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ADKSetup Command Line Syntax

ADKSetup.exe uses the following syntax when you run it in a Command Prompt window. You can specify the options in any order.

ADKSetup [/features [{ + | <featureID> [ …] }] [{/installpath <path> | /layout [<path>]}] [{/norestart | /forcerestart | /promptrestart}] [/q] [/l*<path_to_file>*] [/ceip {on | off}]

ADKSetup/uninstall [/features [<featureID> [ …] ] [{/norestart | /promptrestart | /forcerestart}] [/q] [/l <path_to_file>] [/ceip {on | off}]



ADKSetup {/? | /help | /h}

The following table describes the usage of each command option. These options are not case sensitive.

Option Parameter Description




Specifies whether users can opt in to a customer experience improvement program (CEIP), which sends anonymous usage data to Microsoft. If you also specify the /layout option, the CEIP applies only to data about the current download. If you omit the /layout option, the CEIP setting is saved to the registry of the local computer and applies to all Windows kits installed on the computer, including the Hardware Certification Kit (HCK) and Windows Driver Kit (WDK).

If you omit this option, the behavior is off.




Overrides the default directory and file name of the ADK Setup log file. If you specify this option, you must specify the full path and the file name, including the file name extension. If you omit this option, ADK Setup writes the file to the %TEMP%\ADK directory.




Specifies how ADK Setup behaves if it requires a restart in order to finish. If a restart is not required, these options have no effect.

  • /forcerestart closes applications and restarts the computer without prompting the user.

  • /norestart does not close applications or restart the computer, and does not notify the user that a restart is required to complete ADK Setup.

  • /promptrestart notifies the user that a restart is necessary and lets the user decide whether to restart.

If you specify the /q option, ADK Setup ignores all of the restart options, and the behavior is /forcerestart.

If you specify two or all three of these options, the behavior is the option that occurs last.

If you omit all three of these options, the default behavior is /promptrestart.



Runs ADK Setup without displaying the user interface. If an error message would normally appear, ADK Setup writes that error message to the log file.




Specifies whether to only download the installation files, or to download them and then install them locally.

/installpath downloads installer files and then installs the Windows ADK locally. The <path>argument is required, and specifies the directory into which ADK Setup installs the features. If Windows ADK features were previously installed on this computer and the path that you specify does not match the previous path, an error occurs.

/layout downloads installer files but does not install them locally. You can use this option to download ADK Setup for a later installation of Windows ADK features on a computer that does not have Internet access. You can use this option only if you are running ADK Setup from the Internet. The <path> argument is optional; if you omit it, Windows ADK Setup stores installer files in the %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\Windows Kits\8.1\ADK directory.

If you specify both options, the behavior is /layout.

If you omit both options, the behavior is /installpath.




Installs the Windows ADK features that you specify as arguments.

  • To install all features, specify only the + argument.

    For example:

    adksetup /features +

  • To install only specific features, specify the feature identifiers as a space-separated list.

    For example:

    adksetup /features feature1 feature2


If you specify the /layout option, you cannot use the /features option. You can use the /features option only when the installation behavior is /installpath.

To see a list of the <featureID> values that you can specify, type adksetup /list.

If you specify a space-separated + argument in addition to one or more feature identifiers, ADK Setup ignores the feature identifiers and installs all features.


Removes from the computer the Windows ADK features that you specify in the /features option. If you do omit that option, ADK Setup removes all Windows ADK features.


Reinstalls all of the Windows ADK features that are already installed on the computer.


Lists the Windows ADK features that are available to install or download.




Displays command-line syntax and help information.

Windows ADK Features

The following table shows the feature identifier for each Windows ADK feature. When you run ADKSetup.exe in a Command Prompt window, you can use the feature identifier as the parameter of the /features option, in order to specify features to install or remove.

Feature Identifier

Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT)


Deployment Tools


Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE)


User State Migration Tool


Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT)


Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT)


Windows Assessment Toolkit


Windows Assessment Services — Client


Windows Assessment Services


Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Express


.NET Framework


ADK Installation Log Files

To review installation logs, see %temp%\adk.

See Also


Installing the Windows ADK
Download Windows ADK to an offline PC
Supported Platforms for the Windows ADK
What's New in the Windows ADK for Windows 8.1