nodes on the IP network must not exceed 15.

Tag for announced routes

A tag number for the routes advertised on this interface. Use this option if you want all packets sent over this interface to include a tag in RIP version 2 announcements.

Activate authentication

Specifies whether you want to enable authentication by using a plaintext password for RIP version 2 announcements over this interface. All incoming and outgoing RIP version 2 packets must contain the same plaintext password. Therefore, you must enable this option and configure the same password for all routers that are connected to this interface. This option is a form of identification. It is not a security option.


A password between 1 and 16 characters long. This password is sent as plaintext in the RIP version 2 message for authentication between neighboring RIP version 2 routers.

Additional references