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EWFMGR Unable to Find EWF Volume


The error "Unable to find Ewf volume" is displayed after running EWF Manager.


Check the C:\Windows\FBA\FBALOG.txt file for information about the EWF initialization. The initialization can fail for a number of reasons. Try the following:

  • Verify that there is enough space on the disk for the EWF volume, and that there are no more than three partitions or logical drives on the disk. Also, verify that the EWF volume can be created in your disk configuration:

    • If your hard disk contains only primary partitions, the EWF volume will be created in the unallocated disk area. The EWF volume cannot be created if there is insufficient space in the unallocated disk area.
    • If your hard disk contains an extended partition, the EWF volume will be created in the free space within the extended partition. If there is insufficient space in the extended partition, the EWF volume cannot be created, even if there is unallocated space after the extended partition.

    - or -

  • Verify that you are using a specific disk driver in your run-time image, and not a generic disk driver. If you use EWF with a generic disk driver, the EWF volume may not always be created.

See Also

Troubleshooting Enhanced Write Filter| EWFMGR Returns an Invalid File Handle

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

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