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Internet Explorer Administration Kit 11 (IEAK 11) Customization Wizard options


Update: The retired, out-of-support Internet Explorer 11 desktop application has been permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10. For more information, see Internet Explorer 11 desktop app retirement FAQ.

Use the Internet Explorer Administration Kit 11 (IEAK 11) and the Internet Explorer Customization Wizard 11 to customize your browser install packages for deployment to your employee's devices.

IE Customization Wizard 11 options

IEAK 11 lets you customize a lot of Internet Explorer 11, including the IE and Internet Explorer for the desktop experiences. For more info about the experiences, see Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) - Deployment Guide for IT Pros. For info about which pages appear in the Internal or External version of IE Customization Wizard 11, see Determine the licensing version and features to use in IEAK 11.

Internet Explorer Customization Wizard 11 page Browser experience Description
Custom Components Internet Explorer for the desktop Add up to 10 additional components that your employees can install at the same time they install IE.
Internal install Internet Explorer for the desktop Choose to set IE11 as the default browser.

This only applies to IE11 on Windows 7 SP1

User Experience Internet Explorer for the desktop Control the installation and restart experience for your employees.

This only applies to IE11 on Windows 7 SP1

Browser user interface Internet Explorer for the desktop Customize your title bars and toolbar buttons.
Search Providers Both Import and add Search providers.
Important URLs – Home page and Support The Support page is supported by both experiences. The Home page is only supported on Internet Explorer for the desktop. Add URLs for your Home and Support pages.
Accelerators Internet Explorer for the desktop Import and add default accelerators.
Favorites, Favorites Bar and Feeds Internet Explorer for the desktop Import and add items to the Favorites folder, the Favorites Bar, and the Feeds folder.

You can turn off the entire Suggested Sites feature from this page.

Browsing Options Doesn't apply. The choices that you make on this page affect only the items shown on the Favorites, Favorites Bar, and Feeds page. Choose how to manage items in the Favorites folder, the Favorites Bar, and the Feeds folder. You can also turn off the Microsoft-default Favorites, Web slices, links, feeds, and accelerators.
First Run Wizard and Welcome Page Options Internet Explorer for the desktop Decide if the First Run wizard appears the first time an employee starts IE. You can also use the IE11 Welcome page, or link to a custom Welcome page.
Compatibility View No longer supported This functionality has been removed for IE11. For more information, see Missing the Compatibility View Button.
Connection Manager No longer supported This functionality has been removed for IE11.
Connection Settings Both Choose whether to customize your connection settings. You can also choose to delete old dial-up connection settings.
Automatic Configuration Both Choose whether to automatically detect configuration settings and whether to turn on and customize automatic configuration.
Proxy Settings Both Turn on and set up your proxy servers.

We don't support Gopher Server anymore.

Add a Root Certification No longer supported This functionality has been removed for IE11.
Security and Privacy Settings The Security Zones and Privacy settings are supported by both experiences. The Content Ratings are only supported on Internet Explorer for the desktop. Decide if you want to:
  • Customize your security zones and privacy settings
  • -OR-

  • Import your current security zones and privacy settings
  • -AND-

  • Customize your content ratings settings
  • -OR-

  • Import your current content ratings settings
Programs Internet Explorer for the desktop Decide your default programs or import your current settings.
Additional Settings Both Decide how to set up multiple IE settings that appear in the Internet Options box.