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What's New

Microsoft® Windows® CE .NET 4.2 contains the following broad range of new and enhanced features:

  • Microsoft ClearType® support for Graphics Primitive Engine (GPE)-based display drivers and the use of the software emulation library with GPE
  • Four prequalified Bluetooth profiles: Dial-up Networking Profile, LAN Access Profile, Object Push Profile, and File Transfer Profile
  • New drivers, including Flash Media, HID, and Unified Keyboard
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows CE now includes Internet Explorer 6.0 features, Multiple Language (MLANG) support, and more cascading style sheets (CSS)
  • Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP), a protection mechanism for EAP communication between an EAP client and an EAP authenticator
  • New base configurations, including Digital Media Receiver, Enterprise Terminal, Gateway, and IP Phone
  • Improved Windows CE .NET Test Kit (CETK) features and a new Modular Stress Test for the CETK
  • How-to Help topics, which provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to use the command line and the Platform Builder IDE to accomplish large-scale development tasks.
  • Image maps integrated into Help, which offer workflow and architecture diagrams containing links to topics detailing the Windows CE operating system (OS) and platform development process.

For more information on the new OS features, see New OS Features.

The following table shows the new Platform Builder 4.2 features.

Feature Description
Base configurations Base configurations serve as starting points for the creation of an OS image. The new configurations in Platform Builder 4.2 include:
  • Digital Media Receiver, which provides functionality for a wide range of devices, for which media delivery is the key feature. For more information, see Digital Media Receiver Configuration.
  • Enterprise Terminal, which can be configured in various ways to fit your needs. For more information, see Enterprise Terminal Configuration.
  • Gateway, which provides connection-sharing services from a single Internet connection to a number of computers and other devices on an internal private network. For more information, see Gateway Configuration.
  • IP Phone, with which you can build a basic or advanced Internet Protocol (IP) Phone device. This configuration includes all necessary networking infrastructure, a Voice over IP (VoIP) middleware layer, and a user interface to build an advanced IP Phone with logging capability. For more information, see IP Phone Configuration.
CETK context-sensitive Help A feature that displays Help for a selected CETK test. Information about the test appears when you right-click the test, and then choose Test Information.

Online Help for each CETK dialog box is now available.

Emulator features The Emulator contains the following new features:
  • Ability to run different versions of the Emulator side-by-side on a development workstation
  • Faster data transfer rate over the direct memory access (DMA) transport
  • Ability to map a directory to a Windows CE OS running in the Emulator window, which enables you to use the Emulator to test and develop an application that requires an additional drive or storage device
Improved CETK features The improved CETK features show both the CETK tests that the target device supports and the remaining tests that the CETK could run if the target device supported the hardware required by those tests. Categories of unsupported tests are identified by a red backslash (\) through the name of the category. Displaying unsupported tests provides a means to see all the tests that the CETK offers and a way to recognize when there is a problem detecting hardware that the target device is designed to support or a problem with the hardware or driver itself.

CETK support for headless devices is now also available.

Modular Stress Test for the CETK A test consisting of a test harness and multiple test modules. The set of ready-to-use test modules are primarily designed to stress a Windows CE-based platform to assess the stability of the platform.
Tools provided with the CETK An Application Verifier tool, a CPU Monitor tool, a Print Screen tool, and a Scripting Host tool.

The Application Verifier tool assesses the stability of an application and detects common programming mistakes. The CPU Monitor tool shows the CPU and memory usage of a Windows CE–based device. The Print Screen tool takes a screen shot and saves the screen shot as a bitmap (.bmp) file on the target device. The Scripting Host tool is a Microsoft ActiveX® scripting host.

For more information about each of these tools, in Windows CE .NET 4.2 Test Kit Help, see Tools.

CE Tux Dynamic-Link Library A new type of project for Platform Builder 4.2. This project provides the framework for a module that defines a test for the CETK. With this feature, you can add your own code to the framework and then build the project to create a custom test module. The Tux test harness for the CETK can then execute this module to add the functionality of the test to the CETK.

Help Updates

For more information about updating Windows CE .NET Help, see Documentation Updates.

See Also

Supported Microprocessors | Getting Started | Finding Information in Help

 Last updated on Wednesday, April 14, 2004

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