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RRAS IGMP Socket Operation

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) maintains host group membership on a local subnet. Hosts use IGMP to communicate multicast group membership requests with their local multicast router. Routers receive the group membership requests and periodically send queries to determine which host groups are active or inactive on the local subnet.

Socket operation for IGMP involves the configuration of the router to receive packets from the neighboring router.



Event ID Source Message



IGMP was unable to receive an incoming message on the local interface with IP address: %1. The data is the error code.



IGMP was unable to send a packet from the interface with IP address: %1 to the IP address: %2. The data is the error code.



IGMPv2 was unable to request notification of events on the socket for the local interface with IP address: %1. The data is the error code. User Action: Check for low memory; invalid arguments; unsupported socket type; unsupported address family by the considered protocol family; already in use address; socket is already connected; no route to host; or insufficient memory available. For all cases except insufficient memory, check for socket connection configuration. In the case of insufficient memory, restart the system.



IGMP was unable to create a socket for the local interface with IP address: %1. The data is the error code. User Action: Check for low memory; invalid arguments; unsupported socket type; unsupported address family by the considered protocol family; already in use address; socket is already connected; no route to host; or insufficient memory available. For all cases except insufficient memory, check for socket connection configuration. In the case of insufficient memory, restart the system.



IGMP could not bind to port 520 on the socket for the local interface with IP address: %1.The data is the error code. User Action: Check for low memory; invalid arguments; unsupported socket type; unsupported address family by the considered protocol family; already in use address; socket is already connected; no route to host; or insufficient memory available. For all cases except insufficient memory, check for socket connection configuration. In the case of insufficient memory, restart the system.



IGMP could not request multicasting on the local interface with IP address: %1. The data is the error code.



IGMP could not set router alert option on the local interface with IP address: %1. The data is the error code.



IGMP could not set the IP header include option on the interface with IP address: %1. The data is the error code.


Routing and Remote Access Service Infrastructure