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attributes Property

Contains the list of attributes for this node.

var objXMLDOMNamedNodeMap = oXMLDOMNode.attributes;

HRESULT get_attributes(
  IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap** attributeMap

General Remarks

This value depends on the value of the nodeType property.

Value Description







Always returns Null.
NODE_ELEMENT Returns IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap that contains a list of nodes corresponding to the attributes of the element.
NODE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION Returns null for all processing instructions except the XML declaration, for example,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" standalone="yes" ?>.

For the XML declaration, the version, encoding, and standalone specifications can be accessed as attributes from the corresponding node.

NODE_DOCUMENT_TYPE Values specified in the <!DOCTYPE ...> can be accessed as attributes from the node corresponding to the document type declaration. The names are "SYSTEM" and "PUBLIC". They are uppercase.


Returns IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap that exposes the PUBLIC ID, SYSTEM ID, and NDATA as attributes.

This property is read-only, and applies to the following objects and interfaces:

IXMLDOMAttribute, IXMLDOMCDATASection, IXMLDOMCharacterData, IXMLDOMComment, DOMDocument, IXMLDOMDocumentFragment, IXMLDOMDocumentType, IXMLDOMElement, IXMLDOMEntity, IXMLDOMEntityReference, IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap, IXMLDOMNode, IXMLDOMNotation, IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction, IXMLDOMText, and IXTLRuntime.

See Also

nodeType Property

 Last updated on Saturday, April 10, 2004

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