EnumUILanguagesProc (Windows CE 5.0)
This function is an application-defined callback function. It is called as a result of a call to the EnumUILanguages function, and receives a pointer to a string buffer containing a UI language identifier.
BOOL CALLBACK EnumUILanguagesProc(LPTSTR lpUILanguageString);
Pointer to a string buffer containing a null-terminated string that specifies the UI language identifier (LANGID). For example, the system-defined language identifier for English (United States) is 0x0409. For more information about language identifiers, see Language Identifiers and Locales.Note The lpUILanguageString parameter should be an LPWSTR for the Unicode (W) version of EnumUILanguagesProc.
Return Values
TRUE continues enumeration. FALSE stops enumeration.
EnumUILanguagesProc is a placeholder for an application-defined function name. An EnumUILanguagesProc function can carry out any desired task. An application registers an EnumUILanguagesProc function by passing its address to the EnumUILanguages function. A value of type UILANGUAGE_ENUMPROC is a pointer to an EnumUILanguagesProc function.
OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Windows.h.
Link Library: Coreloc.lib.
See Also
Language Identifiers and Locales | EnumUILanguages
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