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URL Action Flags

The following table shows the values associated with the actions that can be taken in a URL security zone.

Constant Description
URLACTION_ACTIVEX_CONFIRM_NOOBJECTSAFETY The user can decide whether to load and script a Microsoft® ActiveX® control that is not safe.
URLACTION_ACTIVEX_CURR_MAX The current maximum value of the URL action ActiveX flags.
URLACTION_ACTIVEX_MAX The maximum value of the URL action ActiveX flags.
URLACTION_ACTIVEX_MIN The minimum value of the URL action ActiveX flags.
URLACTION_ACTIVEX_OVERRIDE_DATA_SAFETY Determines if ActiveX safety for untrusted data can be overridden.
URLACTION_ACTIVEX_OVERRIDE_OBJECT_SAFETY Determines if the ActiveX control object safety is overridden or enforced for pages in the URL security zone. Object safety should be overridden only if all ActiveX Controls and scripts that might interact with them on pages in the zone can be trusted not to breach security. This is an aggregate of URLACTION_ACTIVEX_OVERRIDE_DATA_SAFETY and URLACTION_ACTIVEX_OVERRIDE_SCRIPT_SAFETY.
URLACTION_ACTIVEX_OVERRIDE_SCRIPT_SAFETY Determines whether ActiveX safety for scripting is overridden.
URLACTION_ACTIVEX_RUN Manages the execution of ActiveX Controls and plug-ins from HTML pages in the zone.
URLACTION_AUTHENTICATE_CLIENT Determines the strength of client authentication when the user's credentials are used over the network. This URL action does not have any effect if the URL action URLACTION_CREDENTIALS_USE is assigned the URL policy URLPOLICY_CREDENTIALS_ANONYMOUS_ONLY.
URLACTION_CHANNEL_SOFTDIST_MAX The maximum value of a URL action Software Update Channel flag.
URLACTION_CHANNEL_SOFTDIST_MIN The minimum value of a URL action Software Update Channel flag.
URLACTION_CHANNEL_SOFTDIST_PERMISSIONS Determines the level of trust placed on Software Update Channels.
URLACTION_COOKIES Determines if HTTP persistent cookies are allowed.
URLACTION_COOKIES_SESSION Determines if HTTP session cookies are allowed.
URLACTION_CREDENTIALS_USE Determines how the user's credentials are used over the network.
URLACTION_CROSS_DOMAIN_DATA Determines if the resource is allowed to access data sources across domains.
URLACTION_DOWNLOAD_CURR_MAX The maximum value of the URL action download flags.
URLACTION_DOWNLOAD_MAX The maximum value of a URL action download flag.
URLACTION_DOWNLOAD_MIN The minimum value of a URL action download flag.
URLACTION_DOWNLOAD_SIGNED_ACTIVEX Manages the download of signed ActiveX Controls from the URL zone of the HTML page that contains the control.
URLACTION_DOWNLOAD_UNSIGNED_ACTIVEX Manages the download of unsigned ActiveX Controls from the URL zone of the HTML page that contains the control.
URLACTION_HTML_CURR_MAX The current maximum value of the URL action HTML flags.
URLACTION_HTML_FONT_DOWNLOAD Determines if HTML font downloads are allowed.
URLACTION_HTML_JAVA_RUN Determines if Java language applets are allowed to run.
URLACTION_HTML_MAX The maximum value of the URL action HTML flags.
URLACTION_HTML_MIN The minimum value of the URL action HTML flags.
URLACTION_HTML_SUBFRAME_NAVIGATE Determines if subframes are allowed to navigate across different domains. This value was introduced for Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.
URLACTION_HTML_SUBMIT_FORMS Determines if HTML forms on pages in the URL security zone, or submitted to servers in the zone, are allowed. Aggregate of the URLACTION_HTML_SUBMIT_FORMS_FROM and URLACTION_HTML_SUBMIT_FORMS_TO flags.
URLACTION_HTML_SUBMIT_FORMS_FROM Determines if form submissions from pages in the security zone are allowed. This flag is part of the URLACTION_HTML_SUBMIT_FORMS aggregate flag.
URLACTION_HTML_SUBMIT_FORMS_TO Determines if form submissions to a server in the security zone are allowed. This flag is part of the URLACTION_HTML_SUBMIT_FORMS aggregate flag.
URLACTION_HTML_USERDATA_SAVE Determines if user data persistence is enabled. This value was introduced for Internet Explorer 5.
URLACTION_JAVA_CURR_MAX The current maximum value of the URL action Java language flags.
URLACTION_JAVA_MAX The maximum value of URL action Java language flags.
URLACTION_JAVA_MIN The minimum value of URL action Java language flags.
URLACTION_JAVA_PERMISSIONS Determines the Java language permissions for the zone.
URLACTION_NETWORK_CURR_MAX The current maximum value of URL action network flags.
URLACTION_NETWORK_MAX The maximum value of URL action network flags.
URLACTION_NETWORK_MIN The minimum value of URL action network flags.
URLACTION_SCRIPT_CURR_MAX The current maximum value of a URL action script flag.
URLACTION_SCRIPT_JAVA_USE Determines whether script code on HTML pages in the URL security zone is allowed to use Java language applets if the properties, methods, and events of the applet are exposed to scripts.
URLACTION_SCRIPT_MAX The maximum value of a URL action script flag.
URLACTION_SCRIPT_MIN The minimum value of a URL action script flag.
URLACTION_SCRIPT_OVERRIDE_SAFETY Do not use ActiveX safety for objects created by scripts.
URLACTION_SCRIPT_PASTE Determines if scripts can do paste operations. This value was introduced for Internet Explorer 5.
URLACTION_SCRIPT_RUN Determines if script code on the pages in the URL security zone is run.
URLACTION_SCRIPT_SAFE_ACTIVEX Determines if scripting of safe ActiveX Controls is allowed.
URLACTION_SHELL_CURR_MAX The current maximum value of a URL action shell flag.
URLACTION_SHELL_FILE_DOWNLOAD Determines if file downloads are permitted from the URL security zone of the HTML page with the link that is causing the download.
URLACTION_SHELL_INSTALL_DTITEMS Determines if desktop items can be installed.
URLACTION_SHELL_MAX The maximum value of a URL action shell flag.
URLACTION_SHELL_MIN The minimum value of a URL action shell flag.
URLACTION_SHELL_MOVE_OR_COPY Determines if move or copy operations are allowed.
URLACTION_SHELL_VERB Determines if launching of applications and files is permitted from the URL security zone.
URLACTION_SHELL_WEBVIEW_VERB Determines if executable files and HTML pages can be launched from WebView. There is no user interface that affects this URL action.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Urlmon.h, Urlmon.idl.

 Last updated on Saturday, April 10, 2004

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