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JScript 5.5

Microsoft® JScript® 5.5 is a general-purpose, object-based scripting language that is based on the ECMA 262 language specification (ECMAScript Edition 3). With a few exceptions, to maintain backwards compatibility, JScript is a full implementation of the ECMA standard.

JScript will be familiar to anyone who uses C, C++, or the Java programming language. JScript features are described in JScript 5.5 Features.

In Microsoft® Windows® CE, Microsoft Internet Explorer provides the host for JScript interpretation; however, you can use JScript in any application that is capable of hosting Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript).

Detailed documentation on using JScript, including a language reference, tutorials, and samples, is available at this Microsoft Web site.

Information on the ECMA 262 language specification is available at the ECMA Web site.

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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