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Step 4: Install SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition with Failover Clustering

Applies To: Windows HPC Server 2008

As described in the “Domain account requirements” section in Overview and Requirements for Windows HPC Server 2008 in a Failover Cluster, you need a domain user account, a domain security group, and a service account for the SQL Server Services in order to install SQL Server 2005. Make sure that you add the domain user account (because you are the installer) and the SQL service account to your security group before starting this process.

This section describes how to install SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition with failover clustering:

  1. Set up SQL Server 2005 on the two-server failover cluster

  2. Apply Service Pack 2 for SQL Server 2005

  3. Reboot the servers in the failover cluster

  4. Reconfirm failover

  5. Associate a public network address with the HPC cluster name (optional)

Set up SQL Server 2005 on the two-server failover cluster

This section describes how to set up SQL Server 2005 on the two-server failover cluster that you installed. The Setup for SQL Server 2005 with failover clustering is run once in the cluster. During Setup, you select the two servers that you have already configured in the failover cluster. SQL Server 2005 installs on the selected servers.

These step-by-step instructions are derived from the comprehensive reference: How to: Create a New SQL Server Failover Cluster (Setup) ( The instructions documented here include additional information relevant to this guide. However, we strongly recommend reading the comprehensive document before installing SQL Server 2005 with failover clustering.

To set up SQL Server 2005 on the two-server failover cluster

  1. Although you will be running SQL Server 2005 Setup from only one server in the failover cluster, we recommend that you log on to both servers before starting Setup.

  2. Insert the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 DVD into your DVD drive. If the SQL Server Installation Wizard does not launch automatically, in the root directory of the DVD, double-click Setup application. If you are installing from a network location, share the installation files and connect to the location from the computer where you want to install SQL Server 2005.

  3. Progress through the End User License Agreement page, the installation of the SQL Server component update (the software that is required before installing SQL Server 2005), and the Welcome page.

  4. On the System Configuration Check page, the installation computer is scanned for conditions that may block Setup. If the scan reports any errors, identify the error and click Exit. You are not able to complete the installation until blocking errors are removed.

    For more information about configuration check items, see System Configuration Check (SCC) (

  5. Progress through the Microsoft SQL Server Installation page and the Registration Information page.

  6. On the Components to Install page, select the components for your installation. Be sure to select SQL Server Database Services and then Create a SQL Server failover cluster.

  7. On the Instance Name page, click Named Instance, and then type ComputeCluster. This is the instance name that Setup for HPC Pack 2008 looks for.

  8. On the Virtual Server Name page, type a unique instance name for your installation, for example, SQLCluster1. This name is used to identify this instance of SQL Server on your network. The name must be unique on your network, and it must be different from the names of the failover cluster and cluster nodes. For more information about instance naming rules, see Instance Configuration (


    The virtual SQL Server name is different from the name that you provided for the failover cluster (the “access point” for administering the cluster). When you provided the name for the failover cluster (for example, Failover_Cluster1), a computer account (object) was created in Active Directory. When you provide the virtual SQL Server name, another computer account is created in Active Directory, and this account is owned by the computer account that was created for the failover cluster. More important, however, is that the virtual SQL Server name will be referenced by clients. (Clients will not use the name of the failover cluster or the names of the servers in the failover cluster.)


    The Virtual Server Name page appears only if Setup detects that it is running on a server that has been configured with failover clustering. If the Virtual Server Name page does not appear, cancel Setup and configure the servers for failover clustering before setting up SQL Server 2005.

    Click Next.

  9. On the Virtual Server Configuration page, select the network that you have designated as the private network and then type a static IP address that you chose for the cluster, as described in the “Network infrastructure requirements” section in Overview and Requirements for Windows HPC Server 2008 in a Failover Cluster.

    The static IP address must be valid for the private network and must not already be allocated. Click Add, and after the IP address and subnet are displayed, click Next.

