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Custom Download Service Creation

To write your own download service, you must support the interfaces that the default download services support. For information about the interfaces that the default download services support, see Download Service Selection.

You must support the IDownload and _IDownloadProgress interfaces and the methods derived from these interfaces. In particular, you must support the IDownload::DownloadImage, _IDownloadProgress::OnProgressNotify, and IDownload::JumpToImage methods. The IDownload::DownloadImage method transfers the OS image to your target device. The _IDownloadProgress::OnProgressNotify method provides a connection point through which to provide notification of the progress of a download. The IDownload::JumpToImage method transfers control to the entry point of the downloaded OS image.

In the top-level Platman directory for Platform Manager, the code sample in the Sdk\Wce420\Samples\ServiceClient directory shows how to use and test a download service.

Platform Manager provides a Download_wizard.awx file that assists you in creating a COM wrapper for a custom download service. With the COM wrapper, the download service can interact with the Platform Builder IDE.

The Download_wizard.awx file is a template for Microsoft® Visual C++® version 6.0 or later. You can find the Download_wizard.awx file in the Sdk\Wce420\Wizards directory in the top-level directory for Platform Manager.

To use the template, copy the Download_wizard.awx file to the Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin\IDE directory. You can then run Visual C++ and use the template.

See Also

Kernel Connectivity

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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