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XSLT Methods

Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) uses the methods listed in the following table.

Method Description
absoluteChildNumber Returns the number of the node relative to all siblings.
ancestorChildNumber Returns the number of the nearest ancestor of a node with the requested node name.
appendChild Appends newChild as the last child of this node.
childNumber Returns the number of the node relative to siblings of the same node name.
cloneNode Creates a new node that is an exact clone of this node.
depth Returns the depth within the document tree at which the specified node appears.
formatDate Formats the supplied date using the specified formatting options.
formatIndex Formats the supplied integer using the specified numerical system.
formatNumber Formats the supplied number using the specified format.
formatTime Formats the supplied time using the specified formatting options.
hasChildNodes Returns True if this node has children.
insertBefore Inserts a child node to the left of the specified node or at the end of the list.
removeChild Removes the specified child node from the list of children and returns it.
replaceChild Replaces the specified old child node with the supplied new child node in the set of children of this node, and returns the old child node.
selectNodes Applies the specified pattern-matching operation to this node's context and returns the list of matching nodes.
selectSingleNode Applies the specified pattern-matching operation to this node's context and returns the first matching node.
transformNode Processes this node and its children using the supplied Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) style sheet and returns the resulting transformation.
transformNodeToObject Processes this node and its children using the supplied XSLT style sheet and returns the resulting transformation in the supplied object.
uniqueID Returns the unique identifier for the supplied node.

* denotes an extension to the W3C DOM.

See Also

XSLT Reference | XML Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT)

 Last updated on Saturday, April 10, 2004

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