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Adding BIB Information to a .cec File

Once you have completed the implementation information for your feature, you need to add binary image builder (BIB) information to a Catalog feature (.cec) file. The BIB Information block is used to integrate features into the final OS image. There can only be one BibInfo block per implementation; however, each File sub-block can contain one or more BibRecord entries. For more information, see Binary Image Builder File.

  1. In your .cec file (for example, MyFeature.cec), enter or edit the following block:

    BibInfo (
       Files (
          File (
             GUID(<GUID Value>)
             CPU( "x86" )
             BibRecord( '#MODULES( "MyFeature.dll", "$(_WINCEROOT)\PUBLIC\<MyPlatform>\hello\CEPC__X86Rel\MyFeature.exe", "NK", "" )' )
  2. For the GUID element, enter a unique ID.

    Although GUIDs are automatically generated for any structure that does not supply one, it is strongly recommended that you supply your own GUIDs for your features to ensure consistency. You can use the GUIDGEN tool to create a new GUID. GUIDGEN.exe is located in the %_WINCEROOT%\SDK\BIN\i386 directory. For more information, see GUIDs and UUIDs.

  3. For the CPU element, specify which microprocessor is supported.

  4. For the BibRecord element, enter values to be included in the Modules and Files sections of the Project.bib file. For example, the BibRecord element entered in the previous example is written to the Project.bib file as follows:

    ;  Name          Path                                 Memory   Type
    :  ------------  --------------------------------------------------
    myfeature.exe    $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\myfeature.exe     NK       S

    Note   For more information about how these parameters are used, see Sample .cec Files.

See Also

Adding a .cec File to the Catalog | Removing a .cec File from the Catalog | Sample .cec Files | Binary Image Builder File

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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