Freigeben über

Fonts Implementation Considerations

You can include the Fonts features in your platform by choosing the features from the Catalog. Choosing the Font features sets the appropriate environmental variables for enabling the features

The following table shows the Sysgen variables that enable the Font features.

Sysgen variable Description
SYSGEN_FONTS_ARIAL_1_30 When this variable is set, the Arial (Subset 1_30) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Arial (Subset 1_30) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_ARIALBD When this variable is set, the Arial Bold font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Arial Bold font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_ARIALBI When this variable is set, the Arial Bold Italic font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Arial Bold Italic font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_ARIALI When this variable is set, the Arial Italic font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Arial Italic font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_ARIALK When this variable is set, the Arial Black font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Arial Black font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_COMIC When this variable is set, the Comic Sans MS font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Comic Sans MS font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_COMICBD When this variable is set, the Comic Sans MS Bold font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Comic Sans MS Bold font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_COUR_1_30 When this variable is set, the Courier New (Subset 1_30) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Courier New (Subset 1_30) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_COURBD When this variable is set, the Courier New Bold font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Courier New Bold font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_COURBI When this variable is set, the Courier New Bold Italic font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Courier New Bold Italic font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_COURI When this variable is set, Courier New Italic font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Courier New Italic font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_GEORGIA When this variable is set, the Georgia font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Georgia font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_GEORGIAB When this variable is set, the Georgia Bold font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Georgia Bold font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_GEORGIAI When this variable is set, the Georgia Italic font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Georgia Italic font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_GEORGIAZ When this variable is set, the Georgia Bold Italic font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Georgia Bold Italic font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_GL_CE When this variable is set, the Gulim (GL_CE) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Gulim (GL_CE) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_GULIM_1_30 When this variable is set, the Gulim and GulimChe (Subset 1_30) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Gulim and GulimChe (Subset 1_30) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_GULIM_1_40 When this variable is set, the Gulim and GulimChe (Subset 1_40) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Gulim and GulimChe (Subset 1_40) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_GULIM_1_50 When this variable is set, the Gulim and GulimChe (Subset 1_50) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Gulim and GulimChe (Subset 1_50) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_GULIM_1_60 When this variable is set, the Gulim and GulimChe (Subset 1_60) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Gulim and GulimChe (Subset 1_60) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_IMPACT When this variable is set, the Impact font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, Impact font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_KINO When this variable is set, the Kino font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Kino font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_MINGLIU When this variable is set, the MingLiU and PMingLiU font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the MingLiU and PMingLiU font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_MINGLIU_2_70 When this variable is set, the MingLiU and PMingLiU (Subset 2_70) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the MingLiU and PMingLiU (Subset 2_70) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_MINGLIU_2_80 When this variable is set, the MingLiU and PMingLiU (Subset 2_80) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the MingLiU and PMingLiU (Subset 2_80) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_MINGLIU_2_90 When this variable is set, the MingLiU and PMingLiU (Subset 2_90) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the MingLiU and PMingLiU (Subset 2_90) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_MSGOTHIC When this variable is set, the MS Gothic, MS PGothic, and MS UI Gothic font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the MS Gothic, MS PGothic, and MS UI Gothic font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_MSGOTHIC_1_50 When this variable is set, MS Gothic, MS PGothic, and MS UI Gothic (Subset 1_50) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the MS Gothic, MS PGothic, and MS UI Gothic (Subset 1_50) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_MSGOTHIC_1_60 When this variable is set, the MS Gothic, MS PGothic, and MS UI Gothic (Subset 1_60) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the MS Gothic, MS PGothic, and MS UI Gothic (Subset 1_60) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_MSGOTHIC_1_70 When this variable is set, the MS Gothic, MS PGothic, and MS UI Gothic (Subset 1_70) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the MS Gothic, MS PGothic, and MS UI Gothic (Subset 1_70) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_MSGOTHIC_1_80 When this variable is set, the MS Gothic, MS