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Celog.lib and Remote Kernel Tracker

The Celog.lib file provides the Remote Kernel Tracker tool with the system data that it displays. Celog.lib is a mechanism that links to the OS on the target device and collects data related to system events when they occur.

Celog.lib is not restricted to providing data to the tool. A proprietary viewer can use raw data from Celog.lib as a data source. However, the viewer must first be configured to correctly interpret data generated by Celog.lib.

Celog.lib generates data that is divided into collection zones. Remote Kernel Tracker displays display data from all underlying Celog.lib collection zones if the OS image on the target device includes a profiling kernel. If the OS image does not include a profiling kernel, the tool displays data from a subset of the group of Celog.lib collection zones.

See Also

Event Tracking

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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