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Use an Include File

Applies To: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2

Applies to: Active Directory Migration Tool 3.2 (ADMT 3.2)

When you migrate a large number of users, groups, or computers, it is more efficient to use an include file. An include file is a text file in which you list the user, group, and computer objects that you want to migrate, with each object on a separate line. You can list users, groups, and computers together in one file or you can create a separate file for each object type.

After you create the include file (or files), specify the name of the file during migration. The Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT) accesses the file for the appropriate information.

To specify an include file

From an ADMT wizard

From the command line

To specify an include file from an ADMT wizard

  • On the:

    • Computer Selection Option page of the Computer Migration Wizard

    • User Selection Option page of the User Account Migration Wizard

    • Group Selection Option page of the Group Account Migration Wizard

      Click Read objects from an include file. When the prompt appears, specify the location of the include file.

To specify an include file from the command line

  • At a command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:

    admt computer /sd:<SourceDomain> /td:<TargetDomain> /F:<IncludeFileName>


For the appropriate command-line syntax for migrating users and groups, search for "admt user" and "admt group" in ADMT Help.

The following information describes the fields of an include file and provides examples of each field:

SourceName Field

The SourceName field specifies the name of the source object. You can specify either an account name or a relative distinguished name. If you only specify source names, it is optional to define a header on the first line in the file.

The following example includes a header line indicating the SourceName field and a source object name that is specified in several formats. The second line specifies an account name. The third line specifies an account name in Windows NT 4.0 account name format. The fourth line specifies a relative distinguished name.





TargetName Field

You can use the TargetName field to specify a base name which is used to generate a target relative distinguished name, a target Security Accounts Manager (SAM) account name and a target user principal name (UPN). The TargetName field cannot be combined with other target name fields that are discussed below.


The target UPN is generated only for user objects, and only a UPN prefix is generated. A UPN suffix is appended using an algorithm that depends on whether a UPN suffix is defined for the target organizational unit (OU) or for the target forest. If the object is a computer, the target SAM account name includes a "$" suffix.

Given the following example input, the target relative distinguished name, target SAM account name, and target UPN generated are "CN=newname", "newname" and "newname" respectively.


oldname, newname

TargetRDN, TargetSAM and TargetUPN Fields

You can use the TargetRDN, TargetSAM, and TargetUPN fields to specify the different target names independently of each other. You can specify any combination of these fields in any order. The TargetRDN specifies the target relative distinguished name for the object.

The TargetSAM specifies the target SAM account name for the object. Note that for computers the name must include a "$" suffix in order to be a valid SAM account name for a computer.

The TargetUPN specifies the target user principal name (UPN) for the object. You can specify either just the UPN prefix or a complete UPN name (prefix@suffix). If the name that you specify contains " "or "," characters, you must enclose the name in double quotation marks ("). In addition, a "," character must be preceded with a "\" escape character or the operation will fail and ADMT will record an invalid syntax error in the log file.


oldname, **CN=**newname


oldname, "CN=New RDN", newsamname


oldname, "CN=last, first", newsamname, newupnname



Use this format when you are renaming user objects, for example, to accommodate specifying a target domain of a different domain for the target UPN. For more information, see Rename Objects During Migration.

oldname, newsamname, newupnname**@**, **"CN=**New Name"


You can also rename objects during migration by using an include file. For more information about how to use an include file, see Rename Objects During Migration.