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RD Gateway Server Connections

Applies To: Windows Server 2008 R2

For remote clients to successfully connect to internal network resources (computers) through a Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) server, clients must meet the conditions specified in at least one Remote Desktop connection authorization policy (RD CAP) and Remote Desktop resource authorization policy (RD RAP). RD CAPs specify who can connect to an RD Gateway server and the authentication method that must be used. RD RAPs specify the computers that clients can connect to through an RD Gateway server.

Note: A limit can be set on the RD Gateway server to restrict the maximum number of simultaneous client connections.


Event ID Source Message



The user "%1", on client computer "%2", met connection authorization policy requirements and was therefore authorized to access the RD Gateway server. The following authentication method was used: "%3".



The user "%1", on client computer "%2", did not meet connection authorization policy requirements and was therefore not authorized to access the RD Gateway server. The following authentication method was attempted: "%3". The following error occurred: "%5".



The administrator disconnected the user "%1", on client computer "%2", from the following network resource: "%4". Before the user was disconnected, the client transferred %6 bytes and received %5 bytes. The client session duration was %7 seconds.



The number of simultaneous connections to the RD Gateway server has reached the maximum number that was configured by the administrator. The server is therefore not accepting any new connections. The connection attempt by user "%1" on client computer "%2", using the authentication method "%3" has been denied. For information about how to modify the maximum connection limit, see the "Specify the Maximum Number of Allowable Connections for RD Gateway" topic in the RD Gateway Help.



The user "%1", on client computer "%2", did not meet the requirements of the Network Access Protection (NAP) policies defined in the Network Policy Server. Therefore, the user was not authorized to connect to the RD Gateway server. The following authentication method was attempted: "%3". The following error occurred: "%5".



The user "%1", on client computer "%2", met resource authorization policy requirements and was therefore authorized to connect to resource "%4".



The user "%1", on client computer "%2", did not meet resource authorization policy requirements and was therefore not authorized to resource "%4". The following error occurred: "%5".



The user "%1", on client computer "%2", connected to resource "%4".



The user "%1", on client computer "%2", disconnected from the following network resource: "%4". Before the user disconnected, the client transferred %6 bytes and received %5 bytes. The client session duration was %7 seconds.



The user "%1", on client computer "%2", met connection authorization policy and resource authorization policy requirements, but could not connect to resource "%4". The following error occurred: "%5".



The user "%1", on client computer "%2", was not authorized to connect to this RD Gateway server because the authentication method attempted by the user is not supported. The following authentication method was attempted. "%3". The following error occurred: "%5".



The user "%1", on client computer "%2", was not authorized to connect to the RD Gateway server because a tunnel could not be created. The following authentication method was attempted: "%3". The following error occurred: "%5".



The user "%1", on client computer "%2", disconnected from the following network resource: "%3" because the session exceeded the session timeout limit of "%4" minutes.
At the time the user was disconnected:
Client transferred: %5 bytes
Client received:%6 bytes
Client session duration: %7 seconds
The user can try reconnecting again to the network resource.



The user "%1", on client computer "%2", met RD resource authorization policy (RD RAP) requirements but the network resource "%5" did not meet the requirements, so the connection was not authorized. Try connection to another network resource or possibly lower RD Gateway security by modifying the RD RAP requirements for the connection to be authorized.



The user "%1", on client computer "%2", was disconnected from the following network resource: "%4" because of a failure during reauthentication/reauthorization.
At the time the user was disconnected:
Client transferred: %6 bytes
Client received: %5 bytes
Client session duration: %7 seconds
The user can try reconnecting again to the resource by using a valid username and password.



The user "%1", connected by using client computer "%2" to the network resource "%3" was successfully reauthenticated/reauthorized after a session timeout of %4 minutes. No user action is required.



The user "%1", on client computer "%2", did not connect to the following network resource: "%4" because the remote computer does not support secure device redirection. Try selecting another network resource or possibly lower RD Gateway security by modifying RD CAP to allow client connections to resources that do not enforce device redirection.



The Remote Desktop Gateway service cannot determine the version of Windows that this computer is running. Therefore, users cannot connect to this RD Gateway server. To resolve this issue, please contact Microsoft Product Support Services. The following error occurred: "%2".

Remote Desktop Gateway

Remote Desktop Services