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IExpress Wizard for Windows Server 2008 R2 with SP1


Update: The retired, out-of-support Internet Explorer 11 desktop application has been permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10. For more information, see Internet Explorer 11 desktop app retirement FAQ.

Use the IExpress Wizard and its associated command-line options to create self-extracting files that automatically run your custom Internet Explorer Setup (.inf or .exe file) program that’s contained inside.

IExpress Wizard location

The IExpress Wizard (Iexpress.exe) is included as part of Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), in the <system_drive>:\Windows\System32 folder. The wizard uses a self-extraction directive (.sed) file to store your package’s information. When you run the wizard, you have the option to start with an existing .sed file or to create a new one.

IExpress Wizard features

The IExpress Wizard:

  • Performs silent, unattended installations of your custom IE packages.

  • Supports upgrading IE without removing previous installations.

  • Supports repeated updating or performing clean installations of the same IE build.

IExpress Wizard settings

The IExpress Wizard lets you:

  • Decide whether the self-installing package is for administrators or for general employees.

  • Set multiple ways to run the installation command, such as in normal or silent mode.

  • Determine whether the IExpress dynamic-link libraries (.dll files) are updated on an employee’s computer.

  • Determine the compatibility of the installation package, based on the operating system version range, the browser version range, or any application version range.

  • Update and add files to the IExpress package, using the UPDFILE tool, without having to rebuild the package.

  • Replace Runonce with RunOnceEx (if the newer version of Iernonce.dll exists); giving you control over the job run order and status display.

  • Let corporate administrators set up support for roaming employees.

  • Let Internet Content Providers (ICPs) and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) generate packages for preconfigured desktops with custom, current content.

  • Save disk space by cleaning up the hard drive when running in Setup, uninstallation, and maintenance modes.

  • Provide support for multiple download sites.

  • Provide support for internal and external development, customization, expandability, and enhanced debugging.

  • Provide support for the extended character set, beyond single-byte characters (SBCS).

  • Provide support for using the .inf file format to download Internet components. For more information, see Use the uninstallation .INF files to uninstall custom components.