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About Platform Builder

Microsoft® Platform Builder is an integrated development environment (IDE) for building customized embedded platforms based on the Microsoft Windows® CE .NET operating system (OS). Platform Builder comes with all the development tools necessary for you to design, create, build, test, and debug a Windows CE–based platform. The IDE provides a single integrated workspace in which you can work on both platforms and projects.

In This Section

  • Platform Creation
    Offers an explanation about using the New Platform Wizard, which you can use to create a platform. Provides information about the build system that Platform Builder is based on, including the Platform Builder platform and OS directories.
  • Platform Customization
    Describes how you can customize a platform using a variety of methods, such as adding a project or run-time files to a platform, modifying shared source code, or localizing the platform.
  • Platform Debugging and Testing
    Provides information about debugging and testing platforms and applications, using a variety of tools, ranging from the Emulator to the remote tools to the Windows CE .NET Test Kit.
  • Integrated Development Environment
    Describes the Platform Builder IDE user interface and the integrated applications that you can use to work with projects, such as resources and resource editors, and source code control systems.
  • Platform Builder Reference
    Describes the command-line tools and add-ins that you can use with Platform Builder to create and customize a design template that you can build to create an run-time image for download to a target device.
  • Microprocessor Reference
    Contains information about microprocessors that Windows CE .NET supports through a variety of development tools, including compilers, intrinsic functions that allow full optimization, and assemblers for tasks that cannot be supported in other ways.
  • Microsoft C Run-time Library for Windows CE .NET
    Contains information about the Microsoft C Run-Time Library for Windows CE global variables and standard types, global constants, functions, vprintf functions, and generic text mappings.
  • Platform Builder Tutorials
    Introduces the Platform Builder IDE and demonstrates how you can create customized embedded platforms for a wide range of target devices

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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