    For more information, see Virtual Server Configuration (

  10. On the Cluster Group Selection page, under Available cluster groups, select the clustered instance (clustered resource group) that you created in the "Configure a clustered instance (clustered resource group) to use for SQL Server" section of Step 3: Set Up Failover Clustering and File Services for Servers in the Failover Cluster. The clustered instance contains the disk you selected for use by SQL Server 2005. Do not choose Available Storage.

    The path to the SQL Server data files is listed, and the drive letter in the Data files text box should correspond to the disk in the clustered instance. If you select the group that contains the witness disk, a warning is displayed recommending that you do not install to this resource. For more information about this wizard page, see Cluster Group Selection (

    Click Next.

  11. On the Cluster Node Configuration page, make sure that the second node (cluster server) appears under Selected nodes. Usually, this happens automatically. If it does not, select the server from the Available Nodes list and then click Add. If the second node is listed under Unavailable Nodes, note the reason that is listed for the node being unavailable. It probably indicates that there was an error during System Configuration Check that needs attention.

    For more information, see Cluster Node Configuration (

    Click Next.

  12. On the Remote Account Information page, type the password for the account that you are using to set up SQL Server 2005. This account must be a valid administrator account on both servers in the failover cluster. The credentials that you provide are used only during SQL Server Setup to configure SQL Server on each server in the failover cluster.

    For more information, see Remote Account Information (

    Click Next.

  13. On the Service Account page, specify the username, password, and domain name for the SQL Server service accounts. (For more information, see the “Domain account requirements” section in Overview and Requirements for Windows HPC Server 2008 in a Failover Cluster.) You can use one account for all of the services. All service accounts for a failover cluster instance must be domain accounts.

    For more information, see Service Accounts (Clusters) (


    Do not use a full Domain Name System (DNS) name. For example, if your DNS name is, use my-domain-name in the Domain field.

    Click Next.

  14. On the Domain Groups for Clustered Services page, provide a DomainName\GroupName for each clustered service being installed. (For more information, see the “Domain account requirements” section in Overview and Requirements for Windows HPC Server 2008 in a Failover Cluster.) If you provide a group that you have not already added your account to, you will have to quit Setup for SQL Server 2005, log out and back in, add your account to the group, and restart Setup for SQL Server 2005. This will refresh your current token and ensure that there are no inconsistencies as you continue with your configuration.

    For more information, see Domain Groups for Clustered Services (

    Click Next.

  15. On the Authentication Mode page, you can accept the default settings, unless you want to choose a specific authentication mode. Click Next.

  16. On the Collation Settings page, you can accept the default settings, unless you want to choose a specific sorting behavior for your server. For more information, see Collation Settings (

    Click Next.

  17. On the Error and Usage Report Settings page, you can select the check boxes or leave them cleared.

    For more information, see Error and Usage Report Settings (

    Click Next.

  18. On the Ready to Install page, review the summary of features and components for your SQL Server installation, and then click Install.

  19. To monitor installation progress on individual servers, on the Installation Progress page, in the Node list box, select the server name. Installation can take several minutes. Setup progress is displayed for the selected server.

    To view the log file for a component during installation, on the Setup Progress page, click the product or status name. (Later in Setup for SQL Server 2005, you can also open the Failover Cluster Management snap-in and monitor changes in the SQL Server resource group.)

  20. You should see a pop-up window that says “All resources did not come online and therefore you will need to manually set the failover cluster restart option.” This is a known issue that will be fixed when you apply Service Pack 2 for SQL Server 2005, as described in the next section. Click OK, and then click Next.

  21. On the Completing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup page, you can view the Setup summary log by clicking the link provided on this page. To exit the SQL Server Installation Wizard, click Finish.

  22. The SQL Fulltext resource will fail. This is a known issue that will be fixed when you apply Service Pack 2 for SQL Server 2005, as described in the next section.

Apply Service Pack 2 for SQL Server 2005

After setting up SQL Server 2005 on the failover cluster, apply SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2. As with Setup for SQL Server 2005, the Setup program for the service pack will detect the failover cluster installation and then prompt for the names of the servers in your failover cluster.

For more information, see Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 (

To install SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2

  1. Start Setup for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2. (If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue.)

    On the Welcome page, click Next.

