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Windows XP and Earlier

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Vista

This section enables you to locate and to diagnose existing compatibility fixes, compatibility modes, and AppHelp messages for some of the issues that you might experience.

For example, if you have an application window that appears to be running off the desktop, you can determine that the fix might appear in the Display Issues topic. After you open the topic, you can scroll through the symptoms listed until you find one that resembles your issue, and then you can then add the related compatibility fix name to your customized database for deployment.

In This Section

16-bit Issues

Application Removal Issues

Clipboard Issues

Color Palette Issues

Display Issues

Execution Failure Issues

Exit Failure Issues

File I-O Issues

Focus Issues

Graphics Control Issues

Installation Failure Issues

Keyboard Input Issues

Miscellaneous Issues

Multimedia Issues

Network Connection Issue

Permissions Issue

Printing Issues

Registry Issues

Start Menu and Shortcuts Issues

Startup Failure Issues

Telephony API Issues

Versioning Issues

Windows Management Issues

See Also


Known Compatibility Fixes, Compatibility Modes, and AppHelp Messages
Compatibility Administrator Tool