PGothic, and MS UI Gothic (Subset 1_80) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the MS Gothic, MS PGothic, and MS UI Gothic (Subset 1_80) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_MSGOTHIC_1_90 When this variable is set, the MS Gothic, MS PGothic, and MS UI Gothic (Subset 1_90) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the MS Gothic, MS PGothic, and MS UI Gothic (Subset 1_90) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_MSGOTHIC30 When this variable is set, the MS Gothic and MS PGothic (Subset 30) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the MS Gothic and MS PGothic (Subset 30) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_MSGOTHIC30_1_19 When this variable is set, the MS Gothic and MS PGothic (Subset 30_1_19) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the MS Gothic and MS PGothic (Subset 30_1_19) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_MSLOGO When this variable is set, the MSLogo font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the MSLogo font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_MSMINCHO When this variable is set, the MS Mincho and MS PMincho font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the MS Mincho and MS PMincho font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_MSMING When this variable is set, the MS Ming font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the MS Ming font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_SIMSUN When this variable is set, the SimSun and NSimSun font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the SimSun and NSimSun font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_SIMSUN_2_20 When this variable is set, the SimSun and NSimSun (Subset 2_20) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the SimSun and NSimSun (Subset 2_20) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_SIMSUN_2_50 When this variable is set, the SimSun and NSimSun (Subset 2_50) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the SimSun and NSimSun (Subset 2_50) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_SIMSUN_2_60 When this variable is set, the SimSun and NSimSun (Subset 2_60) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the SimSun and NSimSun (Subset 2_60) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_SIMSUN_2_70 When this variable is set, the SimSun and NSimSun (Subset 2_70) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the SimSun and NSimSun (Subset 2_70) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_SIMSUN_2_80 When this variable is set, the SimSun and NSimSun (Subset 2_80) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the SimSun and NSimSun (Subset 2_80) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_SIMSUN_2_90 When this variable is set, the SimSun and NSimSun (Subset 2_90) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the SimSun and NSimSun (Subset 2_90) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_SUNFON When this variable is set, the SC_Song font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the SC_Song font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_SYMBOL When this variable is set, the Symbol font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Symbol font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_TAHOMA_1_07 When this variable is set, the Tahoma (Subset 1_07) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Tahoma (Subset 1_07) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_TAHOMABD When this variable is set, the Tahoma Bold font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Tahoma Bold font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_TIMES_1_30 When this variable is set, the Times New Roman (Subset 1_30) font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Times New Roman (Subset 1_30) font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_TIMESBD When this variable is set, the Times New Roman Bold font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Times New Roman Bold font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_TIMESBI When this variable is set, the Times New Roman Bold Italic font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Times New Roman Bold Italic font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_TIMESI When this variable is set, the Times New Roman Italic font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Times New Roman Italic font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_TREBUC When this variable is set, the Trebuchet MS font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Trebuchet MS font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_TREBUCBD When this variable is set, the Trebuchet MS Bold font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Trebuchet MS Bold font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_TREBUCBI When this variable is set, the Trebuchet MS Bold Italic font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Trebuchet MS Bold Italic font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_TREBUCIT When this variable is set, the Trebuchet MS Italic font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Trebuchet MS Italic font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_VERDANA When this variable is set, the Verdana font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Verdana font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_VERDANAB When this variable is set, the Verdana Bold font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Verdana Bold font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_VERDANAI When this variable is set, the Verdana Italic font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Verdana Italic font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_VERDANAZ When this variable is set, the Verdana Bold Italic font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Verdana Bold Italic font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_WEBDINGS When this variable is set, the Webdings font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Webdings font is excluded from the image.

SYSGEN_FONTS_WINGDING When this variable is set, the Wingding font is included in the OS image.

When this variable is not set, the Wingding font is excluded from the image.

See Also

Fonts Overview

 Last updated on Friday, April 09, 2004

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