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Provides client-side protocol support for communication with HTTP servers.


A client computer can use the XMLHTTP object, MSXML2.XMLHTTP, to send an arbitrary HTTP request, receive the response, and have the Microsoft® XML Document Object Model (DOM) parse that response.

This object is integrated with the Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML) to support sending the request body directly from and parsing the response directly into the MSXML DOM objects. When combined with the support for Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL), the XMLHTTP component provides an easy way to send structured queries to HTTP servers and efficiently display the results with a variety of presentations.

The usual sequence is to call open, set any custom header information through setRequestHeader, followed by send, and then to check one of the four different response properties.

This interface inherits from IDispatch.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Msxml2.h, Msxml2.idl.

Setting Version-independent Version-dependent
ProgID Msxml2.XMLHTTP Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0
CLSID F6D90F16-9C73-11D3-B32E-00C04F990BB4 f5078f35-c551-11d3-89b9-0000f81fe221

See Also

IXMLHTTPRequest Members | DOMDocument

 Last updated on Saturday, April 10, 2004

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