  2. Progress through the License Terms page, and then click Next.

  3. On the Feature Selection page, leave all check boxes selected, and then click Next.

  4. On the Authentication page, choose the authentication mode that you want to use for your SQL Server installation. Accepting the default settings is sufficient. To proceed, click Next.

  5. On the Remote User Account page, supply the credentials that you logged in with. This allows Setup for SQL Server 2005 to run on the both servers in the failover cluster.

  6. On the Error and Usage Reporting Settings page, optionally clear the check boxes to disable Error Reporting or Feature Usage Reporting. To proceed, click Next.

  7. On the Running Processes page, click Next, and then click Install. Warnings will be displayed about stopping processes. However, ignore these warnings and leave the processes running. Otherwise SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 will fail to install.

  8. The installation takes several minutes. On the Installation Complete page, click Next.

  9. On the Additional Information page, clear the check box labeled Launch the User Provisioning Tool for Windows Vista after SP2 installation completes, and then click Finish.

Reboot the servers in the failover cluster

After SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 is installed, you must reboot both servers in the failover cluster. You can use the following commands to reboot the servers:

shutdown –m \\<OtherServerName> -r –t 0

shutdown –r –t 0

Next, log in to both servers and choose one to install HPC Pack 2008 on first. You can also start the Failover Cluster Management snap-in to watch the changes in the failover cluster as the installation of HPC Pack 2008 progresses.

Reconfirm failover

To reconfirm that failover clustering is configured correctly, you can run a basic failover test to fail over and fail back the services that you just configured.

To run a basic test of failover

  1. To open the failover cluster snap-in, click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Failover Cluster Management. (If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue.)

  2. In the console tree, if the failover cluster that you created is not displayed, right-click Failover Cluster Management, click Manage a Cluster, and then select the cluster.

  3. In the console tree, expand the failover cluster that you created.

  4. In the console tree, expand Services and Applications, and then click the item that you created for Windows HPC Server 2008.

  5. In the Actions pane, click Move this service or application to another node, click the Move command that appears, and if prompted to confirm your action, click Move again.

  6. In the center pane, the status of the service changes, and near the top, the Current Owner changes.

  7. To move the service back to the original server, repeat step 5.

Associate a public network address with the HPC cluster name (optional)

This step is optional. Follow this procedure if you want to use the HPC Cluster Manager interface from another server (not the servers in the failover cluster).

To associate a public network address with the HPC cluster name

  1. Log on to a server in the failover cluster.

  2. Click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Failover Cluster Management. (If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue.)

  3. In the console tree, if the failover cluster that you created is not displayed, right-click Failover Cluster Management, click Manage a Cluster, and then select the cluster.

  4. In the console tree, expand the failover cluster that you created.

  5. In the left pane, click Services and Applications, and then click the item that you created for Windows HPC Server 2008.

  6. Under Server Name, right-click the resource that has the HPC cluster name, and then select Take this resource offline. If prompted, confirm your action.

    This also causes SQL Server to go offline.

  7. With the HPC cluster name still selected, in the Actions pane, click Add a resource, click More Resources, then click Add IP Address.

  8. Under Other Resources, right-click the new resource called IP Address: <not configured>, and then click Properties.

  9. On the General tab, select your public network from the Network list, select DHCP enabled, and then click OK.

  10. To verify the new settings, right-click the resource, and then click Bring this resource online.

  11. Under Server Name, right-click your Name: <HPC cluster name> resource, and then click Properties.

  12. Click the Dependencies tab, click Click here to add a dependency, and then select the newly created IP address resource (for example, “IP address: Address on Cluster Network <x>”). Click OK.

  13. To verify that the new IP address is functioning correctly, under Server Name, right-click the HPC cluster name and then click Bring this resource online. If it comes online, in the console tree, right-click the item that you created for Windows HPC Server 2008 and then click Bring this service or application online. SQL Server 2005 detects the new IP address and opens a socket with that address.


    Before you can use the HPC Cluster Manager interface from another server (not the servers in the failover cluster), the DNS address registration must complete replication.